Make Your Voice Heard

Betty McCollum (DFL, MNCD4)  does her best to insulate herself from dissent.

Tonight is your chance to show her anyway.  She’s got a “Town Hall” going on at Macalester tonight, at the Macalester Chapel, 1600 Grand Avenue in Saint Paul.  And the good guys are rallying against her.

Get there at 5:30.

I can’t make it – I have a prior campaign-related commitment.  But if you go – and I hope you do! – leave a comment.

8 thoughts on “Make Your Voice Heard

  1. Given the violence perpetrated by Democrats at some of these events, all had best mind their manners. The days of the co-eds wearing a sweater with unicorns and RFK buttons on them while singing “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing” has been replaced at Mac with nose-ringed, neck tatoo’ed womyn with mohawks (the hairdo) ready to throw down with any who might make Betty look dumb. And that is pretty much all of you. Hey, if NPR can stereotype John Boehner ( ) a certain way, can’t I join in on the fun?

  2. Well, the Organize for America folks had a few long tables in front of the entrance trying to get everyone entering to “sign in”.

    I did thank Betty outside the door for helping to save Tibetan language broadcasting on the Voice of America . . .

    Of course I had to put up with a lot of lefty claptrap: “jobs Created or Saved”, “tests are killing our kids”, “the [working!] rich need to pay their ‘fair share'”, and a pathetic attempt to stifle dissent in the name of “civility” & a positive “tone”, blah, blah, blah . . .

    I don’t know how much they “packed” the Macalester Chapel with lefties (with the notable absence of SEIU thugs), but they definitely made sure as few questions got asked as possible. I guess they had reserved the Chapel from 5:30 – 7:30, but the questioning period lasted all of 15 minutes and was cut off long before 7:00pm.

  3. I missed it. I went to Macalester’s World Citizen building, but the event was actually in the Enviromental Justice center.

  4. Wow, Chuck. Are you serious? “Environmental Justice Center”? Think about how sloppy the definition of the words “environmental” and “justice” are. As near as I can figure, and “environment” is everything that is not “me”. And “justice” is what “I” think “I” deserve.
    So this is a center to make the everything that is not you gives you what you think you deserve.
    Remember when people used to think that to get stuff they had to get a job and work?
    I suppose most Macalaster grads go on to law school. Oh well, the lawyers will be the first ones against the wall when the revolution comes.

  5. Terry, I was joking about the building, but that is the new term used by the left. A certain left wing Lutheran church has that stated as one of their causes.

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