Mayor Of The MOB: Nominations Are Open

It’s been a solid two years since the Minnesota Organization of Bloggers last elected a Mayor.  Since Joe “Learned Foot” Tucci pulled the plug on Kool Aid Report, the lights at the MOB Secretary of State’s office have been off, the power bill’s gone unpaid, and the screen door is banging in the breeze – so nobody’s had time to hold the traditional election.

Seal of the Mayor of the MOB

Seal of the Mayor of the MOB

The incumbent mayor, Johnny Roosh – who writes for this blog – has served, de facto, two terms as Mayor.  It’s time to oil up the wheels of democracy and take them for a spin.

As such, I have appointed myself Secretary of State for Life (replacing the former SOSFL, Joe Tucci – don’t ask), and I have opened nominations for Mayor of the MOB, 2010 edition!

Nominations first.  Then debates.  Then denials.  Then – mid-next-week, the election itself!

27 thoughts on “Mayor Of The MOB: Nominations Are Open

  1. hey how about me, or can I not nominate myself? and the slight fact that I’m not technically a MOB member.

  2. In honor of today marking 90 years of women’s right to vote, I nominate myself. When elected, if someone calls me ma’am, I shall reply, “Do me a favor,” she said, “could you say ‘mayor’ instead of ‘ma’am?’ It’s just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title, so I’d appreciate it, yes, thank you.”

  3. I nominate Jim W from Anti-Strib… so he can also say the “mayor/ma’am” line, although it’s more like Mrs. Potato Head.

  4. I think of the M.O.B. as a TEA Party like creation – no leadership except that which one assumes (eg – Mitch “Secretary of State for Life” Berg); anyone can join, no set agenda and get togethers are spontaneous and fun. This is of course in great contrast to the central planners of “Drinking Liberally” (To paraphrase Fred Thompson as Adm. Painter in ‘Red October’, “Drinking Liberally don’t take a dump, son, without a plan…”) or the “Coffee Party” or the latest from the “smart” people, “F*ck tea” (Ahh, you little potty mouth. You’re edgy, very edgy).
    Considering the fact that one needs a search warrant, an APB and a pack of hounds to find a recent post by the current ‘Mayor’, perhaps the time for a ‘Mayor’ has become passe. I declare that any M.O.B. member who so chooses shall declare him or herself Dictator of the M.O.B. for Life, thus ensuring that every piss ant member of the M.O.B. has their own ant hill to piss from.
    Sincerely – Seflores, lowly M.O.B. blog commenter.

  5. The mayor will be a figurehead. The real power will remain with Don Mitch, who collects mayors in his pocket like cigars. Just look how many end up in his About sidebar. Coincidence? I think not.

  6. And are never heard from again!

    Precisely. Has anyone looked to see if anyone was buried in the endzone at Target Field during construction?

  7. Precisely Kouba’s point, Ben. You can’t get more vanished than being buried in the endzone of a baseball stadium.

    Gotta think fast to stay with the A-list on this blog.

  8. I nominate Mr. Dilettante.

    I was hoping to play the Mike Hatch role in a Fearless Maria administration, but thanks for the nod, K-Rod.

  9. Uh-oh. Do we have to worry about Fearless Maria kicking out the window of a squad car?

    She was in Chicago last week but I’m just about certain she didn’t go out drinking in Lincoln Park, so I think we’ll avoid that particular scandal in her campaign.

  10. Well it just wouldn’t be a race if we didn’t have the perennial candidate…so I nominate myself.

    And I retain my usual slogan “Vote for me or I’ll shoot you!”

  11. I second (third/fourth/fifth?) the nomination of Hammerswing Jr. If you don’t vote for him, he’ll spit up or poop on you when you hold him at Keegan’s! And he’s eminently more mature than Mark Dayton.

  12. “R.A. Crankbait has left a new comment on the post “I nominate a G.O.M. for MOB Mayor!”:

    Trend indicates that being MOB mayor ultimately leads to you joining the Shot in the Dark blog as co-writer — and then never being heard from again.

    I may not be that prolific right now, but I’m not ready to disappear just yet. I respectfully decline the nomination. “


    Well then, if this is true we should be nominating teh peevee or flush.

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