Oppression Alert

What with all the civil liberties that the Bush Administration has gutted, I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before Martin Lewis is arrested and hauled off to an undisclosed location for backing an extraconstitutional military coup.

After all, the right to criticize the government was one of the rights the Bush Administration gutted, along with all those other rights, like…


Well, you know, all those other rights the Bush Adminstration gutted.

So long, Mr. Lewis.  I hope they don’t hurt you too bad before you end up being dumped in a back alley with a nine-millimeter aneurism.

5 thoughts on “Oppression Alert

  1. Careful, Mitch. RickDFL and angryclown will accuse you of harboring willingness to give away your civil liberties for a few extra bucks and a La-Z Boy.

    The latest example of this being the recently passed ‘spying’ bill, that Your Democrat Led Congress 1)wrote poorly, 2)gave the Executive Branch powers they didn’t ask for and 3)didn’t bother to read before voting on it.

    Yep, Mitch, get ready for the two-pronged assault.

  2. You guys got LA-Z BOYS?!
    All I got was Bush ‘04 bumper sticker.

    Yeah but if you worked for the Edwards’ campaign, I hear they’re giving out PlayStation 3’s but you have to get them from Wal-Mart 😉

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