Lions Are Lying Down With Lambs…

… And I’m finding myself jumping to Sean Penn’s defense, against the wokeists

“I don’t think that being a brute or having insensitivity or disrespect for women is anything to do with masculinity, or ever did. But I don’t think that [in order] to be fair to women, we should become them,” the outspoken actor added.

Penn is defending the idea that the opposite of “toxic masculinity” isn’t “femininity”, but “good, well-formed masculinity”.

Which is a fight our whole culture needs to wage, and win, for its own sake.

Which is ,I guess, why Penn is being pummeled today.

70 thoughts on “Lions Are Lying Down With Lambs…

  1. Thank you NW! I haven’t gone to your blog yet but hope it gives mention of Paths of Glory and Fountainhead, although that’s very hard cinematography to swallow for 15 year olds.

    And now back to you regularly scheduled sock puppetry.

  2. NightWriter, you shouldn’t be embarrassed that your comments cover more than 5 words. or even 100. If short attention span theatre is a solution to a problem on this blog, that’s their problem, not a problem with the length of your reply.

    Mitch frequently takes 1000 words to say something that could be encapsulated in 10. He also frequently intimates when he doesn’t have the guts to say something openly.

    There aren’t “good guys” and “bad guys” NW (, there are people who do bad things in exigent circumstances and people who do them because it’s easier. There are people who let selfishness say “winning is more important than morality” and those who don’t. War movies often glamorize war, even trivialize it’s brutality. Platoon was a terrific movie but for reasons most do not see, it was terrific because it made clear that “in the crucible of battle” you cannot have two leaders. The Platoon leader was weak and Barringer and Defoe’s character contested to lead. Barringer’s solution was immoral but needed, Defoe lacked the backing to implement his own, and should have stepped back.

    I suggest every potential enlistee to the Marines or the Army watch “Saving Private Ryan” not to scare them, but to disabuse them of the notion that war is glamourous or easy. It’s random death that preparation can only make you somewhat safe(r) from, it’s also doing ugly things you’ll never EVER forget. Putting troops in harms way should be the very last thing we every do, not only because of the human cost to the people who live where the warfare occurs, but equally because of the irreparable harm we do to our troops. Unavoidable sometimes, but irreparable none-the-less.

    I happen to agree on the point about “chick flicks” and likewise think most women should be open to the idea of sitting through Saving Private Ryan, or Hamburger Hill, or the Boys from Company C, if they want me to sit through “Steel Magnolias”. The larger point is, they usually are, where we are, are often not.

  3. Paddy, it’s you, not Swiftee, being the schoolyard bully, challenging myself (and jdm and others) to a scrap and insulting us if we don’t take you up on it.

    Back to the topic, that’s “toxic masculinity” on your part.

  4. Joey Joey Joey, not of me, you dolt, of a debate. Sheesh, how stupid are you? You haven’t had reason or logic bite you in the ass in 10 years, don’t give yourself too much credit.

  5. BTW, I’ve NEVER been accused of being a bully. I’m standing here taking the abuse from 5-6 people, you guys are safe in your school yard. I’m here, on your turf. Special Snowflake.

  6. From deep inside his empty head, this ridiculous observation bursts forth from the pie-hole of Peevee

    “There aren’t “good guys” and “bad guys” NW (, there are people who do bad things in exigent circumstances and people who do them because it’s easier.”

    Oh, really? So which drove Epstein to rape kids? How about all the wealthy and politically connected men he entertained?

    Was it just easier for Bernie Madoff to steal the life savings of his friends, or was it an exigent circumstance?

    How about the enraged black that plowed into a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Peevee? Or the animals that raped and murdered Channon Gail Christian and Hugh Christopher Newsom?

    Please explain how your grade 5 insight into human character covers just these few recent incidents, and we’ll go on from there.

  7. “I’m here, on your turf.”

    LMAO! You sackless twat…on the Peevee blog, you immediately deleted anything that caused your tender brain stem to swell.

  8. Mitch, nothing to see here, you once again whine about discussion but wind up either focusing on cherry picked words or don’t show up at all.. nothing new. This is why I don’t hang out, I’m not here to take dictation for you or wait around hoping for “gosh, oh my, he deigned to comment.” As if.

    The point, which this so clearly illustrated, is the RW in this country is nothing OTHER than misogyny personified, the response from JDM reinforced that beyond question. As if Penn’s intent is really material to the “debate so desperately needed by our culture”. My god. If you guys need a primer in why 80% of the country thinks you’re tone deaf and utterly interested in facts, there’s your example.. We’re not condescending to you, it’s the other way around.

    I’m out for today, see you in a few days, or a week or six months. No point in having a discussion, you’re not interested and never were, not just with me, with anyone. You focus on syntax, or on Sean F’in Penn, when the point was about a needed debate…. lord.

