When Seconds Count

When Michael Bloomberg (and all of that money of his) entered the anti-gun market, some of us worried that all of those Jacksons would bring a new air of professionalism to the anti-human-rights movement. 

And in some ways it has.

But in others?

Just saying – this video by “Everytown for Grabbing Guns” pretty much underscores exactly the points we shooters have been making all along:

When seconds count, the police are minutes away. 

If the improbably cute mom had had the means to deal with the inevitably evil ex, the police would just need to clean up the mess.

2 thoughts on “When Seconds Count

  1. I’m with others who point out that the NRA and others ought to rework this ad, but with Mom giving her ex a double load of buckshot or a few rounds of expanding .45 ACP.

  2. According to MN GOCRA’s Facebook page, the Bloombergs have revised the ad to be more reflective of their intended message.

    Please keep Mendota Heights’ murdered Officer Patrick and his family in your thoughts and prayers …

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