
The Nazis weren’t especially coy about their views on Jews. Hitler telegraphed his intent in Mein Kampf. The Nuremberg Laws were a pretty solid hint.

And yet in 1944 and 1945, as the wheels came off the Third Reich, they feverishly bulldozed the camps, shipped or force-marched the surviving inmates to other camps farther from the front, and tried to erase the record – because even the Nazis knew that their “final solution” wasn’t going to go over well with the outside world ,and could see war crimes trials in their futures.

Hamas, on the other hand, in carrying out the same mission as any of Hitler’s Einsatzgruppen, with the same exact methods they used in every shtetl in Eastern Poland (shooting, raping, smashing, burning), put it out on social media, with gleeful pride, to get eaten up by the gleeful masses of droogs on the “red/green” left…

….and, for whatever reason, ultra-right.

I was halfway through my trip when the worst atrocity agains the Jews, and one of the most ocncentrated orgies of violence against civilians since Rwanda, happened.

Ben Shapiro had probably one of the best hours of broadcasting ever last Monday. The video includes a lot of uncensored blood and gore and horrific violence in process – which is the point.

Here is is on Youtube, until it no doubt gets taken down.

Here’s the audio version, for when they do.

“Let’s not be picking black hats and white hats, here – this is a complicated situation”.

No, it’s not.

“The is a complicated situation”

Historically? Sure. .

In terms of this past week? Not complicated at all.

But let’s let you show us how complicated it *really really isn’t*. Answer this question; think of someone who did you wrong; the person who transgressed you worse than anyone in the world.

Q: What would it take for *you* to shoot that person in the face as he shielded his kids? What would it take for *you* to then rape, kill and mutilate his wife, to burn his siblings houses with his siblings and families inside, to give his daughter over to your rapey friends to haul off to another country to rape and kill, to saw his son’s head off, and use the other son as a human shield when the SWAT team arrived?

Did you answer “I would never do that?”

If not, why not?

It’s not a complicated answer at all. If you answered “No, under no circumstances would I do that”, it’s because you are not evil.

Which is what we’re talking about, here. Evil. There is no other word.

35 thoughts on “Evil

  1. Oh boy! Oh boy!

    Let’s open our borders to an influx of unvetted “refugees”!

    Uh, what? You mean we are already kinda doing that?

  2. Curious…

    Would head chopping muzzies be shooting Jews in the face, raping their wives and household pets if instead of Palestine, the UN had gifted 2/3 of Poland to the Jews?

    Or would the Free Polish Resistance Militia be flying planes into American skyscrapers if we had turned the Jewish homeland in Poland into a nuclear armed military camp that was continually building new Jewish suburbs in the remaining 1/3 of Polish Poland?

    Pffft. If neocon warmongers like Ben Shapiro, Bikebubble, Lindsay Graham and Mitch Berg are so fired up to go fight and die for Israel, or Ukraine for that matter, catch the next flight out to the front of your choice and have at it, lads.

    Those of us who not only have no d0g in those fights, but can clearly see there are no innocent victims on any side will stay here and deal with the 25 million, uneducated, unskilled, 75IQ welfare Dependants that have invaded Weimerica over the past 10 years.

  3. Think about what the Jews have done to the Palestinians in the light of what European settlers have done to native Americans.

  4. The planners of Operation Overlord estimated that 100,000 French civilians would be killed during and after the invasion of Normandy. The death of these already long suffering women, children, senior citizens would be tragic. The bombs and bullets would not differentiate between the Free French supporters or the Vichy traitors. Did that stop the Allies from stopping? The evil regime had to be defeated and the horrible collateral damage was to be avoided if possible but not at the expense of the ultimate goal.

  5. You’re kind of right, MP. America was conquered through force of arms. The creation we know as the State of Israel was condoned by a world tired of dealing with the situation.

  6. Blade, the problem with assigning blame based on history is that I can never tell where to stop looking back. Yom Kippur War? Partition of Palestine? The Ottoman Empire? The Roman Empire? Pharoah and Moses? Where does the ultimate fault lie and therefore whose descendants deserve to be raped before being beheaded, and what tactics are the warring parties allowed to use to redress their grievances?

    Too complex for me to arbitrate and more importantly it’s not my circus and they’re not my monkeys. I agree with America divesting itself from all our little proxy wars because if not America first, then who? Not willing to go farther than that as impromptu referee.

