
There are some in Minnesota – think the Independence Party and the wonky class who love tinkering with the machinery of government (pardon the redundancy) who believe in “compromise” because to them, the process of goverment is the goal of government.  Principle be damned – Process is the golden idol.

There are others in Minnesota who believe that compromise is just what parties in Minnesota tradtionally do. It’s BS, of course.  The traditional Minnesota political “compromise” involves seettling on some version of DFL/”progressive” policy or another.

And there are others who pimp for compromise because otherwise, they lose.

But they all have one thing in common; anyone who says the MNGOP hasn’t compromisedon the budget…

Comparison Budget Offers In General Spending

…is lying.

Or – let’s be charitable – parroting DFL chanting points.

Not that compromise with the DFL is in and of itself a good thing, much less a worthy goal.  But facts are facts.

3 thoughts on ““Compromise”

  1. Yes, I did!

    People like him just keep supporting the view that sane people have about unions – that they are just fronts for criminal mobs, ala the guys in the movie “Eraser.”

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