Tailgunner Joe Rides Again

“Are you now or have you ever been a ‘white supremacist’?”

The spirit of Tailgunner Joe lives on.

This article came out the other day, demanding that white people “speak out against White Supremacy”.

OK. White Supremacy sucks.

Now what?

There are indeed “white supremacists” out there. Like all racial supremacists – Nazis, Hutu, HAMAS, the Japanese of the 1930s – they believe something that is deeply, intensely evil. Every rational person of all races has condemned them for over a century.

And the objective record shows that that condemnation has had an effect. The number of people in “white supremacist” groups has been dropping by roughly an order of magnitude every generation. In the 1920s, there were several million members; the Klan drew 50K to a rally in Rochester, MN. In the 1940s, the American neo-Nazi “Bund” party filled a couple nights at Madison Square Garden.

By the time of the Civil Rights movement, membership had dropped to somewhere in the hundreds of thousands; by the 80s and 90s, a few tens of thousands (some of whom were exceptionally militant). According to the FBI, organized white supremacist groups mustered under 5,000 members in the 2010s.

In 1988, a Gallup poll showed that 1/3 of black Americans believed racism was to one degree or another a powerful force. In 1992, William Raspberry, a man who grew up under Jim Crow in Mississippi, covered the Civil Rights movement, and became the first black national syndicated news columnist, wrote a column (that, coming out as it did juuust before everything in the world got put online, has proven to be impossible to unearth) that racism wasn’t dead, per se, but was the province of the stupid and ignorant, and should be mocked and taunted, akin to the moral flat earthers they were. [1]

Suddenly, in the late 2000s, after the election of the first black president, the political class discovered racism again. The Obama Administration spent its entire time in office warning that a “white supremacist wave of terror that would dwarf 9/11” was on the way, yessirreebob. Obama’s handling of several police shooting incidents in the early 2010s could have hardly been better designed to stoke racial division – it’s what the approach was designed to do.

By 2015, that same Gallup poll showed 2/3 of black Americans felt racism was a dominant fact in their lives – doubling in 27 years.

Did America get more racist between the LA riots and the election of Barack Obama?

More on point – did more racists fall out of the trees in 2017? Or is it suddenly in the interest of the political class’s narrative to not only focus on a tiny class of deviants, but to try to create more of them, so they could have a boogieman to wave around to scare the ignorant into line?

Is there a story that our political class’s dominant narrative doesn’t try to squeeze a “white supremacist” into? Governor Klink and Mayor Frey and the Strib all preposterously blamed “white supremacists” for the rioting after the murder of George Floyd; the Strib fingered the infamous “Umbrella Man” – who disappeared without a trace. MPR reporter Jon Collins famously sent out a tweet asking – fairly begging – for any evidence of white supremacist involvement in the riots; his record of stories over the past two years shows no follow-up on that tweet (Collins has ignored questions – as, indeed, all MPR reporters do, these days. It’s official policy. I have the email). Several government “stings” of “white supremacist terrorists” (remember the “Hutaree”? The “plot” to “kidnap” Governor Whitmer?) came and, when shown to have been government shake and bake operations, went.

And today – after a retrograde idiot shot ten people (whom, he gleefully noted in his manifesto, could not effectively resist him, due to New York gun control laws), the WaPo op-ed writer Michelle Norris says all white people are accountable for “white supremacy”.

Of course, when people like Norris say white people should “speak out” against something, they don’t want speaking out; they want silent acquiescence.

If you read the article – I did so you don’t have to, but go for it anyway – she harps on the notion that the shooter was driven by fear of the “Great Replacement Theory”, or GRT. GRT, Norris notes, is the idea that white conservatives believe that there’s a plan to replace white voters with voters “of color”.

And of course, there’s no such plan, and you’re a racist to think so.

Except that our dominant political class was celebrating the idea, before they started telling us that not only is there no such thing, but you’re racist for thinking it exists at all:

Which is, of course, the political class’s MO these days; promote something radical and utterly fractious – CRT, Schools primacy over parents, election integrity, third trimester abortion, gun control, the Disinformation Bureau – and then cry “That doesn’t EXIST, and you’re being paranoid” when called on it.