  7. I am trying to be as even handed as I can be, considering that I am a colonizer or settler myself.
    But it is weird that the media is busy chattering about civilian casualties in Gaza while not mentioning that the daily, ongoing rocket attacks on Israel by Hezbollah are indiscriminate and are intended to cause civilian casualties.

  8. The appeasement of evil has a long history. The consequences remain the same: Evil doesn’t shirk its task despite attempts to slow it by half-measures or the payment of tribute. The only difference between last weekend and the Holocaust is the scale and the weaponry. The actors are the same.
    I attended a well-known midwestern college in the late sixties. A fellow student was a Palestinian woman who kept many of my peers in thrall with her anti-Israel attitude. She was physically beautiful and intelligent, the product of a union between a Palestinian and an American Jew. She now teaches anthropology at Columbia. From her Wikipedia biography:
    “…the narrative of saving Muslim women has been used as a way to justify military interventions in Muslim countries. She deftly questions the motives of feminists who feel that Muslim women should be saved from the Taliban all the while injustices occur in their own countries. She argues that Muslim women, like women of other faiths and backgrounds, need to be viewed within their own historical, social, and ideological contexts.”
    An apologist for Muslim atrocity living among us. No doubt she’s been celebrating this week.

  9. For reference, the early acquisitions of land–say for the kibbutzim which were attacked last week–were purhases. So to claim that it would be analogous to stealig other peoples’ land fall short.

    Probably a better analogy would be to how the Prussians had an outsized role in bringing Germany into both world wars, and one of the remedies was to move those Prussians off their ancestral lands and into contact with their own German neighbors. More or less, “if you use your land to commit atrocities against your neighbors, don’t complain when you lose your land.”

    My take on the case of Gaza is that for a generation, they’ve been taught to be murderous against their neighbors, and the remedy for this is to deprive them not only of their arms, but also of the textbooks they’ve been using. Burn them all,
    and let the Israelis edit the new textbooks. Ban “Mein Kampf”. It is, really, what the Allies did with West Germany; the old nationalistic, Nazi narratives were removed from education and public discoures.

    Free speech, yes. Libel and slander, no.

  10. It would be great if “journalists” would stop talking about war crimes. All being found guilty of a “war crime” means is you lost. Remember Wesley Clark, 2004 Dem VP candidate & NATO General during the Balkan conflict in the early 90s? He admitted to committing war crimes in print (purposely bombing civilian infrastructure). Come to think of it, John Kerry admitted to committing war crimes in his “Winter Soldier” congressional testimony.

  11. Most heinous deeds are kept quiet until unearthed; there is a desire by perpetrators to cover up wrong-doing that is as strong as the desire to do wrong. Even the Nazis, when it was clear they were losing, sought to cover up the atrocities of the concentration camps.

    Atrocity committed for the purpose of terror is different, however. Perpetrators WANT to the world to know. That’s now the Nazis kept populations in Poland and Eastern Europe under control with a minimum of man-power: horrific actions against those who resisted. A prime example was the destruction of the village of Lidice in the Czech Republic, following the assassination of Heidrich in Prague. The village population – despite it having had nothing to do with the assassination
    attempt – was rounded up, every male 15 and older was shot, the women were taken to concentration camps, and every child was separated from their parents and ultimately gassed (except for about half a dozen considered Aryan enough to be adopted by Gestapo families). The village was then burned and bulldozed to remove any trace. Even the roads and the stream that ran through the village were rerouted to wipe it from the face of the map.

    And the Nazis were proud of it. They used their own propaganda to tell the world what they had done (unlike what they were doing with the concentration camps). They wanted Lidice to be an example that would cause people everywhere to fear them and not resist. It didn’t have that effect, however. Several towns around the world changed their name to Lidice in outrage of what had been done to the village and in support of the victims.

  12. He admitted to committing war crimes in print (purposely bombing civilian infrastructure – MP

    There is a wide moral gap between targeting civilian infrastructure and targeting civilians.

    There is also a wide moral gap between warning civilians that you are targeting an area and rushing as many civilians as possible into the area to generate the maximum count of martyrs.

    It is like saying, gosh, robbing a bank and shoplifting are both crimes, so they must be the same.

