The Democrat War On Women, Part MCMCLVXXI

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:


Wow, that’s kind of impressive.
Obama sets immigration policy  – immigrants get 100% of jobs for women
American women end up unemployed, barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen.
But its the Republicans who wage war on women.
Damn that Bush!
Joe Doakes

I’m detecting a pattern, here.

6 thoughts on “The Democrat War On Women, Part MCMCLVXXI

  1. Idea for a hit TV series: Country Swap!
    All the Latin Americans — all of them — move to the US, only to discover that all the real Americans have moved south of the Rio Grande! The only anglos left are environmentalists and corporate diversity trainers. While things go bad pretty fast in the new-style Norte America, down Mexico way things are hopping! The new residents of what they call Southern-Southern California have elected Fred Thompson president and are making mucho bucks fracking the Hell out of the Sierra Madre and manufacturing and exporting nuclear powered flying cars.
    But all is not well in Southern-Southern California. A pair of ex-Norte Americanos, a one time puppy-mill operator and her evil sidekick, an ex compliance officer for medium-sized company you would be embarrassed to admit you work for, are working to destroy the prosperous republic on behalf of an arch-villain known only the initials HRC.
    I’m pretty sure you could say it was based on a DC comic. Not one of the new ones, one of the old ones from the 1940s.

  2. Prussian…..there was a chance (or so I read somewhere) that the US could have seized the Baja California peninsula back when we took over the SW US. If that would have happened, you’d have a Florida-like state on the west coast also. US style democracy and capitalism would have been good.

  3. Chuck, it would have given real Americans a handy place to herd all the slobbering, leftist reprobates to with a much shorter fence line to guard.

  4. Emery could have run for El Presidente…just copy and paste Howard Dean’s campaign.

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