
August 24, 2004

G is for "Great Scott, You Should Read These Blogs"

We're up to "G" in the blogroll. I'm envisioning the writer's cramp I'm going to get when I reach "S".

Geek Boy's blog - Pete was the best project manager I ever worked with. His blog is probably unique on my blogroll - it doesn't seem to have an agenda, for starters - but it's an interesing melange of baby pictures, geek inside baseball (there is no code geek who is geekier than Pete) and music.

Geoff Brown - Another TopFive acquaintance whose blog I only very recently discovered. One of the more cogent commentators on the old TopFive mailing list, and his blog is a welcome evolution.

Gunshow Trash - I usually remove blogs that have been inactive more than thirty days. I'm giving Alfred a little extra time, because GST was one of the essential firearms rights blogs around. Alfred Fingulin was a majordomo with Concealed Carry Reform, one of the unsung heroes of the Concealed Carry reform movement, and the classic grassroots campaigner. I hope he gets the blog restarted soon.

Posted by Mitch at August 24, 2004 05:29 AM | TrackBack


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Posted by: Donavan at August 24, 2004 09:13 AM