To: The Entire American Media

To:  The Media
From:  Mitch Berg, Peasant
Re:  Journalistic “Standards”

Dear Media

Katie Couric lied to the viewing public by maliciously editing her piece on “Gun Violence” to show a group of human rights activists as speechless when asked a fairly elementary question about gun control (when, in fact, they had several minutes of on-point, articulate response).

Kevin Williamson – a long-time newspaperman (who presumably knows the secret handshake you journalists have that determines whether you’ll take their criticism seriously or not) notes that…:

This kind of thing is the stock-in-trade of faux journalists such as Jon Stewart and crude propagandists such as Michael Moore, but Katie Couric is, in theory, something else: an actual journalist. There are things we permit among comedians that we do not permit among journalists: I doubt very much that every anecdote Richard Pryor ever shared actually happened.

I believe I’ve heard a journo or two whimpering about “Censorship”.  (“On The Media”, NPR’s media criticism program Media Über Alles-fest, hasn’t yet, but I’m sure they will – if they deign to address the story at all)

The usual idiots are rallying to Couric’s defense for the usual reason, which has absolutely nothing to do with principle and everything to do with a deep disinclination to allow anything to happen that might be considered a victory for conservative critics of the mainstream media. This is not a First Amendment question: No one is arguing that this film should be censored, the way films critical of Hillary Rodham Clinton were subject to government censorship before Citizens United; rather, this is a straightforward question about journalistic standards and Yahoo’s adherence to or wanton abandonment of them. Journalists are not supposed to tell lies to their audiences.

Fearless prediction:  “Serious” journalists will throw their hands up in the air, declare “it’s the new media, what are you gonna do?” and let it aaaaaaaall slide.

19 thoughts on “To: The Entire American Media

  1. Somewhere, Dan Rather and Peter Jennings are sitting bleary-eyed at a bar with each other, staring up at the TV behind the bartender and saying, “What the…?”

  2. Technology is exposing the media for what it is. Even a decade ago it would have been difficult to expose Couric’s lies, 20 years ago it would have been next to impossible. These days, it’s trivial — and the media doesn’t appreciate the curtain being pulled back on their operation.

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox, 06.01.16 : The Other McCain

  4. Really to understand this, you’ve got to go decades back. My wife was a PR intern at Oldsmobile back in college, and she noted that a particular journalist at the Lansing paper basically had her articles written before she talked to anyone at GM. Nothing came of it. At about the same time, a friend of mine at MSU got a bunch of “Impeach Rather” bumper stickers. Bummer that none of us had cars!

    So journalists have been pulling this one for decades, and it’s going to take the sound of a lot of wallets snapping shut when it comes time to subscribe to get their attention, really.

  5. Oh, boo f-ing hooo.

    Conservative media does far worse on a daily basis (hello? Fox NOT News?)

    I have yet to see the uncut footage, so I don’t presume to comment on Couric’s editing; however there seems a reasonable case that while comments were made, there was also an extended pause in the interview.

    Your losing. This isn’t why; that your conservative positions are a failure is why.

    One more example of conservatives whining away about what victims they are, when they are NOT. Bunch of whinging woosies.

  6. DG mewled: “I have yet to see the uncut footage, so I don’t presume to comment on Couric’s editing

    gosh DG you’ve become so intellectually slovenly you can’t even motivate yourself enough to make your porcine little fingers do a google search thus saveing yourself the embarrassment of making an inexcusably ignorant statement like the above.

    What are you looking for, pathos?

  7. DG:
    You’re, not your. A 7th grader can make the distinction. Maybe next year, eh?

  8. DG,

    I’m not going to show you the courtesy of responding until I have some evidence you actually read replies to your comment-section droppings.

    Please response.

  9. I have yet to see the uncut footage, so I don’t presume to comment on Couric’s editing; however there seems a reasonable case that while comments were made, there was also an extended pause in the interview.

    In other words, you are opining on a topic where you have no direct knowledge. At least you seem to have abandoned the usual “fact checking” crap in this instance. That’s something.

  10. Dog Gone paraphrased:

    “I believe Katie Courics obvious lies”

    Dog Gone is an idiot.

  11. dg is driven by hate, and I can respect that. What I cannot respect is the stultifying ignorance that fuels it. She is proof against reason, logic and common sense….I think we may have a bit hasty on giving up on insulin shock treatment.

  12. Your losing. This isn’t why; that your conservative positions are a failure is why.

    Those two sentences display every spelling, grammar and syntax error it takes most public school scholars pages to make. If you’re going to be an idiot, might as well be an epic idiot, I guess.

    I wish we had a sample of her handwriting, I bet it’s a thing of beauty.

  13. Conservative media does far worse on a daily basis (hello? Fox NOT News?)

    Yet, you didn’t cite an example of this. Besides, don’t you get it? Doctoring video is wrong, regardless of political affiliation. Moreso, it shows the weakness of a political argument when one resorts to deception to score points.

    I have yet to see the uncut footage, so I don’t presume to comment on Couric’s editing; however there seems a reasonable case that while comments were made, there was also an extended pause in the interview.

    Translation: “My opinion is uninformed, but I’ll share it with you anyway.” Reminds me of Obama in the Henry Louis Gates “controversy”: He admitted the facts had yet to come in, but still overstepped his bounds as POTUS and weighed in on a city matter by opining that the police “acted stupidly”.

    Your losing. This isn’t why; that your conservative positions are a failure is why.

    How are we losing? By spending time to review the evidence?

    One more example of conservatives whining away about what victims they are, when they are NOT. Bunch of whinging woosies.

    Excuse me, but a member of the mainstream media and her director were caught doctoring video to make American citizens look like fools in an effort to promote a political narrative. A director who refuses to apologize to a “radical” group (whom she smeared with video doctoring).

    What we actually have here is one more example of the seething, impotent hatred of the Left, seemingly willing to excuse any breach of public trust if it hurts people with whom they disagree.

  14. Pingback: Open Letter To “Starting a Conversation” With Katie Couric And The Entire New Media | Shot in the Dark

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