  13. There is a wide moral gap between targeting civilian infrastructure and targeting civilians.
    Live by legalisms, die by legalisms.
    The bias of the media is incredible. “These aren’t terrorists, they are militants.”
    Really? Which military code are they following? Who, specifically, is in command of them and is responsible for disciplining them if they violate this code?

  14. … also, I would note the press, which has a preponderance of American Jews, are giving cover to the treasonous Biden admin for the open borders policy. A a result, today:
    Two Iranians on the Terror Watchlist Captured Crossing U.S. Border

    Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security and Roberta Jacobson, National Security Council “border czar”, of the Biden admin are also American Jews who stand behind the open border for the US.

  15. To show how indiscriminate Hamas has been, I read a story about a woman, originally from St. Paul, Cindy Flash, that spent a couple of decades “fighting” for the rights of Palestinians. She was married to the son of Holocaust survivors and they were living in Israel. The terrorists broke down the door to their security room and murdered them both. Her daughter reported that the last text she received from her mother, “They are breaking down the door. Someone needs to get over here now.”

  16. American Jews are culturally bourgeois. If I can generalize, American Jews seem to think that being bourgeois, a member of the educated and managerial class, is the highest aim a person can achieve. This is a cultural, not a racial thing, some Jews have even written about this Jewish obsession with becoming middle and upper middle class (Stephen Zweig, for example). The Jews aren’t out to get America any more than any other group of people who believe in sacrificing their own desires so that their children can become doctors, lawyers, and academics.

  17. Israel is attacking Hezbollah in Lebanon….I must have missed the part where they were shooting Jews in the face, raping girls and household pets, but no matter. Israel’s greatest ally now has 2, count ’em, 2 aircraft carrier groups floating off the coast, so why not go for broke?

    Pedo Joe is now calling for Israel to restrain themselves, reminding them its not nice to slaughter civilians (which will probably upset the white phosphorous lovers here) and assuring Iran he doesn’t blame them.

    Lmao….what a shit show.

  18. Thanks for the update, Blade, but it doesn’t change my analysis: still not our circus, still not our monkeys, still not our war to referee. We should butt out of their problems to concentrate on solving our own.

    If not America First, then who?

  19. Trump was right; Pedo Pete, along with his puppet master Obumbler, will get us into WWIII. Many of these SJWs protesting in the streets, will end up getting drafted. Pedo Pete and a few more of the uniparty war mongers are already talking about reinstatement of a draft. Just like Vietnam, they will focus on blacks from low income areas, especially if they are not down with the lefty program.

    Apparently, those people are worried about it, too! A data analyst friend, who follows Google trends, tells me the the 1-2 most searched topics since August are; will I have to go to war? and at what age can I be drafted?

  20. Speaking of Nazis, looks like the Jews have embraced and enhanced the 100 – 1 retaliation ratio employed by the SS.

    The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has been tracking deaths in the conflict since 2008 and its data shows that 5,600 Palestinians died up to 2020 while 115,000 were injured.

    250 Israelis died during the same period while 5,600 were injured

    I forget who said it first, but the Palestinians are the poster children for the “When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose” population.

    I’m sure Israel will build many fine suburbs on the rubble when they’d through with Gaza, and there’s not much left of the Palestinian possession left in the West bank.

    Once they’re put out into the desert, the IDF should be able to complete the final solution of the Palestinian problem pretty quickly….then Weimerica can move it’s war machine to South Africa and finish off the remaining Boer population.

  21. Only 250 deaths among Isrealis from 2006 to today, Kremlin “sheets” Tom? There were more than that at the concert on October 7 alone. With brilliant comments like that, you’re going to get your picture by the definitions for “stupid” and “bigot”.

    Yes, the PLO/Hamas has been using their neighbors as human shields for a while, firing rockets from their hospitals and elementary schools at Israeli hospitals and elementary schools. The people seem to tolerate this because first of all they’ve been trained to value getting themselves killed in order to kill Jews, and second because Hamas will kill anyone who gets in their way.

    Solution; go through Gaza, house by house, confiscate all weapons and all Hamas-inspired textbooks. Sorry, but when Hamas sent out a thousand guys to kill unarmed innocents, they entered Nazi territory, and hence the solution needs to be along the lines of what was done to the Nazis. If civilians don’t like that, then….they need to try the wild idea of “not voting Nazis into office.”

