
July 13, 2005

Get Your Own Name, Buddy

While trawling the HuffPo for material (even easier than tuning in the local FrankenNet affiliate), I was shocked to see what I thought was my blog on the Huffpo blogroll. "Shots In The Dark".

"Close enough", I figured, and clicked.

Oy. Not close enough.

Not only has this "Richard Bradley" fella picked a name very close to my own blog's name, but it also looks, coincidentally, very much like this blog's design before, say, January of 2003. The big difference, besides the extra "s", is that his blog has been in existence three fewer years than Shot in the Dark.

Just saying, don't be mixing me up with Bradley, who's written for Salon, George, the NYTimes, Boston Mag and others (as Richard Bradley and, apparently, "Richard Blow").

Just saying.

Posted by Mitch at July 13, 2005 12:40 PM | TrackBack

Good thing you cleared that up. I was just about to respond to "your" post calling the Pope an idiot for criticizing Harry Potter.

Posted by: Dave in Pgh. at July 13, 2005 02:09 PM

Four points,

1) "Shots in the Dark" doesn't sound as cool as "Shot in the Dark." The extra “s” really does take away something from the name. And this guy is supposed to be a professional writer? Pshaw!

2) The layout of the fake-Mitch site is Helen Thomas-ugly and I wouldn't tell too many people if this was your old style ;)

3) The Mitch-wannabe's comments on Pope show that he's as big of an idiot as most of the MSM reporters who gleefully jumped on the "B13 hates HP" story. Me, I love them both – although I am neither Wiccan nor Catholic – and recognize that the only way to understand the context of the Pope’s email* is to read the book he was referring to in order to get a better picture of what his cryptic remarks might have been referring to.

4) What is the proper nettiquete response to poaching or copying someone's blog? Do we go to Instapundit and whip up a blogosphere storm on this guy or do we do nothing as Dave and I probably just doubled his traffic for the week by following your link?

* Seriously how cool is that! “The Pope’s email” – how soon before we have a blog from the Vatican! Can you imagine the traffic on that site! We all know how much JP was a fan of the Internet and its potential for spreading the Word, anyone care to lay odds as to when B13 announces the opening of the official Pope Blog?

Posted by: Thorley Winston at July 13, 2005 04:52 PM

Correction to previous post - it was a letter rather than an email, however I do think that my comment about the potential for a Pope Blog put out by the Vatican might have potential.

Posted by: Thorley Winston at July 13, 2005 04:58 PM

I just checked, and both the POWERSLINEBLOG.COM and POWERLYNEBLOG.COM domains are available. Get one of those, and then all you need is a law degree from Harvart University of Hollywood, Florida, and you're in business.

Posted by: RBMN at July 13, 2005 05:24 PM

Thorley's first point is right. Plus, your title has the benefit (or curse, depending on your PoV) of making my brain loop the Ozzy song of the same name EVERY time I read it. Good thing I happen to like that song...

Posted by: Steve G. at July 14, 2005 01:51 PM

Hey guys...I hate to break it to you, but neither "Shots in the Dark" nor "Shot in the Dark" is all that original, and you can't copyright a title anyway... As far as I'm concerned, we're all a big tent here in the blogosphere, right?

Posted by: Richard Bradley at September 29, 2005 01:46 PM

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