I Heard It On The NARN

Cara Schulz is the proprietor of Flower Pot Holistic Wellness in Burnsville – stop by and say hi! She urges you to contact your reps and Senators and urge them to exempt small farmers and businesses from the most draconican, Big-Pharma-driven regulations. MN is Ready is the closest thing there is to an advocacy group.

Here’s Walter Hudson’s thread on the drive to build a database of “hate speech”, and – I think, by extension, the beginnings of a social credit index.

This is what infant totalitarianism looks like.

Here’s today’s music list:

2 thoughts on “I Heard It On The NARN

  1. Here’s Walter Hudson’s thread on the drive to build a database of “hate speech”, and – I think, by extension, the beginnings of a social credit index.
    You can bet your bippy on this.
    See, if there is no accusation of a law being broken, all the normal protections you enjoy from legal prosecution don’t apply. No presumption of innocence, no right to face your accuser, no trial by jury, no right to a legal defense at all.

  2. For tyrants, Judges 4:21 comes to mind, as well as Judges 3:22.

    Take a look at Hudson’s Twitter feed. More or less, the DFL is taking out all protections not just for the unborn, but also for kids vs. “transition” medicine. It brutalizes kids, many of whom decide they’re not “trans” after all, and risks a modern day Jael or Ehud visiting Dr. Sisera and Dr. Eglon.

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