Divide And Conquer

For years, I’ve been pointing out potemkin gun-grab groups – “Sportsmen for Gun Control” and the like.

As Michelle Malkin notes, this is part of a larger strategy of t creating and/or funding “moderate” groups trying to create an impression of “moderate” “grass-roots” groundswell

Of course we’ve seen this in Minnesota; in addition to the phony “sportsmens'” groups (not to mention buying instant media), the entire Tom Horner campaign was floated (or, more accurately, funded) by the left to try to sap votes from Tom Emmer. 

Lesson:  Check every “group’s” pedigree.  Odds are they’ll turn out no more substantial than, say, “Protect” MN



6 thoughts on “Divide And Conquer

  1. ” the entire Tom Horner campaign was floated (or, more accurately, funded) by the left”

    You can camouflage a skunk by painting the stripe down its’ back, but it will still stink of skunk.

  2. As a latecomer to the internet, I eventually learned to investigate the actual source of many of the things I found there that I seemed to agree with the most (posts, stories, forwards, etc.).

    This has now proven true with political or other causes that ask for my time, money or support; if it seems to suit my interests beyond a doubt, start digging before getting involved and don’t be surprised by what’s uncovered …

  3. Weinstein: “I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”

    Probably won’t be many of the 5M NRA members attending his flick. dickhead

  4. I suspect that the film is already a sure bet for many of those self-abusive awards that the people in that industry give each other to make themselves feel good. I support the weasel’s right to make a film. However his expectation that people will be changed by it is a bit self indulgent, even for people like him.

    As pointed out by a reader in the article’s comment section: There already was a movie in which guns were banned and only government entities had them. It was called Schindler’s List … Thanks to Kel for the attachment.

  5. It seems to me that there was also one about Stalin’s confiscation of firearms during the commie purge. Interestingly enough, he was largely responsible for the German army making such rapid progress when they invaded Russia. During said purge, many experienced military officers from all over the country, that might have been able to organize a faster response, were executed because, like the Democrats today, he feared them. Fortunately, there were a lot of citizens that hid some guns and if recall, ordinary citizens actually fired the first shots at the invaders.

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