
August 03, 2005

Love and Fear

Letter in today's PiPress, from Ann McGlyn of North Saint Paul:

Hip-hip-hooray for Canada for joining the noble ranks of Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium by legalizing gay marriage. When will the "land of the free" catch up to this truly fair and just ideology?
So all that speech, worship, press, innocent-until-proven-guilty mumbo jumbo just doesn't count?
Or will stunted conservatives continue to ram selected rights down our throats?
Like an archaeologist, I'm trying to carefully peel off the various levels of grinding stupidity in that sentence. Because someone believes that marriage is supposed to be a between a man and a woman, they are not "wrong" or "dissenting" or "someone who has a different point of view", but "Stunted?" How do you share a polling station with the rest of us, Ann?

What "Rights" have conservatives "rammed down your throat?" And is something that's "rammed" a right at all?

Who picks these letters, anyway?

Let's open our minds, our hearts and our courts to recognize same-sex marriage and grant equal rights to all civil unions in the U.S.

Whoah. I thought you were talking about marriage. Let's rewind to the top of the letter: " legalizing gay marriage...this truly fair and just ideology..."

Yep. But now it's Civil Unions - something many conservatives at least grudgingly favor (including me).

Which is it? Or do you know?

If you are reading this in disgust, what are you afraid of? Psychologists, philosophers and theologians agree that we act out of love and fear. Which is it for you?
Like for most people, both. I love to ridicule chuzzlewitted half-thoughts like this letter. And I fear the fact that Ann McGlyn's vote counts just as much as someone who has a coherent thought or two.
I choose love.
Well, it might be a better idea than more letter-writing.

Posted by Mitch at August 3, 2005 07:41 AM | TrackBack

Just to clarify, are you saying you DO support civil unions for gays and lesbians?


Just Curious.

Posted by: Doug at August 5, 2005 07:55 AM

I enjoyed this very much! By the way....are we related?

Posted by: Raymond McGlyn at September 21, 2006 06:56 PM
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