
When Conservatives say American culture is swirling the bowl, this is
what they mean.

The statement of facts given by the Court of Appeals:


The Minnesota Vixens were a women’s tackle-football team.  From 2012
through 2017, they were part of the Independent Women’s Football
League.  Christina Ginther applied to play but was told she could not
join the team because league policy requires that all players be “born
female.”  Ginther is a transgender woman.


The issue in the case is a technical point about whether the team
tendered a claim to the league to pay for the lawyers to defend it. 
Ignore that, doesn’t matter.  The important part is the Minnesota Human
Rights Act protects the rights of a man dressed up as a woman to sue a
woman’s organization for refusing to allow him to play tackle football
against women.


Joe Doakes

Swirling notwitstanding, I can’t wait until a transgender female tries to break into roller derby – which is in my observation an activity packed to the gills with virtue-signaling enthusiastic progressives.

The court case would be more fun than the skating.

3 thoughts on “Swirling

  1. The court case would be more fun than the skating.

    Indeed it would, especially since one of my favorite lawyers of all time I have had the pleasure of working with is on one of the teams. She can pack a punch!

  2. Actually, although I understand JD’s point, I’m pretty happy that women as a whole get to live with the consequences of their decisions/actions. I mean, I don’t know nor care about any of the MN Vixens and wish them only the best in their endeavors, but path of destruction through men-only organizations over the last 50 years, some of it trivial (country clubs), some of it dangerous (military), for no reason other than they can doesn’t make me very sympathetic to their plight as exhibited by this.

  3. Roller derby is probably one of the few sports (?) where the size and weight advantage of most transgenders would be even more problematic than in football, because the floor is not cushioned like a football field, the players are wearing far less PPE, and physical strength is not as much a limitation in speed. I am all for being merciful to those with gender dysphoria, but at the same time, I don’t want to let that mercy injure those who choose to compete in the game of life without aftermarket parts, so to speak.

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