Hero For Today

I don’t know who this guy is.

I don’t know where he teaches.


I’m sure he’s in a boatload of legal and professional trouble for beating the stuffing out of that gabbling little prick.

But I’d love to find out. And if theres a legal defense fund, he should have his people call my people.


42 thoughts on “Hero For Today

  1. You know how public schools are these days.
    And music teachers?
    Prolly a lovers’ spat.

  2. Welcome to the jungle. I’m sure the guy is now unemployed. Better off in the long run. The kid will one day run his mouth in front of a thug who will shoot him. Black lives don’t matter.

  3. golfdoc, that kid is probably a wannabe gang banger. 5 will get you 10 that this was an initiation ritual.

  4. We lost our culture the day teachers were no longer allowed to kick the crap out of their unruly students.

    Got to say, I had my head bounced off a locker quite a few times by Mr. Lewis, the phys-ed teacher.

    Of course, I deserved every bit of it…

  5. Boss you’re no doubt correct. I think the back talking syndrome is widespread in popular culture, most noticeable when cops are involved (all the perps and supporters get out their Obamaphones at the first sign of trouble) but school teachers are a common target as well.

  6. Imagine how this would have played out if the teacher was a woke-activist female U of M ed school graduate.

  7. Unfortunately, the teacher will now likely have a criminal record if he didn’t have one before. The little sh– young man, meanwhile, probably will evade any serious punishment.

    I used to date a gal who clerked for a Hennepin County drug court judge. The rule of thumb, she told me, was never get on the elevator with the “youths”, unless they were being escorted by a LEO. Another female clerk she knew did, they harassed her, made her feel uncomfortable, and the clerk defended herself (I don’t recall the details as to how). Anyway, the clerk ended up with an assault charge. The youths were also charged, but being felons already, their future career prospects were already limited and so they had less to lose.

    I had respect for the teacher and his self-control until he allowed a 14-year-old to goad him into throwing the first punch. This “kid” seems uninterested in the “learning” part of being in school, so why is he there?

  8. Here’s the entire report Woolly We are not qualified to judge the teacher or the student; both are negroes, and come from a culture of chaos and violence that is completely alien to us.

    We *should* be passing judgement on the White parents that send their kids into gladiator school with 75 IQ negroes.

  9. golfdoc.
    Yea. It’s funny how whenever there is an interaction between a police officer and a suspect, especially if they are black, at least 50 viral videos from Obama phones surface. Black person gets gunned down in front of 50 people in a black neighborhood, by a black thug, nobody saw nuffin.

  10. BH, no Obamaphone beatdown video is complete without the sound of some black observer (usually the videographer) narrating: “Ohh! Ohhhhh! Oh, hell no! Ooooh! He leakin’ now! Ohhh!”

  11. teacher told student to leave class because he was not wearing school uniform

    student refused to leave, used profanity and racial epithet toward teacher

    article doesn’t say who threw the first punch but sounds as if this is not the first time teacher knocked around a mouthy kid


    cue emery – this is why we don’t let teachers have guns in class

  12. The missing piece here is that as a country parents are the sacred cow. They have been released of all responsibility for their children and then model the worst antisocial behaviors. How many viral videos of badly behaving adults that are parents with their children are on social media. Parents like to say they control education decisions but won’t hold their children accountable.

    Look at the behavior on airplanes, the endless yelling at school board meetings and city council meetings, the threatening emails from parents to school boards, politicians etc… Why expect children to behave differently from adults? This isn’t a failure of schools alone; it’s a human and societal one.

  13. Emery
    Does the process of answering this question terrify you?
    Please answer;
    When did your life becomes something other than chattel for your mother to dispose of at her whim?

  14. What a weird deflection . . . I don’t like problem x, it makes me uncomfortable to talk about it, therefore it is a problem that has nothing to do with the actual people who behaved badly, because it is a societal and human problem.
    You can use the same formulation about certain things. Gun crime, carjackings, drug dealing.
    For other problems not on the “do not discuss” list you actually name names and hold people responsible. The environmentalists slashing the tires on SUV’s, people protesting white actors playing historical white characters, etc.
    When Jeremy Clarkson made a rude public comment about Megan Markle, no one said that rudeness was societal and human problem, Jeremy Clarkson was canceled, it cost him his Amazon Prime series.

