When Narratives Are Relentlessly Reinforced

Back during the glory days of the Tea Party, we – the good guys – were famous, among other things, for leaving the sites of our demonstrations cleaner than they were when we arrived.  It was a bit of a point of pride…

…especially when compared with the rat-infested rape camps of the media darlings of the “Occupy” movement.

Last weekend’s “Bernie Bro Women’s March against Trump” continued the narrative:

Not sure where this was taken – i got it off social media – but on a deeper level, it doesn’t matter. The “protests” of the Big Left are all centrally planned, and are about as regionally unique as McDonalds’ french fries.

Does it ever fail?  No.  Not really.

6 thoughts on “When Narratives Are Relentlessly Reinforced

  1. When you expect that the government is your mom, and you deny responsibility for so many other parts of life, why would you clean up after yourself in a public space? There are rich taxpayers to pay for that.

  2. When you expect that the government is your mom, and you deny responsibility for so many other parts of life, why would you clean up after yourself in a public space? There are rich taxpayers to pay for that.

    As P.J. O’Rourke has noted: “Everyone wants to save the earth. No one wants to help mom clean up the dishes.”

  3. 3 days late and a whole passel of change short; I read some snowflake on FB justifying that this was purposefully done, right in front of Trump’s DC Hotel.

    And someone followed up with a meme showing one of the guys picking up that mess – “Male privilege is cleaning up the mess left by a women’s march.”

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