False Flags II

These are the finalists:

To me, they all like the came from IKEA, and appear to have been designed to work as button icons on Android phones, but…

…the one on top, and the bottom right, offend me the least.

But let’s be honest – if on July 2 1863 the First Minnesota Regiment had gone into action behind any of these flags, Lee would have ended up sacking DC, NYC and Boston within a few weeks.

And the crop improved a bit from the semi-finalists:

Not sure if the committee noticed how redolent a flag with a five-pointed star would be of a Soviet, Nork or Red Chinese flag, or were anticipating the avalanche of jokes and not-so-jokes if they picked a flag that looked like, uh…

…the flag of Somalia.

Which seemed to have inspired a prett, er, impressive number of the original 2,600 submissions.

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