
June 20, 2005

Why Do Leftyblogs Hate Logic?

I try to read a of leftyblogs. It's not always easy.

There are some modestly good ones out there - the very, very few that resist the urge to turn into echo chambers.

There aren't many.

Usually, my efforts to read leftyblogs are rewarded with having to wade through tripe like this excercise in illogic that's metastasized into moral retardation.

Leftyblogs, especially local ones, hate Powerline with a raging red passion. It's not an especially articulate hate - usually expressed by declaring "Powerline are lying hacks" without any supporting evidence.

This piece regards Powerline's defense of the Guantanamo Bay interrogations, which has gotten a lot of lefty underwear into a knot.

"Steve"'s response is, sadly, typical:

They [Powerline] love Gitmo? No, they love dead Americans.
Too bad they aren't honest enough to wear this shirt.
He posts a pic of a lame attempt at a "We Love Dead Troops - Powerline" T-shirt. I'll not waste bandwidth publishing it; it betrays the same dullwittedness that hamper most lefty attempts at parody (see "Jesus' General").

I love this bit:

From Powerline
(We don't link to them)
And they don't link to you!

But I digress; Powerline supports Guantanamo. This gets the likes of "Steve" exercised - apparently to the point where upper-brain intellectual functions shut down:

Powerline is being cute with American soldiers lives.

We love Dead American soldiers is what they should really say.

Go to their site and ask them why they think torture is in keeping with American traditions? Remember Nick Berg? Or any of the other hostages held in Iraq?

Er, yes. Knowing John and Scott, it's a better-than-even bet that they do.

Which is one of the reason they, and the rest of the NARN and, while we're on the subject, the vast majority of conservatives, can keep this in perspective.

Dick Durbin, emblem of the left that he is, compared "Silly Air Conditioner Tricks" and "Advanced Aggressive Flirting" with "Torture" - thumscrews, extinguishing cigarettes on the victim's face, hammering the hands flat, extracting fingernails with pliers, electric charges to the genitals, tying in unnatural positions for days at a time, and Dr. Mengele's panoply of evil; submerging victims in freezing water, submerging extremities in boiling water, injection of acids into the bloodstream, vivisection.

It's an easy mistake to make when moral relativism has eroded your reasoning for long enough.

Ask these cowards why they like torture and want to see more dead American soldiers. They are all for torture when they don't have to do it and killing when they watch it on TV.

If they get confused, just point out: every tortured prisoner is a reason to torture Americans.


Steve - do you think that we started this?

Long before September 11, terrorists were torturing Americans, and murdering them, frequently with the kind of cruelty that you usually associate with morally retarded little boys ripping the wings off of insects. Leon Klinghoffer was dumped from his wheelchair into the ocean, to drown slowly. Terrorists murdered a kidnapped Marine colonel in the eighties, "hanging" him in the style common in that part of the world, which is more akin to strangulation than the West's practice)...the examples go on and on.

There was no "Guantanamo" on September 11, or the Khobar Towers, the Cole, the Kenyan and Tanzanian Embassies, the first WTC bombing... What do you people suppose motivated them?

If they are so eager to kill, the Army will soon take men up to 40 years old.
No doubt "Steve"'s airtight research has showed him that the Powerguys are a tad older than 40.


The question I have for leftybloggers like "Steve": Why do you hate logic?

Posted by Mitch at June 20, 2005 04:33 AM | TrackBack

It must be nice to be so certain of your own intellectual and moral superiority that you see no conflict in stooping to the same name-calling and insults that you decry in "lefty blogs". What a load of crap....

What you're peddling is hardly "logic". It's little more than the self-satisfied clang of a mind slamming shut because it has determined what the "truth" is and that no further consideration is required. Sorry, but it's people like you who are the reason that this country is in the mess that it is.

Why engage in reason when reaction is so much easier?

Why consider alternative viewpoints when your own is so obviously divinely inspired?

Why question the senseless deaths of 1700+ Americans when you can wave the flag? (Oh, right, you clearly support the troops more than those of us on the Left do....)

Why question the "heroic" credentials of George W. Bush when you can still rant about the perfidy and amorality of Bill Clinton? Are you really going to tell me that allowing an intern to break in her knee pads (certainly not an admirable behavior in the Oval Office) is worse than Bush's lies and deceptions that have resulted in 1700+ wasted lives? Could anything POSSIBLY be more amoral than the war in Iraq and the reasons we are there to begin with?

Get a clue, willya?...

Posted by: Jack Cluth at June 20, 2005 08:01 AM

"It must be nice to be so certain of your own intellectual and moral superiority that you see no conflict in stooping to the same name-calling and insults that you decry in "lefty blogs"."

Yes, it is nice indeed.

