Behold, The DFL’s Love Of Women

Melisa Lopez Franzen is one of the most powerful women in the Senate DFL caucus, and the highest ranking Latin American woman in the history of the Senate.

But when redistricting led her into the same district as Senator Ron “I went to Harvard, you know“ Latz, who do you think was going to win?But when redistricting lead her into the same district as Senator Ron “I went to Harvard, you know“ lats, who did you think was going to win?

Keith Ellison and John Thompson’s allegations of sexual abuse.

The jarring allegations of sexual abuse from Senator Jason Isaacson‘s relative and key Senste staffer.

Why, I’m starting to think that all of this “party of women” blather is just campaign posturing…

5 thoughts on “Behold, The DFL’s Love Of Women

  1. Yup! Once again, the hypocrisy of the DemoCommies is on full display.

    Despite their commitment (cough, cough) including the womyn, to equality, it’s just so much bull shit. Just like in Obumbler’s cabinet which paid womyn significantly less than the men and from those famous “anonymous sources”, they were also expected to be seen and not heard.

  2. I assume the DFL apparat will find her a cushy gig that pays more than being in the Senate, but protecting the perquisites of progressive white dudes like Latz is pretty damned important, doncha know?

  3. Mr. D:
    You’re probably right. If I remember correctly, Melisa and her husband own a small business. The cushy part will probably come in the form of government make work or DFL campaign related contracts.

  4. it would have been interesting to hear the conversation (dare I say battle?) between those two that resulted in her backing down. I highly doubt she simply said “ok, you can have this one”.

  5. Well, if the DemoCommie’s redistricting schemes affect their own party, I’m all for it.

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