So – why are “white supremacists” suddenly everywhere?

Because, despite four years of “white supremacy is everywhere – who are you gonna believe, us, or your lying eyes?”, more black and latino voters pulled the level for Donald Trump than any Republican in sixty years – because, notwithstanding all the alarmism about “white supremacy”, their lives got better. After four years of hearing Trump’s border policy called “Racist” and “White Supremacist”, Latinos – who favor a tough border policy at levels that make white Republicans look like Oberlin humanities sophomores – voted for Trump at levels Republicans may have never seen. And the ever-more-extreme Democratic party is running with one of the worst two year records in memory; stagflation, collapse in Afghanistan, Covid not eradicated, five dollar gas, no baby formula, a looming recession and Europe at war – they’ve got to convince the black and latino parts of their base that if they don’t vote Democrat, there are going to be guys in pointy white hoods and swastikas parading down their streets.

So let’s cut the crap; articles like this aren’t about people “speaking out” – literally everyone that matters has been speaking out against “white supremacy” for a century, now. They’re like the “Ninety Seconds of Hate” from Orwell’s “1984”, they’re about ensuring people are reacting to stimuli with sufficient zeal, and shaming or removing those that don’t parrot the chanting points on cue.

Holding entire racial groups accountable for the behavior of their most aberrant members is exactly the same sort of evil that brought us “white supremacy”, and every other race-based evil of this wretched past century.

[1] Raspberry – a center-leftist straight out of the 1980s, would be cast out of today’s hard left for writing things like this and this. Indeed, you see some leftist columnists labeling Raspberry a “conservative”, which I’m sure would have amused him, were he around to defend himself; he died in 2012.

59 thoughts on “Tailgunner Joe Rides Again

  1. And the ever-more-extreme Democratic party is running with one of the worst two year records in memory; stagflation, collapse in Afghanistan, Covid not eradicated, five dollar gas, no baby formula, a looming recession and Europe at war

    Everything has gotten worse since Biden took office. Everything. And all of these things can be tracked back to specific policies from Biden and the Dem controlled congress.
    These people are really bad at what they do. They seem to actively hate the United States of America and want to destroy it.
    Look at the string of failures — as mentioned, stagflation, collapse in Afghanistan, Covid not eradicated, five dollar gas, no baby formula, a looming recession and Europe at war, and Biden and the Democrats are keeping to their course, and are even doubling down on their failures.
    Changes at the top in the Pentagon and State Department were called for after the disastrous Afghan withdrawal.
    Didn’t happen.
    After Biden’s failure to push his Build Back Better through congress, Ron Klain should have been fired.
    Mayorkas should have been gone long ago. His Job One is keeping the border secure, and he has made it very clear that he does think that securing the border is his job. He seems to think that his job is to assist illegal immigrants in settling permanently in the US.
    In the face of record inflation Biden hasn’t fired any of his economic advisers.
    Something is very, very wrong with Joe Biden.

  2. The media promotes the misconception that White Supremists are right wing conservatives. Like the National Socialists of Germany, these are not what we’d call in the U.S. right wing extremists. Dude – socialist was even in their name. It’s revisionism to think the Nazis weren’t partners with communists until their ugly breakup. Hate crimes on the west coast are routinely committed by extreme leftist Antifa. Antifa – now there’s a misnomer.

    While the Buffalo shooter was probably mentally ill, his “manifesto” is clearly both leftist and racist. That has been true of many of the previous racist mass murderers, including the African Americans identified by the media to actually not so secretly being White Supremists.

  3. It’s not White skin they object to, it’s the values and behaviors encouraged by Western Civilization they object to, which they believe are predominately held by people having White skin.


    I believe Western Civilization is the best system of societal organization yet discovered, better than all others for promoting individual liberty and family prosperity while protecting women and children. I’m a Western Civilizationist so that makes me a White Supremacist, in their eyes.

    Guilty as charged.

  4. The number of people in “white supremacist” groups has been dropping by roughly an order of magnitude every generation.

