Dear Lord: If I Eat My Veggies And Be A Good Person…

Michael Bloomberg is pondering entering the race:

Buoyed by the still unsettled field, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is growing increasingly enchanted with the idea of an independent presidential bid, and his aides are aggressively laying the groundwork for him to run.

I’m inclined to support him on principle.

No, not for President.  Just as a candidate.  He’ll soak up ten Democrat votes for every Republican vote he lands.

Go, Mike!

One thought on “Dear Lord: If I Eat My Veggies And Be A Good Person…

  1. Ug! This:

    “You know,” he replied, “if it’s a three-way race, the public has more choice than if it’s a two-way race, and has more choice in a two-way race than a one-way race. Why shouldn’t you have lots of people running, and what’s magical about people who happen to be a member of a party?”

    makes me think he is stupid. While it is very likely that he realizes most people don’t know or care about what makes a two party system work, this is pretty “lowest common denominator” talk directed at people who probably aren’t listening at this time in the campaign. “Why shouldn’t you have lots of people running?” You mean like right now, Mike?

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