4 thoughts on “Tired

  1. Second generation trust funders crying that their incompetant, do nothing, lying trust funder daddy, is being picked on! Waaa! Waaaa! Waaaa!

  2. Brave Sir Mark could make it stop. He could drop out of the race. He does have a record of tucking tail and running, after all.

  3. wahhhh, I think they are just trying to cover the fact that their Dad was Senator Fail (by his own admission) and make people know (by which I mean believe) he’s a “real person”. Have either of these droogs ever had to work a day in their lives?

  4. Nah, they have a point. For a bipolar alcoholic limousine liberal who has made a hash out of everything he’s tried to do in his life, Dayton’s a pretty good dude.

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