Two Patties Of Sizzling Ugh

A friend of mine from South Minneapolis emails.  The bad news?  :

Oh great, my favorite local bar and burger place where I have taken many of you is now world famous. The POTUS just had a “Jucy Lucy” at Matt’s. Crap. We’ve been going to this place for decades and now…the place will be known in every corner of the earth. Best kept secret burger joint now will be even more busy. Dang.

The good news?  At least he didn’t go to The Nook.  You thought it was hard to get into Matt’s even before the POTUS’ visit?

6 thoughts on “Two Patties Of Sizzling Ugh

  1. in the progressive world the unacknowledged role of women is twofold; a) cannon fodder for PR and protest work and, b) interchangeable erotic furniture progressive alpha males (Clinton, Gore, Kennedy & Co) keep around for convenience and because some of them can also cook.
    Don’t think b) is true? Read the history of communism/progressivism in the US – start with Witness by Whitaker Chambers , in CPUSA of the 20th century women are interchangeable, disposable, and sex should be like the women, inconsequential.
    The “Right to free birth control” is there for the convenience of progressive males like Bill Clinton who never know when they may need to get their weasel greased and don’t want to be faced with downstream consequences.

  2. I bet the owner of the 5-8 is pissed. I wonder if he’s recorded in opensecrets as a republican donor.

  3. My first thought exactly. Why couldn’t they have just went to the 5-8 and left Matt’s untainted by the regime? Matt’s is by far better. Could the fabled secret prohibition-era passageway at the 5-8 have concealed protesters of the disgusting, disrespectful movie of Bengazi fame?

    At least he didn’t bring the czarina of healthy food and proper eating habits with him. The staff might have had to take the rest of the summer off to recuperate …

  4. Don’t worry about Matt’s. They probably had more TV viewers hear about them from Man vs. Food than any eyeballs cast Obama’s way these days. Besides, The One made a stop at the Copper Dome in St. Paul during his last term. I’ve been in there a couple of times since and it still seems the same. They didn’t even bronze the booth he sat in. I do wish, however, that His Emminence had given no more thought to consequences when he bit into his Jucy Lucy than he did to his Middle East policy. It would have been funny to see the Secret Service wrestling the hamburger to the ground.

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