4 thoughts on “Freedom Isn’t Free…

  1. You know, I understand the logic behind the ban of CRT, but at the same level, I’m thinking that the right approach is not an outright ban, but rather a challenge to the idea–if you think x or y is a sign of latent racism, prove it. A key part of that would be reminding educrats that correlation is not causation–post hoc non est propter hoc and all that–and hence we cannot assume that “disparate impact” alone indicates racism.

    That last part is what I’d put into the law regarding CRT.

  2. translation: free speech for me but not for thee. Move along sheople, nothing to see here…

  3. Bikebubba, I like that idea, but it’s hard to put into practice.

    I’ve been taught the TRUTH. Knowing the TRUTH enables people to lead righteous lives. I plan to teach the TRUTH to my students, so they will know the TRUTH and will lead righteous lives.

    Anything which is not the TRUTH is, by definition a lie. Lies lead people away from righteousness, into error and sin and damnation.

    You want me to balance the TRUTH with a lie?

    It’s easier to simply ban teaching what the cult members consider the TRUTH. Don’t like it? Quit and learn to code.

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