
Macalester – at $47,195 a year – has made the list of colleges where alumni earn less than high school grads.

Now, to some extent these rankings are misleading; students’ earning potential is whatever they decide it’s going to be.

Provided they don’t think waving a degree about and saying “I want a job in  my field” is the way to do it.

Which, given the number of International Victimization Studies majors Mac turns out, may be a bigger problem than most places.

8 thoughts on “Malinvestment

  1. Actually I think the most common major there is “World Citizen”. Or is it Enviromental Studies?

    Say..Conceal Carry saves another life. This time in Seattle at a 7-11.

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 03.14.16 : The Other McCain

  3. Sounds like the kind of information that a private sector loan officer would look at before underwriting a student loan. Wonder why the government isn’t doing this? It isn’t because it’s guaranteed revenue to back up the Health Insurance Deform Act, is it?

    (ding ding ding)

  4. Interesting #5 Reed College is where Steve Jobs dropped out and stayed to audit classes.

  5. This isn’t an indictment of Macalester, it’s a testament to the stupidity of the leftist tools that send their kids there.

  6. I suspect the most highly sought-after degree from Macalester is “Virtue Signaling” and you can’t put a price tag on that.

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