A Modest Proposal

I didn’t get to bed until 5AM yesterday morning.  It wasn’t “excitement” so much as “restlessness”, to be honest.

Watching liberal media, blogs and social media, you’d think the US just got conquered by Francisco Franco.

It did not.

Watching the mobs of pajama boys grrls that our “educational” establishment has spawned taking their sick days and rushing to their safe spaces, you’d think we’d suffered a terrorist attack.

We didn’t, unless you consider dissent “terrorism”.    And I know some of you do.

Of course, there’s no discussing this with some people.   (To be fair, while you can discuss it with me, and I’ll listen hard, you’ll have to bring your A game).

But how about let’s try?

I’m going to borrow an idea from Dennis Prager.

Let’s talk in two years, right before the mid-terms.

If we get the Armageddon you all predict – rampant discrimination (real discrimination, not dissenting sentiments by marginal figures and isolated people) against immigrants in general, society turning into a dystopia for women, gays, Latinos, blacks and everyone in between, violent nationalism running amok – I’ll admit publicly I was wrong.

If we don’t –  or, if in fact attitudes about immigration, race and the economy improve – you admit publicly you were wrong.

Let me know if we have a deal.

27 thoughts on “A Modest Proposal

  1. The ploy the Left and the Democrats are trying out, is to depict the Trump voters and Trump as representing a small part of America, while they represent everyone.
    This is bullshit. It is incredibly cynical. It makes no sense and displays a profound ignorance of politics, meaning the media will buy it.
    No politician and government can represent the interests of everyone. You cannot give equal weight to the interests of the thief and the property owner. The progressive Left in the United States is obsessed with transferring privilege. It cannot legitimately represent the interests of the person from whom the privilege is being taken. It is not in the interests of the criminal to put him or her in jail. That is why jail time is not voluntary 🙂
    So whenever a conversation begins with the implicit or explicit statement that the government ‘needs to represent everyone’, shut it down immediately. The person making the statement does not even believe it themselves. They don’t believe the government needs to give equal weight to the opinions of the KKK and pro illegal immigration activists.

  2. Of my meager count of FB friends, one is the wife of a former colleague I worked with in Minnesota. Years ago, when we last discussed politics, they both struck me as strong libertarians. Now, it seems, they are full-blown moonbats. She posted this drivel yesterday morning:

    I’m devastated to learn that so many of the people around me condone (or at least don’t condemn) sexual violence and hate speech against anyone who looks or acts ‘different.’ I’m afraid for the safety of my friends and my children.

    Another acquaintance of mine is an indy film director who is circulating a petition to have a majority of the electors vote for Clinton instead of Trump in December, whilst simultaneously complaining about how unfair the electoral college is. She either doesn’t realize, or care, that if something like that actually happened, it would make the protests temper tantrums happening in some cities today seem like nothing in comparison to the $#!-storm that would erupt from the will of the electorate being thwarted.

  3. The Democrats have become a party of victims, minorities, and special causes, rather than a party of governance. A party of governance would shake up the civil service, reform education, incorporate modern computing and communications into government, and above all take on the public sector unions. Instead, the Democrats find it hard to agree on anything but social causes like gay marriage. There is little up and coming talent, and most of the broad policies look like they were written 30 years ago by Ted Kennedy who (I checked) is dead.
    How about implementing single payer healthcare in individual states that want it?
    How about unemployment insurance for the 21st century?
    How about reforming the 401K system to take control of retirement savings from employers?
    How about subsidizing retirement savings for poor people?
    How about embracing K-12 education reform?
    How about focusing on making higher education cheaper, rather than just throwing money at it?
    How about improving certification of skills training to provide an alternative to the 4 year bachelors degree?
    How about reforming taxes to tax consumption rather than labor, and to tax capital income at least as heavily as labor income?
    How about a minimum wage which is an appropriate fraction of median income for every county, rather than a one-size-fits-all minimum wage for the entire country?
    Instead, we get causes like equal pay for women, quotas for diversity, kowtowing to public unions, and rights for the transgendered. The American public has trouble taking a Democratic legislator or executive seriously. There are no new ideas, and really poor nominees up and down the ballot. Hilary was the only Democrat I voted for this year, because the candidates down the ballot were simply laughable. The Democratic party needs some actual governing policies (see above) and serious professionals as candidates who are young enough to not give a damn who was doing what in 1968.

