Dear East Metro: Welcome To Hell

A quick look at the redistricting map shows that the Fourth Congressional District – “represented” by Betty McCollum, the dumbest person in Congress – now extends straight east all the way down Highway 96 (?) through the parts that are now part of the Sixth.

All of you folks who moved to Woodbury, Lake Elmo, Afton and Stillwater to escape the DFL?  David Gilmour said it best; no matter how you tried, you could not break free.

That includes the city of Stillwater.  Which means it looks as if the big donnybrook the DFL wanted, pitting idiot McCollum against Mchele Bachmann, is in the cards.  Unless Michele moves a few miles north to Marine on St. Croix to stay in the Sixth.

To tell you the truth, it’s hard to say what I’d hope for.  I think it’d be fun fun fun to have Michele pull off what’d have to be an epic upset (not out of lack of her own merit, but because most of the DFL voting bloc in Saint Paul is so invincibly dim in its voting habits); it’d be even better to have her sitting as a foiuth-term incumbent with what’ll be a 20 point margin in the Sixth.

Update:  John Marty and Mary Jo McGuire will have to compete for SD66, and Mindy Greiling and Alice “The Phantom” Hausman for the new 66A.  On the other hand, my new representative-for-life is John Lesch.

Doh!  My side of the street is HD65A!  Senator Sandy “Foul-Mouthed” Pappas and Rep. Rena “The DFL Vote-Bot” Moran.

Meet the new DFL drones, same as the old DFL drones.

22 thoughts on “Dear East Metro: Welcome To Hell

  1. I hope Bachmann does the smart thing and moves her residency to stay within with Sixth CD. I’m not sure I like our chances of keeping it in an open contest where Obama will likely be carrying Minnesota by double digits and where it’s likely Kloboucher will be reelected as well. I hope I’m wrong about both of those outcomes but I wouldn’t put money on it.

    That being said, I’m glad to see the Third pick up part of Carver County. I hope that either pulls Paulsen out of his “go along to get along” mode or inspires a credible challenger to defeat him in the primary now that the district is redder.

  2. “…no matter how you tried, you could not break free…”

    …and the DFL ate into his wallet…

    …all in all you’re just another chump in the 4th…

  3. And I still did not escape the Filthy Fifth. The kids are grown, it might be time to think about relocating.

  4. Is it too much to hope that the newly reconfigured 4th might be less amenable to a lifetime sinecure for Betty?

  5. JAM,

    Here’s hoping. I gotta think at least a few of our new Fourthies in Lake Elmo, Stillwater and Woodbury moved there precisely to escape DFL one-party rule. I’m hoping they, their energy, and their money turn up in the new 4th CD. It’ll change the game; by how much, we’ll know soon.

  6. On a lighter note, am I the only one greatly amused the the Martin O. Sabo walking bridge over Hiawatha fell apart, closing that road for the second straight day?

  7. In re Betty — your first clue regarding how nervous Betty is about her perch is this — watch whether she continues to oppose the Hwy 36 bridge over the St. Croix, now that the people in that area are her constituents.

  8. Glad the 8th’s boundaries didn’t seem to change much. I spent my entire adult lifetime trying to be rid of Jimmy Bikeshorts and for a while I thought I was going to have to put up with Collin Peterson.

  9. Kermit, I was thinking that exact same thing this morning when I heard that. I laughed out loud. At least he doesn’t have his name plastered ALL over the city, lord knows he was in congress long enough to and probably prodded Tip O’Neil to get some nice kickbacks.

  10. Betty might actually have to debate or at least campaign this time around. Bachmann will out fund raise her easily but the lefty super pacs will probably triple what Bachmann is able to spend.

    Our caucus is over without a clear candidate in the 6th CD. What is the process for picking a new candidate?

  11. Yes I also giggled a little when I saw my former Congresscritter’s bridge couldn’t handle foot traffic. Won’t be long before the lefty’s claim budget cuts caused it.

  12. Well, obviously that bridge has not been properlay maintained over the years. Oh; wait…it’s only four years old. Never mind!

  13. My folks and my sister remain safely within the 6th.
    Believe it or not, people up in Washington County do things besides attend KKK meetings and religious revivals.

  14. I heard that the light rail line got “windmilled” by the bridge. I believe that term means that one liberal institution causes another liberal institution problems.

  15. Ah, the Martin O. Sabo collapsing walking bridge hit the Jesse Ventura trolly line. God, I love irony. If only Mark Dayton had been standing on it at the time. Holding a news conference with RT Ryback. Discussing a new Vikings stadium.

  16. K-Rod,
    I heard an interview with Roger Waters on NPR a year or so ago. He was pushing some opera he had written about the French Revolution. Millionaire rock star from a middle class family. He’s so clueless that if the real workers revolution happened and he was thrown in a tumbrel, he’d think they wanted him to drive.
    I guess the worms ate into his brain.

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