All In

At long last, Scott Walker is officially in the race.

I’ve departed from my traditional neutrality in presidential endorsement battles -certainly battles that take place over a year before the convention – and have been supporting  Walker for quite some time.  There are other good options in the race; I like Bobby Jindal a lot, John Kasich would be an excellent choice (who’ll never happen), and for that matter Jeb Bush, for all his faults, would be a vastly better President than any Democrat option (and more acceptable to a conservative; let’s remember that he governed generally well to the right of his brother).   And I’ve got nothing against Marco Rubio or Rand Paul – other than both of them being first-term Senators.  Either would be better Presidents than our current former one-term Senator – but why settle?

I’ve seen some criticism of Walker as being not conservative enough in some areas.  I’ve notice that some of them are areas where conservatives criticized Ronald Reagan, too. t

Walker’s not perfect – no candidate is, and the ones that try to portray themselves as ideologically perfect (I’m looking at  you, Ron Paul) are generally at the head of ideological personality cults (I’m looking at you, Ron Paul fans).

Some say Walker hasn’t had the best month, and that he’ll need to win Iowa outright to have a shot at the nomination.

And never have I been so tempted to go hang out in Iowa for a while…

24 thoughts on “All In

  1. It’s fun, and rather disturbing, reading the lefts reaction to this announcement. They are really into paranoid conspiracy theories.
    I really like Governor Walker, but thought 6 years of governor of a mid-sized state (and country exec of a large county) doesn’t make you ready to be President.
    But watching the left’s heads explode……I realized they are afraid of him and feel a need to destroy Walker. So yes, he’s my man now.
    He has a demeanor that I can’t comprehend. I think his always very calm personality is part of what sets the left off. The angrier they get, the calmer he is, which makes the Democrats all the more angry.

  2. Also….when John McCann was in debates….he was horrible. Had he never been in a live political discussion before? He couldn’t respond to Obama’s attacks with even the most basic rebuttle using facts that every Republican knows.
    I watched Carly Fiorina on C-Span last week, speaking in New Hampshire. She is someone who can talk, debate, and communicate an idea. I think Walker will do okay. He won’t be the most exciting, but perhaps enough people will say “its time for a grownup to be in office”.
    But overall, the Democrats 2 main candidates are an old lady who only the older Democrat establishment loves, and an old white socialist.
    Republicans have a great diversity of people wanting run. Its exciting.

  3. Chuck; totally agree that Walker is a fun addition just to watch the left go apoplectic.

    There is a Madison based organization whose sole mission seems to be to prevent Walker from succeeding. They claim that they have been collecting all of his sound bites, speeches, etc. to the point that they have almost a terabyte of it. Of course, these are typical left wing UW drop outs that can find real jobs or don’t want to, so they do this.

  4. BOSS….and things like that only get the already far lefty excited.
    The comments in Mitch’s linked article (Green Bay Press Gazette) are good. One said something like “have you been to the doctor yet to get the blue fist out that Walker stuffed up your colon?”.
    Several people have noted, and thanked, Madison echo chamber wackos for making Walker the national figure he is today. This is going to be fun. The angrier the left gets, the more support Walker will get.

  5. In case you are wondering which candidacies are jokes:
    Makes it easy to tell when the media are just being whores. (Well, that’s always. But you know what I mean.)
    Trump is a joke (obviously), as is everyone other than Hillary on the Dem side. The Dem nomination is already over, and any “news” about it is just pointless noise.
    Republican nomination is not quite over, with Bush, Rubio, Walker and — since I’m always the optimist — Kasich and Paul still in the running.

  6. Don’t know that I want my elected leaders predicted by a UK based gambling platform and its outside the US bettors, but to each his own.
    Sanders may not stand a chance against the soon to be coronated HRC, but it seems to me that he has the people that get their news and information from TMZ, Comedy Central, Raw Story and Kos (ie: the “progressives” that makes up the bulk of the Democrat party) packing halls and holding rally’s for him. He’s at least giving interviews (yet not having to explain his statement that lack of sex causes cervical cancer) and claiming he will stick it to the “them” who have scarfed up 99% of the pie while those who bend knee and bow head towards Washington DC (or St Paul) keep getting nothing but the crumbs. He’s within striking distance of HRC in NH – perhaps a regional sympathy play – because he’s willing to raise tax rates on “them” – even though per Greece, high tax rate schemes on the few who pay taxes rarely results in the gains in tax revenue promised.

  7. Emery;

    After all of the crap that Billary has stirred up, the lies, the illegal acts, etc; she is also a joke! The people that still want to support and vote for her, are disgusting traitors, just like she is. As many people on this forum have pointed out more than a couple of times, the left wing double standard that allows their morons to get away with the stuff that she does, would sink anyone else, conservative or independent.

  8. Waker may very well be under indictment for election tampering before he ever gets very far in primaries. In that respect he resembles Chris Christie.

    Walker’s policies are trashing Wisconsin. His economic policies have taken the state from 11th in job creation to 44th. His state is in the hole, and swirling around that hole like it was a state-sized toilet.

