Not The Onion

“Christian” chuch.  Atheist pastor:

“I do not believe in a theistic, supernatural being called God,” says Gretta Vosper, the United Church of Canada minister who has led West Hill since 1997. “I don’t believe in what I think 99.99% of the world thinks you mean when you use that word.” Tor [sic] her, God is instead a metaphor for goodness and a life lived with compassion and justice.

The Church of Canada, of course, makes the ELCA and the Episcopals look like Southern Baptists.

Question:  If you believe God is a metaphor, shouldn’t you just call yourselves Unitarians and be done with it?

13 thoughts on “Not The Onion

  1. For many western Christian (sic) churches….its more of a social club with a religious theme than a church with Biblical doctrines.
    There is a blog/web site called Elca Exposed that chronicals the wackiest things that go on in that church.

  2. The traditional role of religion is to provide a moral compass for closely inhabited civilizations; the Church, to support people in crisis.

    The left has needed a new church since the 60’s.

    Leftists want life to be a no-rules party to be paid for by someone else. They believe it is their right to run amok; morality is a buzz kill, bro. They swept aside science, psychiatry (always a borderline pseudo-science anyway) and biology easily enough but religion is tricky.

    Glerbal Werming scammers proved it’s easy to manufacture facts when you have the MSM on board, but true faith isn’t swayed by smarmy TV hamsters sitting behind desks. The emergence of kooks like the Westboro Baptists helped immensely, but the shit they provided doesn’t really stick on people of genuine faith…except in internet comment threads, maybe.

    So hey, lets just create a Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster for outright atheists and a Unitarian Universal Church for dykes wanting a career in the clergy and a better shot with hot Grrlz.

    They are going to be counting on their brothers and sisters of the cloth to get them over the next hurdle: legalized pedophilia. The bathroom wars have nothing to do with men who wear dresses; there are only a fraction of a percent of genuine gender dysphoria nutcases running loose. You have a better chance of winning the lottery than running in to one at Target.

    This is the opening shot in the war on children. People are objecting to strange men having access to naked children; the usual tactics are not working…that has to change and it’s going to be up to the LGBTNQRSZ clergy to put this one over the top.

  3. “God,” evidently isn’t very “inclusive,” is he? (Or, She)? The Canadians, bless their frosted hearts, have figured this out.

  4. Nothing new about this, or particularly Canadian for that matter. I’ve been cringing at what the Jesus Seminar has been doing south of the border for a while. Will be interesting to see what conclusions they arrive at, and scary, as Swiftee hints.

  5. IMO this movement of “Christian” churches that re-interpret scripture and allow things that were previously not allowed (like gay clergy), is merely another symptom of the direction our society is going in. Narcissism and entitlement.

    Striving to be a good Christian used to mean changing yourself to follow God’s word (and the “Church”), not changing God’s word and the “Church” to follow yourself.

  6. Traditional Bible based chruch: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”
    Modern lefty church: “Let’s put on MTV to see what are beliefs are today”

    I see a male student at UW-Milwaukee is complaining because he can’t use the women’s locker room (the female students don’t want him in there). I actually am going to love watching this play out.

  7. Might be the third movement in progress.

    In ancient times (back when JFK was president and prior), the fundamental organizational unit of society was The Family, supported by the extended family/clan/tribe. Parents sacrificed their personal wants in order to raise their children and care for their elderly. Think: The Walton’s.

    In the Me Generation, the fundamental organizational unit of society shifted to The Individual. Careless at sex but don’t want kids – kill them. Not fulfilled in your marriage – walk out. Free love, free sex, free condoms, free abortion, free housing, food, electrical, even cell phone with data plan including 200 free minutes per month. Free, because it’s all about ME.

    Next step – I do not answer to a family, I do not answer to God, I am God. I am entitled to everything I desire by divine right; anyone who hinders My will in the slightest, shall be cursed and damned without end.

  8. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 05.03.16 : The Other McCain

  9. Kind of odd. You would think that a person who could not sincerely recite the Apostles Creed would choose another vocation. It’s first words are “I believe.” Christianity, more so than Judaism or Islam places emphasis on belief and hope. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
    And without faith we cannot be saved. Or so I read Hebrews chapter 11.

  10. . . . “Unitarian” has an ethnic Jewish context that many genteel gentiles object to, although they would never admit it.

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