Currying Favor

Here’s the team of lawyers volunteering their time to prosecute a Minneapolis police officer in the biggest racial lynching the city has ever seen. 

They must all be gunning for judge, hoping to impress Tim Walz with their sterling Liberal credentials so he appoints them to the bench.  Thank God I don’t live in Hennepin County.

Joe Doakes

Same. Although let’s not pretend for a moment that if this had happened in Saint Paul, the Ramco Attorney’s office wouldn’t be just as bad.

17 thoughts on “Currying Favor

  1. How does it go? If your case lacks facts, pound the law. If it lacks the law, pound the facts. If it lacks both, pound the table and hire a blue ribbon panel of attorneys.

  2. I don’t want to assert something from a position of ignorance, but it has been my impression, that the conclusions from the medical examiner would normally be enough to trump (avoid) the upcoming circus were the case much less high profile involving so many egos and reputations. Especially with the credible threat of public violence to follow.

    Is this true? Mostly? Somewhat?

  3. I heard that aspiring rapper Floyd told everybody that he was going to quit drugs & crime the very next day. He passed the bogus Jackson because he just wanted to get a rich nicotine & fentanyl buzz one last time.
    The world will never know what it lost last May 25. Aspiring rapper Floyd might have come up with a cure for cancer, or perhaps a settled peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The man was a civil rights hero, you just need to get past the robbery & pistol whippings.

  4. The volunteer prosecutor names are not familiar to me. Is this the same group that stepped up to help prosecute Officer Mohammad Noor, or was that a different blue ribbon panel?

  5. I have served on a jury. People gave all the testimony serious consideration. Ironically, in the end, it was the defense’s own witness that convicted him. It was blatantly and logically inconsistent with the facts.

    Juries, far more often than not, do their jobs, and are far more worthy of our trust than a bunch of political appointees.

  6. The reprobates have reimagined©, and adopted the Bull Conner method of jurisprudence, the Josef Stalin model of governance and the Red Guards model of social indoctrination. This is fine.

  7. PotAto HeAD squeaked: “I have served on a jury”

    10/10 that’s a lie, but it is an example of why IQ tests should be a mandatory requisite for jury selection. Can you imagine yourself in the hands of a dimwit like PotAto HeAD?

  8. 👆Tell us more about Trump’s imaginary second term and the “Biden stock market bubble” bursting.

  9. Since those are your delusions, PotAto HeAD, you tell us more about them.

    And tell us more about the heroic adventures you and your pals had shredding the biRkiE today! lmao


  10. jdm , I think the question you’re asking is why it’s going to trial. For my part, the toxicology report is one thing, and then you’ve got all kinds of questions on proper police procedure. I’m sticking with my initial thought–you kept on this guy for four minutes after he lost consciousness and two minutes after you lost his pulse….why? I’m glad those four are no longer in police work, and if it was policy, well, it should go a few pay grades higher, too.

  11. I’m with you BB. I don’t think they are guilty of a crime, but I’m glad to see tactics like the neck (or head) restraint go. Cops love to use tactics like that as much to humiliate a guy and assert their power as to make a lawful arrest.

    The problem I see, is LEO attract way too many borderline thugs these days. Cop culture has always maintained an “us vs. them” mindset, ie: everyone not wearing a uniform is a potential enemy. In addition, they’re encouraged to be “aggressive” by the leadership; it is a category in fitness reports, or it used to be.

    We can’t have pussies out there, but we don’t need Rambo wanna-be’s either.

  12. Say PotAto HeAD? You’re concerned about Corona virus, right? You believe the POTUS has the ultimate responsibility for handling it, right?

    Mayors along the Texas border are reporting their hospitals are being filled with border jumping GuataMexidorians with bat flu. It’s estimated that 25% of the caravans that are pouring in are infected…but your hero, Pedo Joe has ordered them dumped into the nearest town.

    Why is Pedo Joe re-infecting America with the deadly Covid 19, PotAto HeAD? How many dead Americans will satisfy his blood lust?

    tia, ‘Tater HeAD

  13. Still waiting PotAto HeAD.

    Why is Pedo Joe re-infecting America with the deadly Covid 19? 🤔

    Why is your Pedophile In Chief murdering American citizens?🤔

  14. Regarding the case, since when does it take a team of high powered attorneys months to come up with a plausible case against a man whose actions are shown very clearly on video and such? And what are those high powered attorneys trying to achieve by taking this case pro bono, besides perhaps getting some unwarranted favor from Ellison’s office? Wouldn’t it be more ethical for them to point out that any country prosecutor ought to be able to do a good job with this case?

    And what does it achieve for those who are accused, but who do not have access to the corridors of power? Does it not communicate that if they do not have access to the corridors of power and high powered attorneys, they’re hosed?

  15. I don’t have much sympathy for Chauvin.
    But I hate to see a feller lynched because of his race.
    Guess I am old fashioned.

  16. when does it take a team of high powered attorneys months to come up with a plausible case against a man whose actions are shown very clearly on video and such?

    When they are concerned that the AG might make a flub that results in the “wrong” jury decision.

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