  4. SSOLS Emery shared: Hilary was the only Democrat I voted for this year, because the candidates down the ballot were simply laughable.

    A sociopath and congenital liar, one who considers a judgement of being too stupid to indict to be vindication, is star quality shit, but everyone else is a joke.

    LMAO…you pathetic tool.

  5. Try one of your sock puppets Tom, you’re starting to repeat yourself again….Yawn

  6. Emery, what the D’s have is what political scientists call a “low-high coalition.”
    There is nothing new under the sun.

  7. But I digressed…

    “rampant discrimination”

    Let’s talk about discrimination. Discrimination has gotten a bad rap from the left, and too many real Americans have bought into it. The truth is, discrimination is a tool, a helpful tool that keeps us from harm.

    If you walk into a restaurant and see, through a swinging door perhaps, a kitchen in disarray; dirty dishes stacked high, open plastic containers everywhere, people cooking in tee shirts…do you sit down and order?

    How about a lawyer practicing out of a ramshackle strip mall office…does he get your business?

    We discriminate every day, and for good reasons. Discriminating strictly by immutable traits like skin color, and in some cases (but not all) by gender is not evil; it’s stupid.

    But discriminating against people that advertise a penchant for chaotic or destructive behavior is just good business. If a landlord turns away a black man, it may be discrimination born of ignorance, but if that black man pulled up in a ’90 Crown Vic rolling on 22″ wheels blasting Fiddy Cent, it is probably a sound business decision.

    I think we need to be a bit more discriminating, about discriminating against people that practice discrimination.

  8. Look at Emery’s list; it’s actually not all bad. Shake up the civil service and disrupt SEIU? Amen to that. Education reform? Halleluiah Amen. Shift tax burden to consumption instead of incomes/production? Preach it, brother.

    He’s got some duds there, too–keeping the minimum wage, subsidizing retirement for the poor (it’s called “Social Security”, Emery), and single payer health insurance, but he’s got a seed of small l libertarianism in there. Give credit where credit is due.

  9. Look at Emery’s list

    It is almost guaranteed to be better in the original context and format from where ever he cut and pasted it from.

    SSOLSE does not believe in giving credit where it is due.

  10. “It is almost guaranteed to be better in the original context and format where ever he cut and pasted it from.”

    An edit function would really be nice.

  11. The Progressive idea of how humanity is best organized — politics, in other words, the purpose and use of the political state — goes back to the turn of the 20th century. You need to look at the world from the point of view of those progressives.
    They had seen mankind’s genius flower in the 19th century. There were unprecedented advances in all fields of human endeavor. The world’s GDP had increased by a factor of about 20 between 1800 and 1900 (by way of contrast, it increased by only half that much again in the 20th century).
    The Progressives of the year 1900 believed the next frontier in human advancement was to apply the same techniques used to increase human knowledge and wealth in the 19th century to politics. The way everything had been done had changed between 1800 and 1900, except for the way we governed ourselves. The Progressives of 1900 wanted to create systems of governance based on the latest proven economic and scientific principles. This meant increasing the scale of government (centralized decision making), and governance by a class of technocrats trained to consider the needs of the state before all else (benign authoritarianism).
    Some of this worked. Some did not. See World War Two for example of successful centralized, technocratic governance. Some of this new governing philosophy did not work. The system of government that can fight and win a global, industrialized war is not a system of government that can efficiently produce desirable consumer goods. Doing that requires the opposite features of a centralized, technocratic state.
    The Democrats have never learned that lesson. Bernie Sanders’ comments that there was a choice between producing superfluous consumer goods and feeding starving children displays typical early twentieth century progressive thinking.
    Sanders was not the Democrat nominee, of course, but I have never heard those particular remarks of his criticized by any progressive, including Hillary. But I have heard progressives praise Sanders’ remarks.