  15. is the problem parents failing to teach children manners because they are bad parents

    or is it certain parents refusing to teach children manners because that would be acting white and those children are exempt from societal norms

    odd how the online video of rumbles in fast food joints and airport waiting lounges and now classrooms are always the same race

    racist videographers?

  16. Woolly wrote: “Prolly a lovers’ spat.“

    I remember when you said the same about Paul Pelosi’s assault.

  17. Emery
    When did your life becomes something other than chattel for your mother to dispose of at her whim?

  18. Emery
    When did your life becomes something other than chattel for your mother to dispose of at her whim?
    Its a simple question, answer it!

  19. Emery
    I don’t hate states rights, never said I did. You got it wrong. Now your turn, no excuses.

    When did your life becomes something other than chattel for your mother to dispose of at her whim?

  20. I think Emery has conceded the point about prenatal infanticide; he really has no idea why he thinks it would have been OK if his mother had killed him in utero, but why it would be a crime today. Thank you for this concession,, Emery. Maybe try and think about this, eh?

    Regarding the scene, a teacher wearing a t-shirt was telling a kid to wear his uniform? If that’s the case, he was undermining his authority. And really, every school needs to have a couple of “goons” on staff that any teacher can call to deal with students who won’t follow directions. Press the button, they come, student removed and in detention, parents summoned. No older teacher (especially female) should have to deal with that kind of garbage.

  21. Great example of Emery lying. He remembers no such thing because it never happened.
    Emery consistently misquotes me. He’s not doing it because he is stupid (tho Emery is stupid), he is doing to distract and deflect from his own poorly thought comments.

    Emery on January 18, 2023 at 11:32 am said:
    Woolly wrote: “Prolly a lovers’ spat.“
    I remember when you said the same about Paul Pelosi’s assault.

  22. Really, MBerg, can’t you do something about Emery? How would you feel if Emery commented that you had said you’d blow Trump in exchange for building the border wall? Emery has serious mental problems, it would be a blessing to Emery to ban him. Maybe he would take an honest look at himself & get the help that he needs.

  23. @ BB I am struck by how differently people see the question itself (of when life begins), and what it can mean and encompass, and what assumptions society makes about it.

    The question of when human life begins is a complex and deeply personal topic that has been the subject of much debate and disagreement throughout history. Different individuals and groups have different beliefs and opinions on the matter.

    Some religious and philosophical perspectives hold that human life begins at conception, while others believe it begins at some point later in development, such as at birth or at the point of viability (when a fetus can potentially survive outside the womb with medical assistance).

    In the scientific and medical communities, the question of when human life begins is often approached from a biological perspective. Conception marks the beginning of the fertilization process that leads to the formation of a zygote, which then divides and differentiates to form all the cell types in the body. However, the question of when a zygote or fetus becomes a person is still a matter of ongoing debate and different perspectives.

    Ultimately, the question of when human life begins is a complex and multi-disciplinary question that is informed by biology, philosophy, religion and ethics, and it is a matter for individuals and society to decide through laws and cultural norms.

  24. And if it’s so complex, then, Emery, maybe we shouldn’t try to boil it down to “if you were a woman, you’d get it”, right?


    Human life begins, biologically, when the ovum is fertilized by the sperm. It’s that simple. When we interfere with that zygote’s process of growth through abortion, we find that we enable a huge amount of victimization of women. The biggest beneficiaries of abortion are “cads”.

    And I think that society has the right to protect young women from their abusers. Do you?

  25. Hey rAT!

    When did your life becomes something other than chattel for your mother to dispose of at her whim?

    Answer the question, asshole.

  26. The question is not when human life begins

    The question is when human life becomes protected by law

    In the pre war south, nobody claimed black slaves were not alive, they plainly were. But they were not entitled to protection of law.

