The Deal Is Rotten
A few of my commenters - and not a few bloggers - have suggested that yesterdays' abdication of power by Bill Frist was really a good deal, if you think about it.
I've thought about it.
Nope. Still awful.
Here's the problem:
- The deal has a built-in loophole; the Senate can still filibuster if a nominee has ethical problems. So how much do you want to bet that the Democrats find "ethical problems" with every single Supreme Court nominee? The Dems have been practicing doing exactly that for four years, now; in their 2+2=7 world, they've convinced a good chunk of the American people that Priscilla Owen is an extremist, that Janice Rogers Brown is an anti-minority Auntie Tom. Before that, they convinced a whole lot of intellectual thinmints that Clarence Thomas was a lothario. In the age of Carville, what do you think they'll trot out against every single nominee to fill the Rehnquist seat?
- "But wait! We still have the nuclear option!" No, we really don't. For starters, Frist and McConnell showed that they are perfectly willing to parlay advantage into disadvantage. And now, with this awful "compromise", the seven turncoats' power will zoom (at least temporarily) as the the partisan media lionize them. We're going to need to install some Senate leadership that realizes it is the majority, and that they were elected not to preserve and protect Senate tradition (which is in this case largely illusory) but the Constitution; that they were sent not to preserve "comity", but to enact the agenda for which they were sent to DC. If they can't remember that, they need to be thrown out.
The Senate Democrats have done the impossible; they have figured out how to govern as a majority even when they're not.
God help this country if they ever become a majority again.
Posted by Mitch at
May 24, 2005 07:09 AM
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Not a dime to them this time around.
Repub. leadersahip and especially Frist and that clown prince who wants to be president (which he will never be now), McCain, have shown themselves vacillating and weak and will not go for blood when the need arises when you are the dominant party. Bush is going that way real fast (issues like border control and never using the veto pen) and knows he does not have to listen to his "red state" base anymore since he is a lame duck.
Big government Republicans is what they have turned into.
Conservatism is fookin' dead...
Posted by: Greg at May 24, 2005 07:28 AMGreg,
I'm with you on all points but the last.
The House gets it. The grass roots get it.
What we have is four Senators with a bad case of Senatitis who've forgotten it. Decades in the Senate have turned them into Rockefeller Republicans by proxy, the same kind of hamsters Reagan turned out.
We need to show them.
Posted by: mitch at May 24, 2005 07:35 AMAgreed Mitch.
We have to start with the Repubs In Name Only (RINO)like McCain and Frist and dig up all the dirts on them as possible and turn them into stewmeat at the poll in their home states.
The Northeast RINO set are finished and they might as well walk across the aisle.
Posted by: Greg at May 24, 2005 08:03 AMI don't know when I have been so angry!!!! All I did was look at the jubilant headline in the Arizona Liberal Republic newspaper; I crumpled it up and threw it on the floor!!!!! I am so angry that just do not know what to do with my anger!!! McCain is in for another 6 years! He just soared through the election, no one went up against him. He is really not an intelligent person, I have met him in person before and he is a "llittle" man with a huge ego! He cannot hold a conversation in a social situation. Truly, he is a little "zero". I am disgusted. I have NO faith in the intelligence of the people, after all they continually put people like Ted Kennedy in office! And Barney Frank! Where are their brains!!! I am sick.
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Posted by: Chicken Recipes at November 30, 2005 10:08 AM