    That’s true, and it’s nothing to be proud of Mitch.

    See, every species of the human race has their own areas of supremacy. Negroes are born with strong bodies. Indigenous Indians from all geographic areas have an incredible ability to adapt and thrive in harsh environments. Arabs, Caucasians and Asians are gifted with superior cognitive skills.

    Arabs have, for the minute, sacrificed their intellectual gifts to submerse themselves in a destructive religion. Chinese are excelling and moving ahead in all areas of higher thinking.

    Caucasians are busy destroying themselves and their culture with self-hate, and are turning their offspring into mentally ill sociopaths. Once proud European and American universities that once nurtured geniuses, now are turning out confused, angry nitwits. White supremacist groups are indeed losing members.

    Contrary to what you may have been taught, racism is not something that is learned. It is an innate, natural sociological state of being. While we can, and often do productively collaborate to achieve common goals, all human species prefer the company of their own people. To deny that is to deny your own humanity.

    Racism is not bigotry; they are completely separate thought processes. Well considered racism doesn’t include room for racial hatred; bigotry is never well considered, and is born of racial hatred.

    But we digress; please continue with the bowing and scraping.

  5. Remember, Tom — it’s the South where some still think the Lost Cause isn’t lost yet.

  6. More on point – did more racists fall out of the trees in 2017?

    Yes, yes indeed! Unless definition of racism changed, there are indeed a lot more racists now than there were in 2016.

    Chinese are excelling and moving ahead in all areas of higher thinking.

    Being booksmart is absolutely not proof of higher thinking. You can teach a bear to dance and play concertina, but that does not make the bear smarter. Also, it does not require higher thinking to be able to steal from someone. Cunning and balls, but not higher thinking.

  7. Being booksmart is absolutely not proof of higher thinking.

    Right…so, what’s your point?

  8. everything you read about race has been so polluted by pseudo science it’s hard to even define what “white supremacy” means.
    When lefties talk about “White Supremacy” they are talking about a grab bag of everything they don’t like. Capitalism is white supremacy. Sexism is white supremacy. Climate change is white supremacy.
    It’s a bit like the late middle ages, when everything that was bad was the work of witches and other people doing Satan’s work in the world.
    The idea that “white supremacy” is at the core of all the world’s ills was invented by white people, of course.

  9. Two points: 1. Emetic’s lips are moving, IYKWIMAITYD

    2. I read somewhere that if there is a klan or other white supremacist rally, the members are outnumbered by protesters, law enforcement, and mediots.

  10. Heaven forbid someone accuse Tucker Carlson of promoting the “white replacement theory” that has motivated multiple mass killers…seemingly unaware of all the clips of him promoting the “white replacement theory”. When and how did Elise Stefanik get radicalized? I suppose the positive spin could be — she was seizing a “career opportunity.”

  11. Believing in meritocracy is considered “white supremacy” these days.
    Follow this idea through: it means that there can be no definition of merit, in any field, that can be separated from current ideas about race. You can’t just be a good college student, you can only be a good black college student or a good white college student, and the things that make them “good” are different.
    All this stuff takes you to the same place. Every race must control its own history. We are getting very close to no longer being permitted to say that Lincoln freed the slaves, since this would mean that blacks owed their freedom to a white man.

  12. Marjorie Taylor Green and Gosar were speakers at a White Nationalist conference, Bannon, when he was in the Trump Admin, said his goal was to “make White Nationalism mainstream.” Carlson, Stefanik, and others are pushing “replacement theory” as well. I think we’d benefit as a Nation from a couple of individuals being replaced.

  13. That you are wrong in your statement

    Except I didn’t say book learning = intelligence, so I’m intrigued to know how you’re coming to that conclusion.

  14. Carlson, Stefanik, and others are pushing “replacement theory” as well

    Oh, we’re way past theory and well into implementation, nitwit. To quote one of your party’s thought leaders, “This is not going to be the country of White people”.

    Unfortunately for you, whether that is true or not, you self-loathing rodents are in for a major let down.

  15. when he was in the Trump Admin, said his goal was to “make White Nationalism mainstream.”