    In nazi Germany nobody claimed Jews were not alive, they plainly were, but they were not entitled to protection of law.

    All the bafflegab pseudo-philosophy about when life begins is cover to distract from the fundamental point: abortionists want to kill unborn humans, not because they are not alive, they plainly are, but because they are inconvenient.


  27. I’m serious about Emery plagiarizing robots. I’ve used ChatGPT enough to recognize its style.

  28. The legal crucible should be, not when does life begin; but when does human life begin? That is, at what point in the gestation of a fetus is it legally afforded the protection of a born human? At what point is the fetus considered a human being?

    If we want to say life begins early in pregnancy, a positive pregnancy test should kick into gear a whole array of nutritional, medical, financial and social support. If we’re ok with the fact that it doesn’t, are we serious about this life? I think we’re not.

  29. UMMP
    Yes it is a recognizable style, ChatGPT is always speaking in the voice of The Collective™ never in the voice of an individual.

  30. Emery
    Deflect all you want, you still have not answered this question.

    When did your life becomes something other than chattel for your mother to dispose of at her whim?

  31. You can fudge ChatGPT’s style with a good prompt, but by default it gives you this encyclopedia-article, corporate-spokesman style that is easy to spot.
    The other day I asked it to do a close read of some early modern poetry. The text was good, if a little dull, but it missed some really big things. The close reading looked like something a high schooler cribbed together from Britannica articles.

  32. Humans have the ability to evaluate and correct for biases in the information they collect and report on. Clearly ChatGPT has a lot further to go in its learning about the species.

    I really don’t like these things. They hoover up information and disinformation in equal measure and then spit out an answer that they have no way of fact checking. Their output will become another input into a cycle which ultimately legitimizes lies and disinformation. It qualified some of its answers and not others, I really don’t understand how it knows what to qualify and what not. It was quite sure that the square root of 49 was definitely 7, until I corrected it that it could also be -7, after which it apologized for being misleading. I can’t really see the application for it apart from churning out fluff that doesn’t need to be right.

    Google has their own alternative to ChatGPT in LaMDA, which from the examples seems to work just as well and do some things even better. But until it’s opened up for general use, it’s hard to tell how good it really is. If it’s not as good as they’re promising, Google could be seriously caught out when Microsoft adds ChatGPT to Bing.

    Curious to hear if anyone here has more insights in how far Google LaMDA has progressed.

  33. Still wrong, Emery. False dichotomy. It’s not an all or nothing deal..

    Children have fewer rights than adults but more than death row criminals.

    My proposal: Before 15 weeks, no rights. 15 weeks to birth, right to life. Birth to emancipation, rights to life and support.

    It’s not a hard concept. The only sticking point is how many weeks unprotected and that is purely a political decision, no answer in biology or philosophy at all.

  34. Reading the comments, I’m struck by the anger many feel about the fact that we are even having this discussion. But why shouldn’t we be talking about this? It touches on so many important issues. Are women entitled to complete bodily autonomy, for instance? When is it appropriate for the state to intervene? Do parents have absolute rights to make decisions about their children? When is it appropriate for the state to intervene? These are important questions and they are complicated by the unique circumstance of pregnancy, the fact that a woman must nourish an organism in her own body for a considerable period of time for that organism to become independent. Why would the answers to these questions be simple?

  35. Emery
    yes “so many important issues” that you refuse to address

    When did your life becomes something other than chattel for your mother to dispose of at her whim?

  36. Emery, always certain, frequently wrong, has some questions for you.
    But Emery does not answer questions!

  37. Still wrong, now using passive aggressive “you are angry” language to invalidate disagreement and shut down further discussion.

    Nobody is angry that you disagree, all you various emeries, or even that you post nonsense which was refuted forty years ago. We are used to it.

    As the sage says, “I dont expect you to agree. I don’t even expect you to understand.”

    Expectations met.

  38. “I can’t really see the application for it apart from churning out fluff that doesn’t need to be right.”

    Jayzuz is there a bottom to this pit of ignorant lack of self awareness?

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