Jed Liveblogs His Seance With Sigmund Freud

(Note from Mitch:  I got this from my “evil” twin brother, Jed.  He believes in some funky stuff, including spiritualism and seances.  While I post his occasional pieces, I don’t necessarily endorse his views).

“It’s come to my attention that certain local bloggers have been trying to invoke classical psychoanalysis in critiqueing blogs – namely, in this case, my brother Mitch’s.   In one rather febrile case, a local blogger attempted to co-opt Sigmund Freud in order to “analyze” (via the “inundation with stereotypes” modality) last week’s “Hot Gear Friday” on World War II firearms.

So to set the record straight, I’m going to attempt to go to the source; I’m going to contact Doctor Freud himself in the next world

I believe this may be a blog first; certainly it’s a first among MOB blogs.

I’ve gathered some spiritualistic objects about me; I’m burning incense; I’m getting into a deep trance, attempting to commune with the spirits…

…wow.  He – or his spirit – has a Yahoo Chat account!  Who knew? 

I will include the transcript of the seance chat – the “chateance”, I guess – below.  This should be exiting.

SigFreud: Allo – wem hat mich abgewocht?

JedBerg: Sorry to disturb you, Dr. Freud. 

SigFreud: Kein Problem.  Was ist denn deine frage?

JedBerg:  Thank you.  I have just a couple of short questions… 

SigFreud: Schieß sofort!

JedBerg: Very well!  First question: does your theory of “compensation” have the faintest thing to do with enjoying shooting?

SigFreud: ROFMLAO!  Solche Quatsch!  Nee – regelmäsige waffeninteresse is gesund!  Es bedeutet ein wohle, gesunde…kraft in diesen welt!

JedBerg: “Kraft” – you mean in the sense of “Power, confidence, self-respect”, like that?

SigFreud: Ja!  Doch, natürlich!  Mein beliebte wort dafür is “Mojo”.

JedBerg: OK, thanks…

SigFreud: …anders zum glauben is…krank!

JedBerg: Really?  Do I hear you right – believeing otherwise is sick?

SigFreud: Ja!  Bring die männer in die weiße jacke!

JedBerg: The white jackets?  Wow.  That’s serious.

SigFreud: Doch.  Nächst!

JedBerg: OK.  So say someone likes to make snarky comments about others…

SigFreud: Das is ganz fabelhaft!  Wenn mann “speaks his mind” in seine eigene name, das ist gar gesund!

JedBerg: Healthy?  Sure – except it’s not “in their own name”.  They’re all either anonymous, or talking through fake personas – like animals.  Dogs.  That kind of thing.

(pause in transcript)

SigFreud: So viel arbeit – und so wenig zeit. 

JedBerg: That bad?

SigFreud: Es macht man müde und… nah, sowieso “depressed”.  Das ist alles.  Beinahe gefällt’s mir daß ich Tod bin!   Nächst!

JedBerg: Wow.  Harsh.  OK, final question; doesn’t your very presence here in a seance from the afterlife refute your premises from Future of an Illusion and Moses and Monotheism?

SigFreud: LOLOLOL!  Ja.  Schoiße, nicht?

JedBerg: Heh.  You could say that!  Well, Dr. Freud, thank you for your time!

SigFreud: Kein Problem!  Chuß, und auf wiederschauen!  🙂

JedBerg: And to  you as well!

SigFreud has logged off 12:02PM

The light is fading….fading…

Wow.  I’m back.  Let me read the transcript…

…oh, crap.  I forgot – Freud was Austrian!  Well, dang. 

I hope that’s of use to someone.  

(Jed Berg, Mitch’s “evil twin”, contributes periodically to this blog.  He is a forensic personal injury attorney living in Darrien, Connecticut.  He is a life-long liberal Democrat, but will likely vote for McCain if the Dems nominate a candidate who is pro-choice, anti-gun, and pro-withdrawal from Iraq)

39 thoughts on “Jed Liveblogs His Seance With Sigmund Freud

  1. “Schieß!”

