
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Some of us right-wing kooks think the media has jumped on the Dentist Killed National Treasure Cecil the Lion story as a way to distract Americans from the baby-butcher videos.  As proof, I offer . . .

Imagine if instead of Planned Parenthood it was some puppy mill and the workers were joking over the puppy parts, talking about using them for something and how much money they can make for kidneys or something.  Those workers would be in jail facing major prison time.
Joe Doakes

I have a hunch puppy mills are going to become a big story again, in about 3…2…1…


10 thoughts on “Dogged

  1. The funniest part of that article is reading the comments from the moronic lefties/animal rights activists. Some of the anti-hunting rants could have come out of Heather Marten’s book of bull crap.

  2. It might be worth the expense to pay a vet to hoik out a litter at 50 days, and have actors use some forceps to stir the “clumps of cells” around in a Petri dish. Maybe one could exclaim, “it’s a puppy!” while another chimes in “another male!”.

    Release that video, stand back and observe the white hot outrage that would ensue.

  3. And speaking of abortion, a particularly pernicious and unrepentant ghoul reminisces on the Minnpost:

    “I was 16 and pregnant in 1973 when the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that women have the right under the Constitution’s privacy clause to abortion for the first two trimesters of pregnancy. I chose this option in 1974 and received services through the militant physician activist, Dr. Mildred Hanson at the Teenage Medical Center on Chicago Ave. in Minneapolis then and later, again, at Planned Parenthood. It does not matter how or why I got pregnant; I was simply not ready or equipped to go through childbirth. I never regretted it or felt ashamed.”

    Let us parse this beauty, shall we?

    “I was 16 and pregnant in 1973 when the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade..”

    SCOTUS enshrined infanticide as a constitutional right on January 22, 1973. The ghoul says she was pregnant at that time, but goes on to say:

    “I chose this option in 1974 and received services through the militant physician barbarian activist…”

    One must conclude that either she had the child she was pregnant with in ’73, or aborted it…and then went on to get pregnant with and willingly participate to murder another in ’74. But her butchery isn’t done yet…”and later, again, at Planned Parenthood”

    That’s three, no?

    Now for some world class decency Mengeling:

    “It does not matter how or why I got pregnant; I was simply not ready or equipped to go through childbirth. I never regretted it or felt ashamed.”

    I agree the circumstances under which she got pregnant three times doesn’t matter when considering the heinous nature of her response, but it’s important none the less, and we won’t allow her to slide by. Either she was being repeatedly raped, in which case we wonder why she didn’t reach out to someone, or she’s a particularly enthusiastic, and unrepentant slut.

    Now, she has every right to be a slut, but remember; birth control in all forms available today was available in 1973. The point is, if she’d have had to deliver her first child alive, would she have gone on to get pregnant two more times? I can’t think that would be the case.

    So we see the effect Roe had from the very beginning on those who were already hanging on to their humanity by a gossamer thread.

    It’s a wonder it took so long for another ghoul to post video of her infanticide to the internet.

  4. Curious….

    From the founding to the 1960’s, the Democrat party was the party of racism; defending slavery and after the civil war, Jim Crow apartheid.

    Now the Democrat party is defending an infanticide regime that is decimating our future generations, but most especially the future generations of black Americans.

    Are these facts coincidence?


  5. It’s worth noting, per Alex’s comments, that the age of consent in Minnesota is 16. There was likely a crime committed in impregnating the young lady.

  6. Those workers would be in jail facing major prison time.

    Well, they might not be facing jail time, but you better believe some garage doors would certainly be vandalized.

  7. “Personally, I know countless women who have chosen abortion….”

    Lady, we are in totally different worlds. Now, I know many people who were adopted, including a couple that are about the age your children would be today if you would have allowed them to be born and adopted.

    Bigger picture… it really that hard for women to go to the bathroom of Super America and pickup a couple of condoms from the machine in there? Or maybe start banging a higher class of guy who will contribute to the cause?

  8. Constitution’s privacy penumbra.

    A penumbra that ONLY covers abortion but not the intimate details of your financial life, your electronic life, or your walking down the streat minding your own business life.

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