    No, nitwit. That’s not what he said; you’re either too stupid to read a well publicized quote, or just as likely, lying again. He said he wanted “nationalism” to be mainstream. Throughout his tenure, his mantra was ‘America First’.

    Now go drink your bleach.

  16. Chinese are excelling and moving ahead in all areas of higher thinking.

    Then I am dumbfunded by your definition of “higher thinking”. Is that like thinking at an altitude, in the mountains?

  17. White people, especially conservatives, speaking out against white supremacists, will never be enough for the perpetually-aggrieved crowd who want to focus on this particular boogeyman to the exclusion of all other, more tangible, more populous threats to society.

    A high-school classmate of mine recently characterized “much of rural America” is “steeped in white supremacy”. Having likely spent more time in “rural America” than her (she’s an indie film director who divides her time between NYC and LA), I’d challenge her on her contention, but I don’t feel like wasting those precious hours when I could do something cleaner and more productive like yard work.

    As Reagan observed, “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

    Case in point: Emery.

  18. JPA, I was thinking that “higher thinking” had something to do with a drug that’s now legal in Michigan, Colorado, California…..

    ….seriously, my favorite ethnic stereotype is that back in the 1940s, Jews were fairly dominant in basketball. The money quote: the reason, I suspect, that [basketball] appeals to the Hebrew with his Oriental background is that the game places a premium on an alert, scheming mind and flashy trickiness, artful dodging, and general smart-aleckness…

    Source: https://www.anumuseum.org.il/blog-items/zaslofsky-kaplowitz-can-jump-jews-dominated-nba/

    But to the topic, my thought is that the issue isn’t whether one group is better than another, but rather whether one group can “borrow” things from others without violating that other group. Given that most of my diet consists of things that are not originally from my own lineage, the answer in my mind is emphatically yes.

  19. Anti-semitism and white nationalism is not only flourishing, but it gets a kind of intellectual (well, pseudo-intellectual) cover that other forms of bigotry and hate don’t get. And it seems highly correlated with the blatant anti-semitism and white nationalism deliberately endorsed by one political party. That’s frightening, and it should be.

  20. The only race that should not act in its own self-interest is the White race.


  21. The only political party that explicitly endorses discrimination based on race and sex is the Democrat party.
    Like shooting ducks in a barrel . . .

  22. Does the “white race” include Jews? Howzabout the Irish? Surely not Sicilians!
    The last honest civilization were the Romans. They were the stronger ruling and despoiling the weaker. Christians justified ruling other people because they were on a mission from God. At some point a bad reading of the Bible told them that whites were intended to take the lands of the Indians and enslave blacks.
    Then we got science from Europeans, and darn it if that science didn’t show that when you ranked the races Europeans came out on top. Amazing!
    My point is that racists will always justify their racism using whatever the current standard for capital-T truth is. “I am a white person, and it’s not me claiming that I am better than you, it’s the Bible!” or “I am white person, and it’s not me claiming that I am better than you, it’s science!’
    The truth is that we are all made in the image of God and are equal in his eyes. You can believe that, or you can believe that we are divided by nature into different races, with distinct abilities based on biology, and (like the Romans) that the only test of racial merit that matters is who rules and despoils whom.

  23. Yeah, jpa. It’s like washing, with a rag.

    Some folks might get exasperated, but my well of patience is deep.

  24. Always remember that black slaves were first sold to white men, by African tribes that had conquered them in battles and many freed black men that had successful businesses, also owned slaves. Case in point: the Frisco adulteress that is posing as VP of the U.S., is a descendant of slave OWNERS, as her father revealed before she got knocked out in the primary. Native Americans did the same thing here in North America. Whenever I tell this fact to DemoCommies, they are silent for a couple of minutes, then call me a racist.

  25. BH, race consciousness has nothing to do with slavery. I refuse to engage that discussion.

    All cultures engaged in it, but only Caucasians are excoriated for it…and truth be told, we deserve it because we are smart enough to have known better.

  26. “ The only race that should not act in its own self-interest is the White race.”

    That’s right. Back in your cage, Nazi.