    That reminds me of the time a classmate of mine in a college level German class read aloud something about a “Schießbude”, or shooting gallery, at some outdoor festival. He mispronounced the word as “Scheißbude”. I laughed out loud and glanced over at the teacher, who smiled at me. She could tell that I was the only student in the room who understood what the other guy inadvertently said.

  2. No, Clown – since he knows the difference between “Scheiß” and “Schieß”, it means you don’t know sh_t fer shootin’.

  3. Gee I wonder why there are so many German language enthusiasts on your blog, Mitch.

  4. Because so many of us are descended from Germans who moved to America to escape the lunacy of life in faction-rent Europe?

    Because most of my readers are from the Midwest, which is, er, heavily German-American in anscestry?

    Those’d be my guesses.

  5. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that some of us actually decided to LEARN a second language in school….

    Just a guess.


  6. Given that Austrians speak German, why does it matter whether Freud worked in Vienna or Berlin, apart from maybe saying “Na” instead of “ne” or “nein”?

  7. Bubba, can you imagine the obligatory 10 ten-paragraph posts from the usual suspects with cries of “gotcha” had Mitch not corrected himself?

  8. Interesting that, although you claim to be of German ancestry, you seem most interested in famous Austrian German-speakers.

  9. apart from maybe saying “Na” instead of “ne” or “nein”?

    Or, as I noted, “Auf Wiederschauen” for “Auf Wiedersehen”.

  10. although you claim to be of German ancestry

    I don’t, and I am not!

    I just speak it. Like most real Americans.

  11. By “real Americans” you mean “wingnut Third-Reich nostalgists?”

  12. Well Mitch, Jed is safe, since neither Obama NOR Clinton are ‘anti-gun’.

    Also, all in good fun, but you probably don’t have the first clue what Freud would say about you. I think you might be surprised in fact, as we all probably would be.

    As for ancestry, most of us have mixed ancestry – unlike blue bloods from Kennibunkport.

    Mine has German, Irish, a lot of Scot, Norman, Alsacian, Swahili, mango, and pineapple. Und Ich spreche so-so Deutch auch. Libs, or even centrists, learn german too. If you like AC, you can learn to speak German too.

    Mitch, w/o really wanting to open up the debate, remember that all of western Europe except Britain has a higher economic mobility scale, all of it has fewer poor and fewer rich, less economic disparity (income gap), lower pollution, etc.. Obviously, it aint heaven, and they lack a couple fundamental freedoms I’d never do without, but as compared to them, during the past 35 years, we’ve really screwed up our economics, productivity increased 50% yet wages stayed flat – took on enormous debt, etc.. so everything you may dislike about Europe, remember, they can point to a few things we don’t do so well, and one wouldn’t be that we have an oppressive government – they think theirs is larger (I’d guess), but yet they STILL have greater economic liberty (to move up) and stability. Go figure.

  13. Libs, or even centrists, learn german too.
    Sadly not well enough to capitalize “German”. Schiess on der shingle!

  14. peevish said: “As for ancestry, most of us have mixed ancestry – unlike blue bloods from Kennibunkport.”

    You’ll have to spell it out, Peev. These guys think that’s where the Kennedys are from.

    Sure, lots of people learn German. Heck, even Angryclown. I’m just saying I think I know why the Mitchketeers are so fond of German.

  15. I know why the Mitchketeers are so fond of German.

    It gives us a shot at Heidi Klum

  16. I know why the Mitchketeers are so fond of German.

    It was so I could read the owners manual for my grey market 911.

    “Druck Press” is an important thing to know.

  17. I know why the Mitchketeers are so fond of German
    Because we appreciate farfergnugen?

  18. “I know why the Mitchketeers are so fond of German”

    Because German beer is better when you can barf in German?

  19. In AC’s perfect world Americans who spoke German would be sent to concentration camps. He would not understand the irony.

