
March 09, 2005

Let Me Elaborate

On the occasion of Dan Rather's final broadcast, Eric Black of the Strib has a piece in today's paper on the role of bloggers in regional politics.

Powerline writes about it, too, and is highly critical. Black mentioned Hugh Hewitt's reserving a domain, "", with the mission of"...scrutiniz[ing] the Star Tribune in a bloggish tactic called "swarming...". The Powerguys respond:

We've regularly devoted ourselves to criticism of the Star Tribune over the past three years. And we've actually -- not hypothetically -- been personally attacked -- mugged -- both on the news and editorial pages of the Star Tribune in the past six months, but Black doesn't get around to mentioning that, which might provide a fuller context for his discussion of the "bloggish" tactic of "swarming."
As to my two cents - well, read on.

I had a brief conversation with Black on Monday afternoon, and am quoted in the piece.

Black notes:

Radio host Hugh Hewitt recently announced on that he had reserved the Web address "" and proposed that bloggers from across the country agree to jointly post "a daily digest of commentary on the lapses in objectivity and the flights of lefty fancy that the paper daily indulges."

Star Tribune Editor Anders Gyllenhaal said it was clear from Hewitt's posting that he doesn't read the paper, but he said the editors welcome constructive criticism. "If someone can find a new way of enlightening readers, then my attitude is: the more the merrier," Gyllenhaal said.

It's fairly clear that Gyllenhaal doesn't listen to Hewitt; Hugh has a pretty well-developed network of people feeding him information, even if he doesn't read the Strib.

As to the new website - well, that was the crux of our conversation. Back to Black:

Mitch Berg, a Twin Cities-based blogger ( said the local allies of Hewitt, known as the Northern Alliance, have decided that there is already so much Star Tribune criticism being posted by local bloggers -- notably on -- that "there's no need to start a formal site to do this."
Let me elaborate on this.

I thought about Hugh's idea really hard. I like the idea. As a blogger, I've certainly spent a lot of time beating on the Strib - fact-checking stories that needed it, fisking columnists, providing a missing countervailing perspective on many stories, and even occasionally complementing the Strib's reporting. I've been one of a big swarm of internet pamphleteers, using whatever expertise I have to bite off a little corner of the task of holding the Star/Tribune accountable. Alone, I'm not much. But together with the dozens of regional bloggers, big and small, that make up one of the country's most fertile blogging communities, we do provide an alternative.

But taking on a whole new site, fully dedicated to swarming the Strib would involve devoting a lot of time to making sure that everything the site put out was airtight. If I blogged for a living - if I had a sugadaddy like George Soros, like so many leftybloggers do - then it'd be no problem. I'd be happy to help run a site that gathered together the far-flung expertises of dozens of bloggers, made sure that the material beat the Strib at its own game (was fact-checked and credible enough to stand behind) and aimed at the Strib. I think it'd be a worthwhile venture; frankly, I think the Twin Cities need such a venture. If someone out there wants to sponsor it to the point where I can quit my day job, let me know.

Because I wouldn't want it to be done half-right. The Strib - as an institution, as opposed to a newsroom - needs to be swarmed, for its own good as well as the state's. There are certainly excellent reporters at the Strib - Eric Black is one of them - but the Star/Tribune's institutional voice is biased far to the left of center, elitist (in a way that wears the populism of the likes of the likes of Floyd Olson like an ill-fitting T-shirt - the slogans are there, but they're stretched way out of shape) and frequently arrogant to a fault. And to credibly counter that, with the voice of one single blog (as opposed to the dozens, maybe hundreds that assail the Strib every time they screw the pooch today) would not only be a lot of work (not that I mind that), but would contradict the great strength of blogs; the huge, decentralized mass of discontiguous talents and expertises that countervails the "high priests of knowledge" model the mainstream media represent; the constantly-changing marketplace of information, and the informal, market-driven rising and falling levels of credibility of the various sources; the amorphous, intangible web of thought and effort that the major media can't ignore, can't poo-pooh, and can't seem to beat.

I'd love to be involved in a "Swarm the Strib" organization. In fact, I already am.

Posted by Mitch at March 9, 2005 07:58 AM | TrackBack


I need some clarification.

Black claims that Trent Lott's fall from grace came about when major media picked up the story "only after it had been promoted on liberal blogs". While I'm sure that they were all over the story (I was oblivious to blogs at that point), I have seen Hugh, LGF, and other "conservative" sites also claim to have had their collective hand in that affair. So can it be credited solely to the liberal blogs, as Black does in his article?

The implication, whether Black intends it or not, is that the righties brought down Rather, to the protestations of the lefties, and the roles were simply reversed during the Lott situation. But if, in fact, big time conservative sites were joining in the chorus to have Lott held accountable - well, that would have been nice for the reader to know, don't you think?

Little help?

Posted by: mike at March 9, 2005 11:22 AM


The “Dump Lott” movement was pretty much a bi-partisan thing as far as bloggers were concerned. A good way I’ve found to track what was going on in the blogosphere at a given point in time is what Instapundit wrote in his daily round-ups. Here’s what I found in his archives as far as what some of the bigger named conservative bloggers wrote about it then:

Also National Review called for Lott to resign:

In the interest of full disclosures: I thought Lott should have resigned because he was a terrible majority leader but found the “controversy” over his remarks to be overblown and frankly manufactured. It seemed pretty clear to me that he was trying to pay a colleague the greatest compliment that you can a pay a politician – namely telling him that he would have made a great president. It was really no different than Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) saying pretty much the same thing about Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) even though Dodd specifically thought Byrd (a former Klansman) would have been a great president during the Civil War.

Bottom Line: Lott should have resigned but not over an issue this phoney.

Posted by: Thorley Winston at March 9, 2005 01:15 PM

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