  12. I really disliked Trump. A week ago I disliked him. I voted for him only as a protest vote against Hillary.

    I feel better today. I am really enjoying seeing the loony left riot. The classes being cancelled. The left wingers showing what they really are about. Will this be another Wisconsin? Where the Madison nutjobs just make Scott Walker more and more popular? (See results in Wisconsin from Tuesday).
    As far as how he’ll govern? Now that Trump has won, he can stop pretending to be a conservative Republican. Maybe he’ll govern as a moderate libertarian. I can live with that.

  13. Jethrene, you make it sound like the Progressives of 1900 were advised from their scholarship of Plato’s The Republic, but by the mid teens they seemed to have abandoned that for Marx & Engels Communist Manifesto.

    Looks like today’s leftists have taken a shine to Golding’s Lord of the flies.

  14. Bb, you are giving eTASS too much credit. He does not say HOW he would like to transform SEIU. He does not say HOW he expects to improve K-12. He does not say HOW to make college cheaper. He says “How about”.
    And you fell for it hook line and sinker. eTASS proved time and time again in the past he is the virulent marxist so I can assure you his means and goals are diametrically opposed to human nature.

    And don’t forget, that just two days ago he thought sHrillsry was the best possible candidate demoncrats had and pubes had nothing to offer. NOTHING. eTASS is indeed a true commissar, I give him that, and that is not a praise but an indictment.

  15. Swift, very astute observation, but I would also add animal farm to the latter with a bit of 1984 thrown on as well.

  16. I’ve been trying to post a link to infowars. Did it three times but the posts just disappear.

    Anyway, go and see how Trump voters are being treated in Obama’s hometown by wards of the state.

    Lord of the flies? Yup.

  17. Mitch, no deal. Libturds are all about instant gratification and you are asking them to wait for two years. Not gonna happen.

  18. SP,

    Not sure what happens with the infowars links. They’re not on my blocklist or mod triggers.


  19. Yea, watching and hearing about libidiots heads exploding, is pretty fun.

    My liberal daughter called me from Chicago last evening, to let off steam, but surprisingly, she was more pissed off at having to maneuver through all of the “fucking idiots protesting” and only a little bit about Hillary losing. She said that if the morons keep that shit up, we’ll lose the next one, too.

    Then, lo and behold, Rush observed the same thing on his show today.

  20. Liberals are terrified of Trump because they believed their own lies that he was literally Hitler.

    Wake up, dummies. Those lies were intended to hoax the yokels, to deceive the rubes into voting against him. They were never intended for you wise, sophisticated tolerant people to believe.

  21. This just in.

    The daughter of one of my colleagues, attends the U. Amazingly, she is a hard core Republican and voted for Trump. She has been texting my colleague throughout the day about her instructors whining and ranting about the elections and the stupidity of the protesters. Apparently, one her instructors was crying that since she was a lesbian, she would never be able to have a family. Another female instructor, in the middle of her rant, came out as bi-sexual to the class. Since she lives on campus, she told my colleague that she was coming home for the weekend, because she was fed up with the bullshit.

    My colleague is writing to Eric Kaler to get control of his subjects.

    IMO, it’s high time that we put the hammer down on those leeches in academia and reduce funding for not maintaining an environment where all students can learn and not be subjected to the actions of spoiled, entitled, libidiot brats!

  22. Boss: :^). Regarding the “huge issue” of lesbians not getting to have a family….sounds like somebody was sleeping in “sex ed” class, or has failed to realize that lesbians have been adopting and using artificial insemination to become parents for decades. Do we want someone who is this out of touch with reality to be teaching kids in college?

  23. bb;

    You are correct about out of touch instructors. I meant to add that these are only excerpts. She did some recordings and sent them to us, too. We were literally howling with laughter at the outright stupidity on display by these elitist “instructors”. You absolutely can’t make this shit up!

  24. Scott;

    LOL. She was hurt badly by the carefully crafted lies in her ads. I hate to give credit to someone at WDFL, but Pat Kessler called her out for it, as did Channel 5. Since so many people in this state believe what their media betters tell them, I’m sure that helped Lewis.

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