
September 01, 2005

It Had To Happen

I've had "Shot in The Dark" for three and a half years, now (or, depending on who's counting, perhaps as much as 1010 years). Now, I see there's another blog, "A Shot In The Dark", written by one Sandra Miller from Wisconsin.

She's participating in the Bear's Blogs for the Relief of New Orleans -and with a diabetic son, she's got a unique perspective on the needs of diabetic refugees and victims in the city.

She also links to this story, by Times-Picayune columnist-turned-refugee Chris Rose, adrift in the deep south with his wife and kids and a mind full of doubts:

Oh, my city. We have spent hours and hours listening to the radio. Image upon image piling up in your head.

What about school? What about everyone's jobs? Did all our friends get out? Are there still trees on the streetcar line? What will our economy be like with no visitors? How many are dead? Do I have a roof? Have the looters found me yet? When can we go home?

Like I said, it consumes you as you sit helplessly miles from home, unable to help anyone, unable to do anything.

If I could, what I'd do first is hurt the looters. I'd hurt them bad.

But you have to forget all that. You have to focus on what is at hand, what you can reach and when you have three little kids lost at sea, they are what's at hand and what you can reach.

Make sure you go to one of the charities involved - any of them - and give as much as you can.

Posted by Mitch at September 1, 2005 03:05 PM | TrackBack
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