
September 01, 2006


Paul Hackett - Iraq veteran, liberal, and darling of the BDS-afflicted netroots - called former Pentagon spokesman Dan Senor, a child of a Holocaust survivor, a Nazi:

"Last night, appearing with former Iraq-based Pentagon spokesman Dan Senor on the O’Reilly Factor, Hackett proved that in Charles Johnson’s memorable phrase, for Hackett and his ilk there “are still depths to plum.” During the conversation, apropos of nothing, Hackett referred to Senor as “Herr Senor” and “the Unterfuhrer.” A bewildered Senor could only ask, “Are you talking about me?”
Hot Air has it.

"Unterführer" would seem to be a corruption of one of many Nazi SS office ranks; it literally executive officer or adjutant. Of course, calling Senor such a thing in English would make no sense - while saying it in German gets Hackett's point across perfectly.

During Hackett's talk, he also reprised the "chickenhawk" meme. The meme hasn't been working (mainly because its targets largely have ignored the bait) - so the left's bile-merchants are having to sink lower and lower to get a rise.

Of course, the mainstream media have ignored the story.

So let's get this straight - malaprop references to "macaca" are signs of unfitness for office (and subject of breathless coverage), while calling someone a Nazi in as many words isn't?

I'm waiting to see how the Dems' apologists - who have perfectly rational explanations spins out of this one.

Posted by Mitch at September 1, 2006 06:27 AM | TrackBack
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