
August 18, 2005


Red is running a meme on idiosyncrasies. The challenge - list five of your own.

One of mine is that I can't pass these things up.

But that one doesnt' count.

OK, starting now:

  1. I always sleep with the covers pulled up to right under my eyes. It's left over from when I was a kid, and a window shade (one of those old spring-loaded roller shades) snapped up in the middle of the night, POP-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop..., scaring the bejeebers out of me.
  2. I can eat most anything, but I almost never mix food. No, it doesn't apply to toppings (like syrup or ketchup), but I won't smoosh my corn into my beans, for example. Ick. If God had meant us to eat them in the same forkful, he's have had them grow on the same plant.
  3. I can listen to fingernails on chalkboards all day (although chalkboards are getting pretty rare), but if you tap the inside of a spoon with any other utensil, I nearly chunder. Worse - the tip of another spoon. Worst of all - touching the rims of two spoons together. I'm feeling woozy thinking about it.
  4. Miller moths. If I see one, I have to kill it. Especially if it's near bed-time - I will not sleep if there's a living miller moth flapping around me. It's a holdover from when I was eight, and woke up to find one crawling out of my mouth.
  5. This one is less of a factor now (TOILOAFN), but back when I had a lot more mental capacity (BBWIHALOMMC) than intellectual stimulation, I got in the habit (TMIS, IGITH) of figuring out the acronym for sentences as they were spoken (OFOTAFSATAWS). I'm glad to finally be letting that one go (IGTBFBLT1G).
Other than that, I'm fairly normal...

Posted by Mitch at August 18, 2005 06:48 PM | TrackBack

You don't know what you're talking about in #2. Bean on the cob is, like, my favorite summer food treat.

Posted by: Ryan at August 18, 2005 04:23 PM

I'm sorry, but I don't see anything about cake on your list. I thought the purpose of Red's meme was to find out whether or not you like cake.

Posted by: Dave in Pgh. at August 18, 2005 09:29 PM

People are funny...sort of on the order of the spoons thing...the thought of touching the stick from an ice cream bar on my lips gives me an awful feeling....

Also, and sorry to relate this...but, I, my son, and my brother all have a horror of anyone touching, talking about or really anything at all to do with belly buttons! My husband can dig around and get lint out of his and I have to pretend like I don't have one or it makes me squirm! If I do start to think about it I have to sing some ditty in my head to distract the thought....

Directly opposite of Red, there must be NO socks in bed ever (unless it's freezing or I have the flu). And if my feet are dry on the bottom (like they need lotion)I can't breathe...

Sheets, top and bottom. Seems so uncivilized to just sleep in a bed with a cover thrown over you on top. My daughter's kids have rarely slept under two sheets...she wasn't brought up that way, by God...what's the world coming to?!

Ketchup on any sort of egg dish is very bad. Ketchup on hot dogs is worse yet.

Not a big fan of ice Red and cake...who doesn't like ice cream? Now cake...'specially moist white cake...yum!

Sort of on the order of Mitch's acronym thing...I count the syllables or words in a sentence either on all ten fingers or my feet (heel to toe). Silently of course. They have to come out even or I add a word til it does..I think that is actually a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but...oh well. My dad did it and my son does too.

Posted by: Colleen at August 18, 2005 10:46 PM

"Miller moths. If I see one, I have to kill it..
It's a holdover from when I was eight, and woke up to find one crawling out of my mouth"

I don't remember you in "Silence of the Lambs"...though in your header photo (shotbanner.jpg) you resemble Buffalo Bill

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