    You have NO candidates of quality this election cycle, and simply crammed a few more clowns into the clown car. Trump is guaranteeing that the GOP is a failed party that will fail in this election cycle, and not just at the presidential level. But that would not be true if the party were not full of bigots and racists who support Trump. Jebbie won’t earn the Latino vote just because he married a Mexican wife. Jindal has trashed his state almost as badly as Christie, Brownback and Walker have trashed theirs. It is highly unlikely that Walker could even carry Wisconsin in a presidential election; certainly Paul Ryan was unable to do so. And Walker could not get re-elected in his own state again, no matter how much the Koch brothers tried to rig another election for him. Jindal is the most hated governor in the US in his own state. Bwhahahahahaah — you have a truly failed notion of what success is.

    Dream on – the GOP is failing, badly, not just Walker, not just Jindal.

  9. ” . . . the GOP is failing, badly, not just Walker, not just Jindal.”
    As usual, Dog Gone has no grip on the reality the rest of us share.
    The GOP has large majorities in the federal Senate and House, and controls more governors and state legislatures than they have in generations, far more than the Democrats.
    The D’s, on the other hand, have a lame duck president and the bureaucracies. Guess which is more small-D democratic?
    Hate will only get you so far.

  10. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 07.13.15 : The Other McCain

  11. It looks like Hillary is moving sharply to the left. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a media that would ask her how she can run on 90s prosperity when she is disavowing the moderate policies that helped give us 90s prosperity? The Clinton’s DLC is gone, defunct. The Dems have moved far, far to the left of where they were in the 90s.

  12. “Jebbie won’t earn the Latino vote just because he married a Mexican wife.”

    Really Dog Breath?!

    I know that just because it worked for the King de Blasio, doesn’t mean it won’t work for JB, bust speaking of racists and bigots… I guess that it is OK to vilify people of color or their ethnicity if they are conservatives, right? You lefties slammed Mitch McConnell’s wife, who is Chinese, you are relentless on Michelle Malkin, a Filipino and let’s not forget Chief Justice Clarence Thomas.

    No Doggy, you and your ilk are the most hideous kind of racists, because you do it covertly.

    You are disgusting!

  13. I believe the indictment claim. That’s pretty much standard Democrat fare – trumpet indictments just before the election then dead silence when the charges are thrown out later.

    Wisconsin Democrats in particular have a history of abusing legal process (fleeing the state to avoid a quorum, buying votes with cigarettes, chaining doors shut, refusing to leave office after being voted out, secret investigations of political opponents).

    Walker should start warning people now that his opponents are going to lie about him and file fake charges to confuse voters, so voters can be ready for it when it happens. Tthen Walker can say “See? I told you they were crooked liars. Was I right?”

  14. What Joe notes. The “indictments” Walker faces are brought by people who are likely going to be facing disbarment for abuse of the process before the story is done. Big whoop.

  15. “The Dems have moved far, far to the left of where they were in the 90s.”

    In other words, to where Hillary was in the 90s. She’s a much better fit for the Democrats now than Bill.

  16. “Waker may very well be under indictment for election tampering before he ever gets very far in primaries.”

    I wouldn’t bet on it, Doggie. He’s smarter than that, and he’s known he’s under a microscope ever since his elections in Milwaukee. The process will likely be the same as Obama’s: you put known, highly partisan, perhaps less than completely scrupulous folks in positions to help you and turn them loose without direction. Lois Lerner anyone?

  17. I’m detecting a heightened level of hysteria in DG raving. It doesn’t make sense since Hussein Obama has had some great successes in trashing America of late…unless kel is on to something.

    Mitch, without revealing her identity, can you confirm that DG is one of the breeders recently named as dog torturers? Knowing, as we do, DG’s utter lack of compassion for unborn human beings, added with her obvious mental defects, it makes sense she would have little hesitation to torturing animals.

  18. tweety: “I’m detecting a heightened level of hysteria in DG raving”
    Think of it as work related stress.

    On the plus side for DG even if her puppymill fails an inspection, is cited and fined, MN law does not permit us (the consuming public), access to any information regarding the results of those inspections. Until her alleged violations result in a county attorney filing charges there’s no way to know what kind of conditions her animals live in.

  19. I notice that Wisconsin’s unemployment rate has dropped from 8.1% to about 4.8%. There is a coherent budget where there was a $3.6 billion shortfall. Oh, if we all could have such “disasters.”

  20. From the opinion of the Wisconsin Supreme Court:

    It is utterly clear that the special prosecutor has employed theories of law that do not exist in order to investigate citizens who were wholly innocent of any wrongdoing. In other words, the special prosecutor was the instigator of a “perfect storm” of wrongs that was visited upon the innocent Unnamed Movants and those who dared to associate with them. It is fortunate, indeed, for every other citizen of this great State who is interested in the protection of fundamental liberties that the special prosecutor chose as his targets innocent citizens who had both the will and the means to fight the unlimited resources of an unjust prosecution. Further, these brave individuals played a crucial role in presenting this court with an opportunity to re-endorse its commitment to upholding the fundamental right of each and every citizen to engage in lawful political activity and to do so free from the fear of the tyrannical retribution of arbitrary or capricious governmental prosecution.

    It doesn’t get much more categorical than that. Why do you hate fundamental liberties, Mrs. Teasdale?

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