Doggone It, People Just Don’t Like Him

Al Franken is at -6 on the “passion index”, according to Rasmussen via the Strib:

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in Minnesota finds that 50 percent of voters in the state approve of the job Senator Al Franken is doing, including 25 percent who strongly approve. That’s unchanged from surveys in November and January. On the other side of the ledger, 46 percent disapprove, 31 percent strongly.

The reason, of course, is yet more proof of Berg’s Seventh Law; while the Dems routinely tell the world that John Kline, Michele Bachmann and Erik Paulsen went to Washington to promote an “extremist” partisan agenda, Al Franken – “progressive” author and failed “Air America” host – actually did get elected after running a campaign based purely and expressly on being an obstreporous, Kos-friendly extremist.

Meanwhile, Rasmussen found that 67 percent approve of how Senator Amy Klobuchar is performing, with 42 percent who approve strongly. The overall approval rating is a nine-point increase from November. Just 30 percent disapprove of Klobuchar, including 15 percent who strongly disapprove.

A-Klo, on the other hand, realizes the great political truth; that once you’re a Senator, politics is mostly about not losing.  Playing it safe.  Not making the dumb mistakes. Barring the uncontrollable (like Norm Coleman running against a media shooting star in a bad year for Republicans – twice!), being an empty skirt is a recipe for a long career in Washington.

27 thoughts on “Doggone It, People Just Don’t Like Him

  1. ” . . . being an empty skirt is a recipe for a long career in Washington.”

    See: McCollum, Betty (D-Minn) 2000 – ?


  2. Franken was fairly elected as well; don’t be an ungracious partisan of the loser.

    I’ve had occasion to contact Franken’s office and Klobuchar’s a couple of times looking for informaiton etc. Franken runs a tighter ship of the two, in the sense of tracking information and inquiries by constituents.

    I don’t know if he will continue at the same level but he is currently in that sense doing favorably in comparison to both previous republican and democratic holders of that seat. I like both the service dogs for vets legislation and the Jaimie Leigh Jones amendment he has sponsored.

  3. There were at least 17,000 more votes counted than there were registered voters in the state of MN. in the Franken/Coleman election. Franken won by 312 votes. If at least 8813 of those went to Franken, then he was NOT fairly elected.

    We NEED Photo ID proof at the polling place. We won’t have fair and accurate elections without it.

  4. Wth regard to A-Klo I’m good with the empty skirt/empty pant suit thought. Any thought of what they might otherwise contain is the stuff of night tremors.

    Franken is all bunny ears and Luvs’.

  5. Franken runs a tighter ship of the two,…

    If Franken’s office is more efficient, it has nothing to do with the Senator*….his underlings know what happened to every one that has ever worked with, or for Angry Al and they’re scared sh*tless.

    As soon as whatever financial scam, or tax evasion he has going comes to light, Al will have them under the bus faster than Frannie can suck in a fathead minnow.

    Pity that there is no amount of CYA that will save them.

  6. Say Kerm? Don’t cap on ACORN or deegee will start spiking her kool-aid with gin again and go all Franken on your ass.

    Them’s her peoples.

  7. Al Franken is a carpetbagger from New York. He lived there for thirty years. He moved back here so he could run against Coleman. Does anyone think I could respect that?

    I went to high school with A-Klo. She’s from here. She actually lived here. Just because Al was born here doesn’t make him a Minnesotan, and he will never be an authentic representative of the citizens of the state of Minnesota.

    Franken’s “legitimacy” is like one of the unfunny skits he used to write for SNL (back when he worked for a living and snorted piles of coke).

  8. There were at least 17,000 more votes counted than there were registered voters in the state of MN.

    Bill, are you just making up numbers, or do you have a source?

    Registered voters in MN – 3,199,981

    Votes cast – 2,887,337

    If at least 8813 of those went to Franken, then he was NOT fairly elected.

    If A, then B, doesn’t lead to B being true unless you can actually show A is true first, you know.

  9. Franken runs a tighter ship of the two, in the sense of tracking information and inquiries by constituents.

    Y’know, given the breathless coverage the local media and left give to every pot of coffee made in Rep. Bachmann’s office, I’m surprised nothing surprises me about the lack of coverage of the chaotic mess that A-Klo’s office would seem to be.

    The last I checked, the “press secretary” listed on the website had been gone for quite some time.

    No matter, I’m sure – all the establishment press probably know how to reach her without need of underlings, if you catch my drift.