  9. Why are you still picking on me? I conceded the debate, I toppled my king, I walked off the court, I took the knee. I even congratulated you on winning the debate.

    Stop punching down.

  10. … sorry, you guys, I had never before seen a real p-boy debate – or what he thinks passes for such in his head – and I guess I have to take the blame for setting him off. I was curious to see what it was like to debate him. And as has been shown… well, again, sorry, won’t make that mistake again.

  11. By Goly, JD, PV will NOT BE DENIED! YOU SHALL ANSWER/DEBATE/SPAR WITH HIM! And only HE can say when it is over (when Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, I bet). So he said, so it shall be!

  12. JPA, like nearly every liberal when discussing facts with 99.9% the doltish right, I’ve forgotten more history than you’ll ever know.. sorry fella, not a debate you’d better start. I said I was out but that comment is so ludicrous it’s deserving of special praise for it’s stupidity.

    Here’s a simple question for you JPA, answer OFF THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD, what did the Japanese use for aerial bombs when attacking at Pearl, and why?

    I’m guessing you’ll need to “google” it, because you’re such a classless ass you won’t admit to not knowing, they used (iirc14″) naval shells because they were concerned about the penetrating ability against deck armor of their standard bombs.

    Fin moron.

    Just so you guys know, it was JPA who said he wanted to shoot my progeny because debate was pointless. How does that sound for civil for you. S-bag.

    Before you deny it, JPA, let’s harken back to about 2010-2012, when I said we should have more discussion, do you recall that you said you were tired of debate, it was time for the shooting to start and that the world would be a better place if someone put a bullet in the heads of liberal children? No? Maybe you were drunk that day.. yeah, that excuses it, Snowflake.

  13. Joe, honestly, if you seriously felt I was punching down, I apologize. That also deserved a reply

  14. Blade, that’s a lie of the 1st order. The only things which were deleted were those comments that violated basic norms of decency and those were from a fool named KR…., is that who you are? If so, let’s cover the record, KR, which is short hand, made numerous personal attacks on people, to the point that it became more serious, he lept off the deep end.

    So, if you happen to be KR, stop lying. If you’re not, then you don’t know jack.

  15. Now you have been accused of being a bully, and correctly so. Deal with it. “Debate with me or I’m going to throw a bunch of insults your way.” is what you’ve said, more or less. You come in, take a dump on your host’s carpet, spill the drinks of a few other of his guests, tell anyone who objects to take it outside.


  16. Yes, P, I felt it was wrong of you to continue to pummel a person who was no longer in the arena. The brilliance of your analysis, the rigor of your logic, the vehemence of your assertions, it was all too much for me. The analytical structure of your comments contrived through the medium of the logic structure to sublimate this, transcend that, and come to terms with the fundamental dichotomies of the other and one was left with a profound and vivid insight into whatever it was the comment was about.

    As you correctly concluded, I was afraid to debate you which is why I surrendered and that’s why it was wrong of you to continue with the violence of punishing me with your words. I was so upset that I was literally shaking.

  17. jpa, you’re welcome. Details are fuzzy in my mind so that I sometimes confuse Paths of Glory with Tunes of Glory, so neither was one that came to me as possibilities. I should rewatch both. As for Fountainhead, it is perhaps the most accessible Rand movie adaptation, but Rand can be “masters-level” to get into. Plus, I didn’t want to try and frame the rape scene as justified (per Rand’s description in the book). I didn’t want to get into such fine shadings on a volatile topic with that age group as to whether it was “rape-rape” or not. I’d rather direct them to the way Spartacus reacted in his initial dealings with the woman Virinia when he refused to perform sexually for the entertainment of the guards. (And I did.)

  18. I’ve pointed it out many times, but it bears repeating.

    One singular symptom of the low IQ, leftist psychosis is lying. They all do it; they cannot help themselves. Some, like rat Emery lie for no apparent reason, others, like Peevee, do it in a futile attempt to save face. But for whatever reason, they all do it.

    Before he turned it over to a coven of insane, and reliably foul leftist women, Peevee deleted every single comment made by anyone from SiTD. If anyone cares to go back and check on his inane little blog, you’ll find lots of “this comment has been deleted” on posts from the early ’00’s. But don’t bother; you know what you’ll find.

    For an 80 IQ leftist wretch, pointing out the gaping holes in their laughably childish worldview “violates basic norms of decency”. They simply cannot tolerate having their gormlessness paraded in front of them.

  19. JD, that was a brutal, but expertly executed suplex body slam from the top ropes….he doesn’t even realize he’s been laid out…he’s laying on the mat, spitting teeth and preening.

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