Doh! It’s The Old “Kill Thousands, Get Captured, Talk Big” Trick!

With the release last week of the transcripts of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s trial transcripts, I started a countdown; how long would it be until the Mainstream Media turned him into either a benign figure, or even something akin to a clever folk hero?

The first bit was Saturday, on some NPR news show or another (you know – the one featuring the arid, personality-free anchors. That one.  They noted about KSM that he felt bad about killing children!  That he seemed to be quite the magnetic personality!

They were humanizing a person who has murdered thousands!
And now

WHAT TIMING! Just when the attorney general and the president were coming under fire for the politicized dismissals of eight U.S. attorneys, the Pentagon released a transcript of a March 10 hearing in which Guantanamo detainee Khalid Shaikh Mohammed confessed to masterminding the 9/11 attacks. Now we can get back to the Bush administration’s preferred topic: What a heck of a job it’s doing in the war on terror.

No, it’s not some fringe-left dolt like Cucking Stool or Jesus General. It’s a newspaper.

Question: When should the administration have released the transcripts?

Or are your attention spans that short?

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