
November 02, 2006

Win, Lose or Draw

Jerry Plagge, proprietor of the SD63 blog (which is, by the way, the most-improved local blog of 2006) on the kerfuffle among a group of local center-right bloggers.

Some - "Gary and Jules from KvM and on the other you have LearnedFoot (KAR), AAA (Residual Forces), Dan Stover (NARN Wannabe), Chief Dog (Freedom Dogs) and Doug at Bogus Gold" - have been endorsing Tammy Lee, the former liberal Democrat who's running on the Ventura Independence "Party" ticket, largely on the basis of demographics; Lee, running center-left, could in theory soak up enough votes to keep Ellison out of Congress (and as lame and DFL-lite as the Ventura Independence "Party" is, she would be a less-awful Congressman than Ellison).

Jerry disagrees:

With all due respect to my friend and occasional camping and drinking buddy Gary Miller, what are you thinking?

Or is it me? Are my assumptions that far off base? Is my math wrong?

Gary and I had a healthy exchange of thoughts and ideas via email on this topic Tuesday. Sadly, I was unable to convince him and we ended the exchange with a little wager.

Closed circuit to Gary, after Alan's finishes ahead of Tammy Lee, you can bring my six pack of August Shell's Schmaltz Alt or German Pale Ale to the Mark Kennedy victory party on election night.

To the rest of you, stick with Alan Fine!

I think Jerry is on to one thing that a lot of people - very smart people at that - unaccountably keep missing: the Independence Party is a sham. It's the last gurgling remnants of the Ventura phenomenon, itself a gurgling afterbelch of the "Perot Revolution". I'll bet (although I won't bet anything) that Fine at least doubles Lee's total.

Read the whole thing.

Posted by Mitch at November 2, 2006 05:09 AM | TrackBack
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