  22. “Only 250 deaths among Isrealis from 2006 to today”

    No, dickhead. From 08 to 2020. With reading comprehension like that you’re going to get your picture next to old and stupid.

    “Solution; go through Gaza, house by house,”

    Lol…you old, busted, warmongering neo cons are always ready to send someone else into the shit, ain’t ya? Why don’t you head over and snatch books out of the hands of those Nazis, tuff guy?

  23. Say lads, this is even better than white phosphorus, eh?

    CNN (Mr. Bubble’s go to source for news):

    Hundreds likely dead in Gaza hospital blast, as Israeli blockade cripples medical response

  24. “On Tuesday, Israeli warplanes hit two densely populated refugee camps and an UNRWA school housing displaced people in central Gaza killed at least 18 people and injured scores”

    Lmao…what a shitshow

  25. Churchill was originally opposed to “war crimes” trials for the Nazis after WW2. He was a “just take them out out and shoot them,” victor’s justice guy. But he changed his mind after the Nuremberg defendants proved not to be brave soldiers, accepting the judgement of history for their actions. Instead they were whiny and tried to blame their superiors.

  26. Yo, Kremlin/Nuremberg Tom, look at what you actually wrote. “Deaths since 2008”

    Pro tip; full quotes, links to reputable sources. Probably would crimp your style, though.

    And yes, I’m in favor of treating Gaza in the same way we treated Nazi Germany after they surrendered. As people saw footage of the atrocities their former government had done, they agreed that it was a good idea to get rid of the old Nazi propaganda. Same here.

  27. MMP, Sherman had a similar change of heart as Churchill, although in the opposite direction.

    Initially, following the lead of his Confederate peer, Robert E Lee, WT Sherman forbade the wanton destruction and looting among the civilian populations his army encountered. In fact, in1863 Lincoln signed the so called Lieber Code which forbade the destruction of private property among civilians unless a military necessity.

    But he soon developed a taste for destruction and ordered his troops to pillage and burn a 50 mile wide swath the length and breadth through Georgia, starting in Atlanta and culminating in Savannah which they did, adding a bit of rape and outright murder here and there.

    But he and his men fully sated their animal rage in Columbia SC, burning 1/2 of the city to the ground, deliberately killing hundreds of women and “Rebel born” children.

    He was never tried for war crimes, because in victory lies complete absolution.

    The Israelis have a long history of targeting hospitals, schools and refugee camps. They are never held to account, and wont be this time, either.

  28. I’m in favor of treating Gaza in the same way we treated Nazi Germany after they surrendered.

    Me too, Mr. Bubble…so when do the airdrops of food, water, clothes and medical supplies start?

  29. MMP, WT Sherman had a similar change of heart as Churchill, although in the opposite direction.

    Initially, following the lead of his Confederate peer, Robert E Lee, WT Sherman forbade the wanton destruction and looting among the civilian populations his army encountered. In fact, in1863 Lincoln signed the so called Lieber Code which forbade the destruction of private property among civilians unless a military necessity.

    But he soon developed a taste for genocide and ordered his troops to pillage and burn a 50 mile wide swath the length and breadth through Georgia, starting in Atlanta and culminating in Savannah which they did, adding a bit of r@pe and outright murder here and there.

    But he and his men fully sated their animal rage in Columbia SC, burning 1/2 of the city to the ground, deliberately killing hundreds of women and “Rebel born” children.

    He was never tried for war crimes, because in victory lies complete absolution.

    The Israelis have a long history of targeting hospitals, schools and refugee camps. They are never held to account, and wont be this time, either.

  30. Mr. Bubble drunkenly babbled: “Yo, Kremlin/Nuremberg Tom, look at what you actually wrote. “Deaths since 2008””

    Blade’s actual copy/pasted quote:

    “No, dickhead. From 08 to 2020.”

    Sober up, old fella.

  31. Kremlin/Nuremberg rally Tom’s actual quote:

    The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has been tracking deaths in the conflict since 2008 and its data shows that 5,600 Palestinians died up to 2020 while 115,000 were injured.

    250 Israelis died during the same period while 5,600 were injured

    Like I said.

  32. What you drunkenly wrote: ““Deaths since 2008””

    What I correctly wrote: “since 2008 and its data shows that 5,600 Palestinians died up to 2020”

    Sober up. Drunken babbling isn’t a good look for a fella your age.

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