Call For John Banner

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

We know Democrats cheated in the election, they always do. The reason they lost is they didn’t cheat hard enough, possibly because they believed their own fake polls and thought she had it in the bag. That explains why they were so embarrassed when she lost – it’s their own damned fault for being so cocky.
Before the recount, Democrats confidently assured me there wasn’t a single smidgen of evidence that any voting fraud had ever happened and it was all my imagination.
But Jill Stein demanding the recount forced Michigan to ask “Why are there 300 votes for Hillary in this precinct but only 50 voters total?” Hell, why do a third of precincts show too many Hillary votes?
Okay, NOW can we talk about election fraud and voter ID?
Joe Doakes

That stuff that doesn’t exist, and where suggesting it is treason?

Heavens no.

2 thoughts on “Call For John Banner

  1. You cannot find what you do not seek. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. In Minnesota, cheating is enshrined in law.

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