I have to wonder - did Kos go on a recent tear about "namecalling"? Because lately a surge of leftybloggers have been complaining about it in every post...

...which is odd, since a re-read of my actual post fails to show me any names I've called anyone. What are you talking about? "Leftyblogger"?

Calling Gilliard's piece "morally retarded" isn't namecalling, it's criticism.

"What you're peddling is hardly "logic". It's little more than the self-satisfied clang of a mind slamming shut because it has determined what the "truth" is and that no further consideration is required."

Statement without any attribution. I have reasons to believe what I do; I can be convinced to change my mind (as I was, indeed, when I left liberalism behind); nothing in Gilliard's piece, or much of anything else from the leftyblog echo chamber, has qualified.

You're not clairvoyant, Mr. Seabrook.

"Sorry, but it's people like you who are the reason that this country is in the mess that it is."

Ah. Y'see, that must be that "logic" and "lack of namecalling" you were talking about. Nice to know I'm in the presence of genius.

"Why engage in reason when reaction is so much easier?"

How many Microsoft execs does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. Bill Gates just declares "Darkness" the new standard!

So too, it seems, with reason; agree with the left's illogical, fantasy-based line? You're "reasonable", your mind is "open". Otherwise? No hope, apparently.

"Why consider alternative viewpoints when your own is so obviously divinely inspired?"

A better question; Why consider alternate viewpoints when they are presented with such thuggish, anti-intellectual hamfistedness?

What about Steve Gilliard's piece would make any reasonable person question their own reasoned beliefs? (To say nothign of your own blog, which I've looked on for the last year or so as a model of close-minded, echo-chamber chanting).

"Why question the senseless deaths of 1700+ Americans when you can wave the flag? (Oh, right, you clearly support the troops more than those of us on the Left do....)"

This is more of the "logic" you were talking about, right?

Why question YOUR OWN assumptions - that I don't question, that your own beliefs are perhaps not as well-thought as the echo chamber tells you they are?

"Why question the "heroic" credentials of George W. Bush..."

So the subject is the President? Because I thought it was about the left's myopia about tyrants, and about Steve Gilliard's hopeless ignorance of history, thinking that most Arab nations (to say nothing of terror groups) don't already have horrendous records at torture?

"Bush's lies and deceptions that have resulted in 1700+ wasted lives?"

Really? Name a "lie and deception" that hasn't been exhaustively refuted (outside the echo chamber, of course), if you please. I emphasize, "that hasn't been refuted".

"Could anything POSSIBLY be more amoral than the war in Iraq and the reasons we are there to begin with?"

Many things:
1) Believing what you do, in abeyance of fact.
2) Letting Hussein continue as he was.
The list could go on, but work calls.

"Get a clue, willya?..."

Again with the rigorous logic!

I'll give the whole world a clue: "If you want to read a snide, sophomoric excursion into the echo chamber, read "Seabrook".

Clue given. Have a nice day.

Posted by: mitch at June 20, 2005 08:34 AM

Jack Cluth defends reason & logic by writing:
"What you're peddling is hardly "logic". It's little more than the self-satisfied clang of a mind slamming shut because it has determined what the "truth" is and that no further consideration is required."


"Why consider alternative viewpoints when your own is so obviously divinely inspired?"

Followed by:
"Could anything POSSIBLY be more amoral than the war in Iraq and the reasons we are there to begin with?"

All of which demonstrates the point of Mitch's post. And I didn't even mention Jack's odd belief that Bill Clinton's sex life is somehow connected to the topic.

Posted by: Terry at June 20, 2005 09:04 AM

Mr. Cluth, the whole post is a shot at the liberal blogs' tendency to take some isolated piece of out of context data and headline it "Why Do _____ hate ______?"

Or so it seems.

Posted by: Josh at June 20, 2005 11:02 AM

Why does Mitch hate criticism? Because he's typically wrong? So wrong he couldn't be more wrong if his butt was on backwards?

Taking down your comments section is the act of a coward.

Posted by: DirkLeisure at June 20, 2005 01:54 PM

As opposed to leaving anonymous, crude comments.

You're a regular Audie Murphy.

Use Google.

Posted by: mitcvh at June 20, 2005 03:18 PM, Dirk; it's MITCH'S BLOG. He doesn't want vermin like you on it, he doesn't have to. Get your own blog and hang out with fellow drooling acne-pocked AV-club wankers. Oh wait, you already do.

Posted by: Josh at June 20, 2005 03:39 PM

By the end of this post and it's comments, I'm thinking you need to do a post on Soccer Hooligans! GO MANCs!

Posted by: fingers at June 21, 2005 08:44 AM

LOL fingers!

No kidding.

Although I'd love to see a cage match between Kos fans and Arsenal yooligans...

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Posted by: lorry at June 8, 2006 09:22 AM
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