
July 08, 2005

Coleman: They Had It Coming

According to someone who still pays attention, Nick Coleman said (paraphrasing closely) that the people of London had it coming. He apparently said it starting around 7:45AM yesterday morning on his radio show.

Apparently - according to this source, who is a journalist and whom I consider a reliable witness - Coleman said the bombing wasn't the fault of Al Quaeda; it all traces back to George W. Bush.

Did anyone else hear this? If so, please pass the word. And if anyone recorded the Coleman show yesterday, especially the last half of the 7AM hour, please let me know. I need to get a copy.

If this is true - and I'd like to verify it - it puts a whole new light on things. Normally, I swat at Coleman periodically, because I can. He's a big, ponderous, clumsy target who just keeps serving up red meat; if fisking paid, he'd put my kids through college.

But while what he allegedly said is idiotic (Islamist-based terrorists have been blowing up Westerners since 1993) and myopic (as if US actions prompted the attacks; as if they'd not have taken place had we kept to ourselves after 9/11; as if the 1993 WTC attacks, the Khobar Towers, the Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam bombings and the USS Cole never happened); it's an act of supreme moral bankruptcy.

And not just on Nick Coleman's part. The Minneapolis Star/Tribune employs Coleman as its metro columnist. What does the Strib feel about one of its institutional voices saying this sort of thing on the radio? It implies approval on the part of the Star/Tribune.

So here's what I'm doing today, once I verify this:

  • I'm calling the local amateur radio station, KTNF, confirming the remark, and asking them if it's their considered opinion that Al Quaeda isn't responsible for 40-odd murders in London. 952-946-8885 is the number
  • I'm calling the Strib - 612-673-4000 - and asking what they think about Nick Coleman saying this on the air - and, since he's one of their columnist, asking if this is what they as an institution believe..
  • If it's true (and it doesn't seem out of character) I'm going to urge other bloggers to get on this one; ask your readers to do the same.
If it's true, Coleman needs to apologize... No, he doesn't. An apology is just words. The Star/Tribune needs to post its institutional beliefs about the bombing; if they agree with Coleman, I think their readers would like to know. And if Nick Coleman's rantings speak for the paper, that'd be good to know, too.

So again, if you heard or especially recorded Coleman, please let me know.

Posted by Mitch at July 8, 2005 04:42 AM | TrackBack

How about you get the recording and listen to it before mobilizing your campaign of harrassment? I'll be surprised if the actual remark, heard in its full context, is quite so outrageous as it was paraphrased to you.

I should mention, however, that Coleman said he'd "talk more about the bombing later in the show" and opted to stay with his interviewee when I tuned in around 8:15. As I went elsewhere for more news, I thought it a bit funny that he didn't preempt his morning's programming for this important story.

Posted by: Ernst Stavro Blofeld at July 8, 2005 02:17 AM

If that quote gets verified,(& something tells me it will), then not only do we have to demand all the things that Mitch said but we also have to recognize the intellectual vacuousness of their claims. Remember what excuse was given on September 12, 2001 for the hijacking attacks? We were told that bin Laden planned these attacks because of the U.S. military bases in Saudi Arabia that were defiling the holy shrines of the Muslim faith. Now we're told that these bombings are the result of the Coalition's "occupation of Iraq."

Doesn't it seem intellectually dishonest to hear them saying they bombed this because somebody was someplace they didn't like, then they bombed another place because somebody was someplace else they didn't like?

Doesn't it seem like they're just haters who don't like it when people of an opposing point of view threatens their monopoly of indoctrination?

There's a couple words for people who can't handle opposing points of view, namely cowards & manipulaters. That's why they've got good reason to fear us.

Posted by: Gary Gross at July 8, 2005 03:50 AM

Quick correction: the former Strait-Jacket radio's call letters are KTNF.

I'd also like to hear/see a transcript. I don't put it past him.

Posted by: Jerry Leigh at July 8, 2005 06:09 AM


"How about you get the recording and listen to it before mobilizing your campaign of harrassment?"

Um, that's why I said "I'd like to verify it".

Posted by: mitch at July 8, 2005 06:55 AM

This guy is so outrageous, once again his last few columns show him to be an absolute moron and bigot. Forget verification, a good proverbial head-slap will do.

Posted by: dand at July 8, 2005 09:02 AM

"How about you get the recording and listen to it before mobilizing your campaign of harrassment?"

Yeah, E-Blo, because Lefties like oh, say, Atrios and Oliver Willis have always been so far above such actions. They ALWAYS verify before harrassing. Just like I ALWAYS wash my hands after peeing.

Posted by: Ryan at July 8, 2005 09:09 AM

Mitch: It must have been my bleary early-morning vision that caused me to miss your subordinate clause. At 1:00 AM, it read simply, "So here is what I am doing today." But I'm not seeing it now.

Ryan's point: "Unverified sources: Okay for them, okay for us! It's demonize time!" Since when did you start modeling your SOP after the opposition?

Any luck on getting a copy of the recording? It'd be a lot easier if AM950 offered podcasts as their franchisor does. How about NARN? Are you guys getting into podcasts soon?

