Fingers Crossed

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

A buddy had an insight why Hillary won’t be indicted, won’t even be seriously questioned, about her ever-shifting lies:
The standard has shifted. Washington’s “I cannot tell a lie” was replaced by Hitler’s The Big Lie which was replaced by Bill Clinton’s The Great Lie.
The Great Lie does not mean the person is a convincing liar. That went out the window with Slick Willie. We all knew he was lying, but the media decided that as long as his lies were told in furtherance of the Progressive Agenda, the media would let them ride. This is the mindset of reporters like Nina Burleigh, who graphically described how she would reward President Clinton for keeping abortion legal. That attitude brought us the era of The Great Lie, the lie that is, in modern parlance, “too big to fail.”
The frustration of Democrats and their wholly-owned subsidiary, the mainstream media, is the GOP hasn’t accepted the new standard. The GOP still thinks it’s fair to indict Hillary for lying about her crimes. Hillary’s lies are, of course, brazen and transparent. But the objective that the lies are protecting – electing her President – is too important for the media to call out the lies, as that might jeopardize attainment of the objective.
The stakes are too high to hold Hillary to the truth because the truth would derail the process of crowning her to lead us into the abyss.
The Great Lie has become the accepted method for every Progressive issue. Universal free medicine is too important to allow truth to interfere with the dream, so The Great Lie that Obama-care is working must be accepted without question. Climate change is too important to be clouded with truth so The Great Lie must prevail even if we have to silence scientists and distort the data to fit the theory. Gun control, Muslim terror, campus rape, the methodology is always the same.
There is an added incentive for the mainstream media to endear themselves of The Great Lie: it frees them from the shackles of ethics, truth, due diligence, etc. If the issue is sufficiently important in the Progressive Agenda, then no outdated journalistic ethos need slow down the machinery of printing garbage for the masses. It’s a much more efficient than the old methods of sourcing facts, confirming identities and access of the informants or suppliers of facts, editorial oversight to check for balance and fairness. The only people who suffer are those who care about the truth.

Joe Doakes

The idea of “journalistic ethos” is to news consumers (and journo students) what Santa Claus is for children.

One thought on “Fingers Crossed

  1. Joe, you’re a law talking dude; you understand the importance of precedent.

    If Hillary had played fast and loose with a couple hundred confidential communications, maaaybe even a secret one or two, I’d be ready to believe she gets a pass. But thousands, including at least two that rated TS/SAP….I don’t think they can afford to let it slide.

    There are tens of thousands of teen age military members that handle classified jobs and Intel every day. Most are highly motivated, but they are still young and dumb; I know, I was among em once.

    The thing that ensures they “get” the importance of what they’re doing is the fear the military instills in its members with classified jobs. Documents are signed, threats issued and reinforced routinely. “Don’t fuck this up, or its your ass” yeah, we get it Chief.

    If they let this feckless, conniving hag skate it will undermine the military; it’s just that simple.

    Our Obamanation is as screwed up as it can be, but perhaps naively, I still cling to the hope we have a few trustworthy adults in positions of authority.

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