
September 07, 2005

Not Good Enough. Not Smart Enough. And Doggone It, Now People Know You're Lying

Michelle Malkin shreds Al Franken's plea of ignorance in the Air America scam.

Then Brian Maloney beats the claims with clubs.

Both pieces include copious scans of actual legal documents.

Al Franken, it would seem, is a big fat liar.

Posted by Mitch at September 7, 2005 12:28 PM | TrackBack

I love Franken's statement that his attorneys advised him to sign the document and that he didn't actually know what was contained in it.

Is that how he plans do things should he be elected Senator? "I didn't actually know what was in the bill, I just voted for it because Hillary told me to."

Posted by: Armchair Squirrel at September 7, 2005 03:15 PM

The Strib and Pioneer Press will both shrug and say, "So?" Even if Franken ran nude through a Cub Scout jamboree, I am unsure if the Minnesota MSM would report it. If they did, it would say something like "Franken Surprises Scouts!"

Posted by: Kevin F at September 7, 2005 05:28 PM

The Strib and Pioneer Press will both shrug and say, "So?" Even if Franken ran nude through a Cub Scout jamboree, I am unsure if the Minnesota MSM would report it. If they did, it would say something like "Franken Surprises Scouts!"

Posted by: Kevin F at September 7, 2005 05:28 PM

They are NOT going to let this interfere with deposing Norm. Franken is their hope for the "Wellstone Seat", and you will read nary a discouraging word about Al in this town's papers.

Posted by: bobby b at September 7, 2005 10:11 PM
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