  27. “ many freed black men that had successful businesses, also owned slaves.”

    The *very first* black man in the American colonies that was pushed over the fence he shared with White Irish indentured servants into chattel slavery was owned by Anthony Johnson, a black man.

    He was said to have been an especially cruel master, although the evidence of that is wholly anecdotal.

  28. I think that the big difference between the way that Blaze and I think about race is that Blaze sees race as being a fact of biology while I see race as tool used by the bourgeois to divide and conquer the working people of the world.
    The people imposing a race centric view of humanity today are white people. If he was attacking DEI, the guy who shot up the grocery store in upstate New York was shooting the wrong people. Instead he should have targeted an upscale grocery store in a lilly-white DC suburb in Maryland or Virginia.

  29. BN, let me try this again for engrish is my second language and I did not notice a sarc tag on your original post:

    Chinese are excelling and moving ahead in all areas of higher thinking.

    This is a wrong statement because Chinese (as in Red Chinese, not ones from millennia ago) are not capable of higher thinking. See where I am headed now? Higher thinking comes from ability to transcend intelligence, but they are booksmart which is something very different, hence not capable of higher thinking. Copying, mimicking, getting ahead by stealing ideas and concepts of others, yes, but not inventing stuff and concepts themselves.

  30. “Minnesota GOP chair apologizes for Soros imagery in Secretary of State candidate’s video”

    I find it hard to believe Minnesota SOS candidate Kim Crocket and her fellow travelers didn’t realize “that the depiction of a puppet-master invokes an old but persistent antisemitic trope.” Especially with every Democrat to choose from she chose all Jewish Democrats.

    I sense a lot of back peddling from the GOP in the future….

  31. It would be a mistake for Crockett to apologize. She should, instead, link Soros to the candidates he backed who are soft on crime.

  32. Numbers are not 100% reliable, but the average IQ in China is said to be 104, vs 98 in the US. Because the population of China is about 3x that of the US, if the standard deviation in IQ in both countries is 15, that means that there are about 6 times as many Chinese with an IQ > 130 than there are in the US.

  33. Woolly wrote: “It would be a mistake for Crockett to apologize.”

    When I see comments on SiTD of similar nature to that of Ms Crockett — I can see where you would be sympathetic to Crockett’s antisemitism.

  34. Having fun with numbers again, MP? Based on sheer volume of trained monkeys, Chinese should have been to Europa and back, never mind Mars, no?

  35. I just calls ’em like I sees ’em, JPA.
    Emery still hasn’t apologized for the Connecticut Democrats who compared a black GOP candidate to a monkey.
    Why so much racial hatred, Emery?

  36. BTW, the page I linked to above has this:
    The IQ was developed by West Europeans for West Europeans according to West European standards. It is still debatable whether this procedure can be applied to people(s) with entirely different social structures, cultures, values and ways of thinking.

    No, it’s not debatable if you are a serious person. IQ is stickier than social structure and values. That means that you can alter a person’s social structure and values, but their IQ won’t change. “Ways of thinking” is a term with no definition, it might mean intelligent or rational ways of thinking, for example.
    The last time I looked into this deeply the guess was that between a third and two thirds of the IQ of an individual was inherited. What seems to have a measurable effect on IQ that can be controlled post partum is nutrition during childhood.

  37. MP, nobody is disputing the IQ. What I am postulating, is IQ does not necessarily translate into “smarts”. Because if it did, by the sheer volume, Chinese should be ahead in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Medicine, Aeronautics, etc. And yet, EVERYTHING Red Chinese have achieved they stole from the West. I guess you can make a point that when a large amount of high IQ people exist in the population, they steal more then they invent/think up.

  38. The Chinese didn’t steal tech, they didn’t have to. Because “we” gave it to them.

    The West has drooled over the enormous Chinese market for decades. But in order to do business in China, you have to have a Chinese partner, which means the CCP.

    Good partnerships rely on trust. The Chinese expected access to all trade secrets and process details. This fact didn’t slow US corps for a second.

    In 1995, I went to China to work on a wafer fab Motorola was building there. I asked my Moto colleagues why they would give the CCP microprocessor tech. They said, “eh, it’s 8 micron; old tech”.

