Not Saying Rick Kahn Had Anything To Do With It, But…

Mary LaHammer ponders yesterday’s vandalism of the homes of most of the Twin Cities congressional delegation – mostly Republicans (along with Rep. Ellison and Sen. Klobuchar):


If these images get a lot of attention I wonder if this could evolve into something like the Rick Kahn comments at Wellstone’s memorial. 

While the partisan in me sort of kind of hopes so (hey, I’ll cop to it), the rest of me does not – I think (and hope) most voters can tell the difference between pinheads with paint and party operatives (and in saying this I’m presupposing the vandalism wasn’t carried out by party operatives or their associates, naturally).

3 thoughts on “Not Saying Rick Kahn Had Anything To Do With It, But…

  1. The DFL in a nutshell: Denouncing the vandalism while taking a swipe at Coleman. This thing won’t be a Rick Kahn moment, but if the DFL feels the need to bash Republicans while decrying generic thuggery we could see a backlash.

  2. Hard to see this as a “Rick Kahn Moment” now. It the original RKM, it was the spectacle of partisan overreach (unfairly depicted or not) blasted all over the media that repulsed voters. Unless party operatives are found to have done this, (and vandalized democrats’ houses to obfuscate or cover their tracks) I doubt the message will be as clear to the voter. You could spin it either way–strike a blow against the violence and vote ______.

    IMHO, This seems to be a left wing kook, anarchist or fringe type who thinks that Democrats are too right wing. and who likely is upset about the bailout. (Left–because they “targeted” Bachmann too and called Ellison, who I believe only voted on the second bailout, a “traitor.”)

    Just because there was an old testament verse attached, doesn’t make this person a right wing evangelical. Left wing kooks love bible verses about the mighty being taken down a peg. It’s poetry to them.

  3. You can’t expect cowards to admit to their vandalism. It sounds like the work of left-leaning illuminati nuts who, like sewer rats, only come out at night to do their dirty work.

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