Let Me Get This Straight

Minnesota’s media talking head-bots continually bellyache about wanting Minnesota politics to be “more civil” and “more like it was back in the good ol’ days”…

…but they give a continual pass to the antics of “Alliance for a Better Minnesota”, which every single day makes Minnesota a cheaper, dumber, uglier place to do politics?

2 thoughts on “Let Me Get This Straight

  1. Ever watch the crime related reality shows on which they interview gang members? Whenever interviewed (with blurred faces and disguised voices), they express dismay at the mayhem and death caused by their fellows and how “something has to be done.” Then they go back again to it. I think similar dialogue used to take place with Spike Moss, gang leaders, and various short-term Minneapolis Police Chiefs during the gang summits they used to have.

    Hence the media’s call for civility. Why would they want that? It would make for pretty dull viewing or listening, and would likely cut into political advertising revenue.

    How about a windfall tax on the advertising revenue taken in during campaign seasons? The media must take in a bundle during hotly contested races, particularly during the final couple weeks. Maybe use it to fund light rail or something else they seem to support. I think it would only be fair …

  2. Pingback: LIVE AT FIVE: 11.04.13 : The Other McCain

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