    How they could have doubted the Chinese would take it and run is beyond me.

    You can spend years and billions of dollars developing tech, or you can invite people to just give it to you.

    What would smart people do?

  39. BN, I tried to explain to you the difference between higher thought and booksmart and obviously failed. Whether the fruits of “higher thinking” are stolen or given is immaterial. You completely missed the argument. I’m done.

  40. Trying to think of what you mean by “smarts,” JPA. Maybe it means IQ + a culture that is open to innovation? There is a thing called the “Innovation Index” that ranks the US and China close to each other, but that is really a measure of willingness to adopt new manufacturing paradigms, not the ability to devise new manufacturing paradigms.
    Some people have made a terrible mistake. Back in the 1990s and 2000s, an awful lot of conservatives were on board with the idea of opening up trade with China because they believed that trade with China would lead to China adopting Western liberalism.
    The opposite has happened. We in the US have imported China’s ideas about how restricting the freedom of individuals leads to more political stability.

  41. BTW, Chinese universities produce an awful lot of engineers, but their best grad students go to Europe or Britain or the US to get their PhD’s.
    Anecdotally, the Chinese are cash rich so they buy their way into a lot of prestigious scientific institutions (like the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii), but the Chinese want to attach a lot of strings to their money. They want to develop, in China, a lot of the hardware used in the project. This leads to some serious problems, since developing the hardware is as much a scientific as it is an engineering project, and the Chinese are behind the scientific expertise developed in the West. Do you want to spend a billion dollars for a telescope when a critical piece of the hardware is developed by a third rate institution?
    I once worked for an outfit that used an array of lasers for a certain scientific task. Somehow the organization hired a Chinese national as an optical engineer, but he was not allowed to see us operate the software that controlled the lasers. It was crazy.

  42. U.S. Universities Fall Further Behind China In Production Of STEM PhDs

    “Chinese universities have surpassed U.S. institutions in the production of STEM PhDs, and based on current trends, it appears that gap will only grow wider in the years to come. Those are two of the main conclusions in a just-released report by Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology.

    According to the report, U.S. universities awarded twice as many doctorates in STEM fields (18,289) as Chinese universities (9,038) in 2000. But by 2007, the order had flipped and China began outpacing U.S. universities. In 2010. Chinese universities graduated 34,801 STEM doctorates compared to 26,076 by American universities.

    Over the last decade, China has steadily increased its lead. In 2019, Chinese universities produced 49,498 PhDs in STEM fields, while U.S. universities produced 33,759. Based on current enrollment patterns, the report projects that by 2025 China’s yearly STEM PhD graduates (77,179) will nearly double those in the United States (39,959).”

    But that’s just book-smart, smart. I’d venture to guess they are miles behind us in ethnic and gender studies, you know, *real* high level thinking. Hell, I bet they don’t even have a PhD in Gay History.

    Nothing to see here; move along.

  43. Speaking of anti-Semetics:

    “Biden tops list of Americans banned from traveling to Russia, but Trump is not on it”

    President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg are on the list, as are hundreds of Democrats and Republicans in Congress.

    It’s anudda shoah!

  44. Wait…did I say 50 meter? No, it’s 500 meters.

    I’ve heard our once lauded radio telescope at Arecibo has returned to the basic elements it was constructed from.

  45. Interesting numbers on Chinese STEM PhD’s, Blaze.
    But I question their quality. In the 1980s, the USSR produced more engineers than the US, but their engineering was crap. Soviet engineers were often the equivalent of American technicians. A lot of them were “paperwork” engineers.
    The US and Europe have the best graduate STEM schools. No STEM undergrad in the US or Europe is trying to get into a Chinese grad school. That may change some day, of course.
    Our lead may not last, but it is built on the fact that the US and Europe have profs in their 50s who have been doing cutting edge stuff since the late 1980s.
    I am not a “rah-rah USA is number one!” guy, but I try to avoid the error of believing that our global foes are better than we are. The US, despite recent set backs, has multiple advantages over all other nations.

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