  20. Isn’t “Druck Press” a little redundant?

    Vergessen Sie mich, I don’ t sprechen deutsch überhaupt.

    What the Hey?

  21. Clown may not understand this, but speaking German in the Midwest is hardly unusual. When I was a kid, my mother and her sisters would speak German when the wanted to discuss something that we weren’t supposed to know about. And just so you know, my German-ancestry grandfather fought in WWI. Against the Germans. And several of my German-ancestry uncles fought in WWII. Against the Germans.

    Your provincialism is showing again, clown. Nothing new there. But it’s a lot easier to make Nazi jokes than to actually learn something about life on the other side of the Hudson, I suppose.

  22. Yeah, Mr. D. And you wingnuts hate to recall how anti-war you midwestern Republican Bund types were before Pearl Harbor. Doesn’t fit in with your fantasy that Democrats are the party of appeasement and treason. That’s your provincialism right there.

    And Angryclown knows plenty about life on the other side of the Hudson. It’s why he lives on this side.

  23. “I’m just saying I think I know why the Mitchketeers are so fond of German.”

    Because some of us lived there for 4 years after college? It makes ordering beer and schnitzel easier?


  24. And you wingnuts hate to recall how anti-war you midwestern Republican Bund types were before Pearl Harbor.

    Now, I’m pretty well immersed in midwestern history, and while I’m not even a tiny shred German I did grow up marinading in German culture (my hometown was largely German-Russian). And there was no “Republican Bund”. There was the Deutsch-Amerikanische Bund which was, indeed, very anti-war. But it was not a “Republican” thing – it populist, and plenty popular in not-very-Republican places like Chicago and Minneapolis – and, by the way, pretty much dissolved on December 8 1941.

    I’m not saying this because I think Clown doesn’t actually already know; just for the benefit of those who might take the Clown’s snarks (or Paul Krugman’s “serious writing”) at face value.

    Doesn’t fit in with your fantasy that Democrats are the party of appeasement and treason. That’s your provincialism right there.


    And the fact that New York voted in a landslide against Abraham Lincoln in 1860 because much of the NYC economy of the day was directly linked to slavery – textiles, cigars – doesn’t fit in the the New Yorker stereotype that Red States were the slavers and the Blue States were the enlightened liberators. I don’t know if that’s “provincialism” or “selective history”…

    And Angryclown knows plenty about life on the other side of the Hudson. It’s why he lives on this side.

    That, and the court order.

  25. Isn’t “Druck Press” a little redundant?


    Vergessen Sie mich, I don’ t sprechen deutsch überhaupt.

    Ich gevooryu niet mas Aygo.

  26. Angryclown has zero problem agreeing that, in 1860, the Republicans were on the side of history and the angels, and that New York and the Democrats were very much on the wrong side of both. Kind of a long time ago. FDR and Truman won that war that started 12/8/41, in case your wingnut history books fail to mention it.

  27. Well AC, I never thought the Democrats were the party of appeasement or treason. Nor do I think that what Democrats propose today is especially treasonous. I don’t agree with it, but it’s not treasonous. So you can squirt soda water on a different strawman.

    But lemme ask: if an Italian-American family has elder members who still speak Italian from time to time, does that mean that they support Mussolini? I’ve met plenty of people of Italian ancestry (who hale from either side of the Hudson, by the way) whose families still do that.

    I’m Irish too and I can assure you that my family wasn’t cheering when the IRA blew up Mountbatten. We left all that crap behind when we came here.

    And I don’t speak German, either. Espanol? Claro.

    Hasta luego, pendejo.

  28. Mitch, I think it would be mischaractarizing reality to say that Republicans, prior to WWII, weren’t isolationist, and anti-war. They stone-walled Roosevelt tooth and nail, and I’m sure you know it.

    Mr. D – calling someone pendejo is pretty base. The rest of your comment, no issues, but why’d you go and ruin it like that? AC is a prankster, one with just enough mix of reality to bite a little, but still, a prankster, calling him a F-head, but in another language, way over the top, really.

