A Good Son With A Gun

Florida man kills who robbers who were holding his mother at gunpoint:

The 911 call from the victim revealed that he was asleep at the time of the break-in and was woken up by the intruders, who he said were holding his mother at gunpoint. 
“They were trying to wake me up,” he said in the call. “They had my mom at gunpoint I couldn’t stop it.”
The victim told the 911 operator that the men had arrived to his home in their own vehicle. He said he shot both of them, killing the driver, Smalls, and injuring Lynn who tried to leave on foot.

Both robbers were reportedly just about to turn their lives around.

3 thoughts on “A Good Son With A Gun

  1. If you crackers would just give up them reprashuns, Sun people like my boyz Alvin an Amir could live like Kangs an sheeit an not have to risk their lives getting them Benjimenz.


  2. Both robbers were reportedly just about to turn their lives around.


    Angels. Pure sweet angels. Which is why they previously had mugshots that were shown in that article.

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