  10. “Franken is all bunny ears and Luvs’.”

    We need that on a billboard. The photo. Maybe over the Target Center.

  11. Have you tried reaching ‘A-Klo’ for anything, or are you just speculating?

    In contrast at least some people in Bachmann’s district can’t get unwelcome phone calls stopped, or emails either, despite repeated requests to her offices. It doesn’t make for pleased constituents.

    I haven’t had that problem with either my senators or my congressman. Just sayin’.

  12. “Franken was fairly elected as well; “

    DG, I am a bit surprised that you would actually say it was fair that what counted as a vote in one county was rejected in another county.

    Oh, wait, Franken “won”, I’m not really surprised you would call that “fair”. I can spot your blind partisanship a mile away.

    BTW, why haven’t the Democrats that control the state legislature fixed the broken recount process yet?

  13. Have you tried reaching ‘A-Klo’ for anything, or are you just speculating?

    Heh. Nope. I wrote a fairly involve series last year when the local hamstersphere was prattling about Bachmann not appearing on non-conservative media. I sent invites to A-Klo, candidate Franken, reps. Ellison and McCollum, Mayor Rybak, and a few other local liberal pols. Only Rybak bothered to respond (and we had an excellent interview).

    I tried to reach A-Klo back around the time of Obama’s inauguration re another matter.

    Now – have you?

    In contrast at least some people in Bachmann’s district can’t get unwelcome phone calls stopped, or emails either, despite repeated requests to her offices. It doesn’t make for pleased constituents.

    I’m not sure that one has the “right” not to get constituent communications from one’s representative. If it’s franked material it likely just goes to everyone, like it or not. I’m not sure about this, but I believe that’s the case.

  14. No, Michele calls people at random and screams about abortion and governenment spending. Really. I read that on a blog.

  15. I heard she eats babies and is the daughter of Satan. I read it on a blog therefore it must be true.

  16. In contrast at least some people in Bachmann’s district can’t get unwelcome phone calls stopped, or emails either, despite repeated requests to her offices. It doesn’t make for pleased constituents.

    So, if they’re not barking moonbats they suck if they don’t respond…and they really suck if they respond too much.

    Maybe some constituents just need to have another gin and kool-aid and STFU. Just sayin’

  17. Er, yeah, DG. More or less what Swiftee said.

    Bachmann Derangement is one of the most debilitating mental conditions to afflict Minnesota “progressives”. Also a total blessing to conservatives.

    Just saying; don’t believe everything you hear. The local Bachmann-hate industry long since put the surly bonds of rationality down the in-sink disposal.

  18. Everyone gets mail; I’m not talking about ‘franked material’.

    I’m talking about a couple of friends who are receiving email, they have no idea how Bachmann got their email, and they can’t get her office to stop sending them email. Ditto some kind of robo calls on their answering machine. Whatever Bachmann is pushing at any given time; not something specific they are interested in hearing. They are considering a complaint to their phone company and isp.

    This is NOT replies to inquiries from them of any kind. It is being annoyed by Bachmann. Nothing to do with progressive or conservative view points; they are only minimally interested in politics.

    What they would like to see is Bachmann have a better attendance record, and NOT have the biggest office budget.

  19. “They are considering a complaint to their … isp.”

    As far as email goes, they could probably put forth the _minuscule_ effort that it takes to filter these emails on whatever client they use and then _never_see_them_again_. This could be probably be termed a “whining point”. *shrug*

  20. And they might consider the practical joking tendencies of their circle of friends. Someone might have thought it would be funny to provide the Bachmann camp with a left-leaning acquaintance’s contact information. Hilarity ensues.

    Not that I’d do something like that. But back in the 80s I had a friend who did a great Ronald Reagan impersonation, and we’d call our “moderate” friends on election day so Ronnie could remind them that polls were still open and to go and cast a vote for freedom. Such interesting responses we received, too, proving that speech may be free but some of it can be surprisingly cheap.

  21. And they might consider the practical joking tendencies of their circle of friends. Someone might have thought it would be funny to provide the Bachmann camp with a left-leaning acquaintance’s contact information. Hilarity ensues.

    No doubt. Since the statute of limitations has likely run, I’ll cop to pulling out new subscription reply cards out of magazines on the newsstand and signing up my friends for some interesting reading — the pacifist who reads Soldier of Fortune — that sort of thing. Back in the mid-80s, that sorta thing was comedy gold.

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