Everything Old Is New Again

In 2010, faced with running against charismatic Republican Tea Party firebrand Tom Emmer with somnolent and visibly addled Mark Dayton, Big Leftymoney rallied enough money to prop up “moderate” “Republican” bureaucrat Tom Horner, an Arne Carlson/Dave Durenberger-era functionary designed to soak up “moderate” “Republican” votes from Republicans who found themselves disaffected by Tom Emmer’s “extremist” (as established in the coordinated media campaign supported by the same big leftymoney).

It worked. Horner soaked up enough squishes to give Dayton his margin of victory.

They’re trying again:

The signs are all there; Hepola gives off all the indications of being Leftymoney astroturf.

Of course, times are a little more parlous than they were in 2010. And the DFL faces two legal weed parties on the ballot, which will eat up a lot of younger DFL voters.

So the rationale is as clear as the provenance is murky.

By the way, I hereby invite Mr. Hepola on my show. I may be the only person in Twin Cities media who doesn’t paint his toenails on the air, which will likely be the showtopper, but the offer is made.

10 thoughts on “Everything Old Is New Again

  1. The notion that Emmer was ever a “Tea Party firebrand” certainly shows how times have changed.

  2. Looks like he is being planted by the Republicans as a spoiler candidate to take votes from the Democrats. If he was trying to siphon off Republican votes he would have to be spewing stolen election and anti-science lies.

  3. well, libturds only have one playbook and they will use it time and time again until it fails. It worked last time, so they are not changing course this cycle. They are so predictable and yet squishy repubs fall for it every time…

  4. ^ Remind us of who the marijuana candidate was last year in Minnesota’s First Congressional District….

  5. Purple is the color you turn when you’re being strangled. Perfect allegory for middle of the road nitwits.

  6. Are we sure he is a real human and not an AI creation? He looks like a cross between Tom Horner and Al Franken. And Emery, squishy Republicans (they taste like chicken) run from talk about stolen elections. So I think your supposition about it being a Republican plant is off.

  7. Based on what I know about him, Hepola would be more likely to take votes from Walz, but if he’s even remotely a threat the Donks will crush him before the election.

  8. Running as a spoiler candidate is perfectly legal — unlike installing absentee ballot dropboxes in your favorite precincts. No chain of custody for the ballots, you know. Seems like a no-brainer.

  9. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 03.03.22 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

  10. Every DemoCommie controlled state legislature in the country, is pushing to pass the election rigging operations know as Ranked Choice Voting. That is also a component of Pedo Joe’s Build Back Broke bill. Dean Phillips and Angie Craig are blabbing about supporting it during their infrequent town hall meetings and endless emails. I challenged Phillips on it several times, but I always get the same spin, worded differently in his (read one of his droogs) response.

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