It’s The Cultural Civil War, And We’re At The Battle Of Fredericksburg

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

College Liberals credited with reaching out, attempting to provide safe space, tolerance.

Two thoughts:
First, the lack of outspoken conservatives on campus is not new.  When I was in college in 1980, the trend had already begun.  I knew of only four of us: me supporting Reagan, Dan (George Bush, Senior), David (Phil Crane) and Matt (uncommitted).  There may have been more who voted Republican but they were quiet about it.
Second, if you smack a puppy on the nose enough times, it will learn not to bark.  Young Conservative get smacked on the nose by social studies teachers in high school.  They get smacked in college classes by leftist professors.  They see others getting smacked online, fired for speaking at work (the Google guy), business destroyed (wedding cake baker), physically attacked and beaten (conservative speakers on campus). The lesson is clear – Liberals do not respect me or my rights, they tolerate me only so long as I don’t upset them.  Say one little thing they don’t like and boom, the mob will turn on me in a flash and blame me for provoking them.  “See what you made me do” isn’t an excuse reserved solely for rednecks in wife-beater shirts, it’s also used by Muslim terrorists and FBI Deep Staters and antifa rioters.
If a college kid joined up at one of these sessions but later found his car keyed “fascist” would it be a surprise?  No, because he outed himself, painted a target on himself, brought it on himself.  He deserved it.
The only way to increase intellectual diversity on campus is to punish those who act to diminish it.  And that’s never going to happen as long as Liberals run the schools.
Joe Doakes

A safe space “provided” by campus “progressives?”

It’s a trap.

2 thoughts on “It’s The Cultural Civil War, And We’re At The Battle Of Fredericksburg

  1. Interesting tho’ obscure reference to a real Civil War battle. Is is only a point in time with regards to the entire war? Or are there other links you’re making? Burnside? The casualties?

  2. As is hinted, if you want conservatives to join the dialogue, you first need to make it unacceptable to shout people down and assault them for speaking up. I will not be holding my breath.

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