    BTW – Mr. D – since you brought up Italian-Americans and Mussolini – can you please tell me what Mussolini called Facism? I’ll give you hint. Corporati ll Stati (or very close as memory serves) – you know what that means right? The Corporate State – so much for Islamo-Facism – a wontonly bigotted term – and utterly wrong besides – the Wahabi movement isn’t for a moment in bed with the idea of letting corporations run or be complicit in running state policy. Just an interesting aside.

    AC’s point is that many neo-cons seem to have a bit of a “germano-phile” fixation. They love to play the “appeasement walz” in rheotoric, but secretly admired the german ingenuity and guile. I don’t think he’s so far wrong – and it has nothing to do with ancestry. They strumpet around as hyper-patriots – shedding a tear for the ‘brave soldier’ – until the soldier – oh like Roberto Sanchez, speaks up against injustice. They claim the greatest enemy is the enemy withing (liberals), and use rhetoric that could have been cut straight out of one of Der Fuhrer’s speeches. So, while what I’ve just said I mostly mean as a joke, just as AC does – like all good humor, it has a grain of truth, whether you deny it, or like it, or not.

  29. Troy,

    ‘Gun Owners of America’ ratings – based on what bills? Oh, and Troy, he got an A in 2006.

    The point Troy, is that Obama has never once proposed taking guns away from law-abiding citizens. To be ‘anti-gun’ is to oppose the presence of guns in society, imho. Perhaps you can define what ‘anti-gun’ means for you, and we can talk. I may hold an opinion that the worship of guns is a manifestation of our ‘culture of violence’ that leads to much of the crime we have, but that still doesn’t make me ‘anti-gun’. To do that, I’d need to have supported the confiscation of guns, their removal. Otherwise, I may have some ambivilance about their presence, without, in the least, being ‘anti-gun’. The rating of some partisan political group based on teflon bullets or automatic weapons or background checks or other entirely legal and reasonable restrictions intended to keep unlawful munitions off the street or guns out of the hands of felons, in no way makes one ‘anti-gun’- ratings be damned. On the other hand, if you can show me where Obama voted against law-abiding citizens being allowed to own firearms – I’ll admit my error and apologize. Otherwise, I’ll ask for the same from you.

  30. I thought AC would appreciate it, Peev. Just as much as I enjoy being compared to a Nazi. His imputing Nazi sympathies to Midwesterners of Germanic ancestry is crap. Not funny, not with a grain of truth. It’s simply more of the sort of pointless, self-congratulatory and intellectually lazy snark that is AC’s stock in trade.

    There were plenty of German sympathizers in this country right up until FDR declared war. And they didn’t all live in the Midwest; I can think of a very prominent one who lived in Hyannisport. But you know what? That was over 65 years ago. I don’t think that the children and grandchildren of Joseph Kennedy are Nazi sympathizers. And when the time came, young Joe Kennedy gave his life for his country. As did lots of people from my hometown. AC doesn’t know me, he doesn’t know my people and I have every right to call b.s. on it. Okay?

    Now why don’t you and AC both go get your shine boxes. Or perhaps you share one.

  31. based on what bills

    He’s by no means politically stupid; even liberals (outside the Twin Cities metro) have learned that general gun control is poison (except for places like Chicago, DC and NYC, where racism is apparently acceptable).

    But, as I’ve noted in the recent past, Obama was for gun control before he was against it.

  32. peevish said:

    “Oh, and Troy, he got an A in 2006.”

    Yes, peevish, I can read too. On balance of how many ‘F’s? Compute his GPA for me, will you? Hehe…

    Blah blah blah, peevish has a very specific definition for the phrase “anti-gun”. Why am I not surprised? You can pretend he’s “not anti-gun” all you want, peevish, but I don’t think you’ll find many takers in or outside the “clinging to guns” crowd. LOL!

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