Posted by: Ernst Stavro Blofeld at July 8, 2005 11:09 AM


I sometimes edit posts after they're posted. Things that sound good at 1AM don't always sound so good at 6.

Podcasts; the NARN can't yet (contractual stuff). Not sure why AAo'M doesn't; lack of technical knowledge/budget? Embarassment?


I'm told Kos made sure he got his facts straight before siccing his legion of morons on Hinderaker.

Posted by: mitch at July 8, 2005 11:44 AM

"Since when did you start modeling your SOP after the opposition?"

Since when is it okay for the Left to utilize certain tactics, but not the Right?

Point is, I see these e-mail/calling/harrassment bombardment compaigns carried out with far more frequency from the bigger Leftist sites. Of course, they always preface their call to arms by saying "Be civil" and "play nice," when all you have to do is read their nutball-infested comment threads to know with a fair degree of certainty that calls and e-mails and harrassment will likely be far from civil and nice. Atrios and Kos attract some of the craziest tinfoil hatters this side of Democratic Underground.

Posted by: Ryan at July 8, 2005 11:46 AM

Not even Osama believes that his global war with the West started because of GW Bush. It started because Osama wants a worldwide Wahhabist Muslim theocracy, and Western Civilization is standing in his way. The Libs think President Bush has a hubris problem. Osama thinks he should be the world's spirital and military leader, both. Advantage: never any waiting to cast a ballot.

Posted by: RBMN at July 8, 2005 11:51 AM


In the interest of full disclosure, you may want to document your discretionary edits next time. My fuzzy memory recalls two unguarded calls to action that are now safely qualified. Had I read your post as it stands now, I would have skipped my first paragraph advising you to CYA.

Still, it may come out that Nick made this comment exactly as the grapevine has it. Maybe he and Brit Hume can issue a joint apology for their careless remarks.

(While we're talking about matters of blog style, how is it I replied before you posted? Just curious.)

Posted by: Ernst Stavro Blofeld at July 8, 2005 12:09 PM

I was driving to work about 8:30 and decided to check out Air America (KTNF I believe) to see what kind of drivel they had on. The only thing I heard was some guy bashing Catholic schools.

I have no tolerance for anti-Catholic bigotry so turned it right off.

Posted by: Dave at July 8, 2005 05:52 PM

Since we're all riding the U.S.S. Outrage over comments about the London bombings, one to chew on.

From FOX News Host, John Gibson...

GIBSON: By the way, just wanted to tell you people, we missed -- the International Olympic Committee missed a golden opportunity today. If they had picked France, if they had picked France instead of London to hold the Olympics, it would have been the one time we could look forward to where we didn't worry about terrorism. They'd blow up Paris, and who cares?

Here's the audio...

I'm sure all of you guys will be just outraged right at Gibsons comments right???

BTW, how's that polling project going for ya' there Mitchy-poo?

You've had almost two weeks to make your case and still nothing...

Makes me wonder if you were just blowing smoke as usual...

Posted by: Dan at July 8, 2005 07:35 PM

oooooohhhh... Here's another good one...

This time from Brit Hume...

"My first thought when I heard - just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, 'Hmmm, time to buy.'"
- Fox News's Brit Hume, 7/7/05

How's that for un-fucking-believable?

50 people dead and hundreds injured but hey, it's good for the portfolio!

How do you feel about this Mitch? Did it piss you off or did you run out and buy a few shares???

Posted by: Dan at July 8, 2005 08:10 PM


Did YOU run out and buy a few shares?

I didn't watch Fox this morning - you seem to do enough for the both of us, which begs a conference full of questions.

Let's just say I'm in a "cash position" these days.

Posted by: mitch at July 8, 2005 10:09 PM

"Did YOU run out and buy a few shares?"

Of course not. Unlike the elitist Rightwing media and their sugar daddy's in the Bush administration, I find the thought of profiting from Death revolting.

"I didn't watch Fox this morning"

Of course you didn't. You don't watch FOX. In fact, you don't even know what channel they are on your cable system. Remember?

and Santa Claus brings toys to all of the good little boys and girls...

Tell us another bedtime story uncle Mitch!

hey, Tell us the one about how Saddam could launch an arial attack against the US in 45 minutes...

no wait... tell us the one about how Iraq was seeking large quanties of Uranium... from Africa.... That's my bestest favorite one!!!

Posted by: Dan at July 8, 2005 10:29 PM

Dan, the venom drips from you. Brit Hume is a better man than you and no matter what smart-ass crap you pull out of your butt to post here that stands.

Posted by: Colleen at July 8, 2005 10:53 PM

I wrote to Coleman and the station's manager asking if this was true and could I get a recording. Well have to see Mitch if these people have the balls to release it.
Janet Robert

Dan: Just keep drinking the moonbat coolaid dude.

Posted by: Mike S. at July 9, 2005 01:11 AM


What makes Hume a better man than me?

The fact that he is willing to lie and shill for the pResident? The fact that he immediately saw an opportunity to buy futures when 3 bombs ripped apart two trains and a bus, killed 50 people and injured hundreds?

And what about Gibson??? No comment there Colleen???

here it is again...

"GIBSON: By the way, just wanted to tell you people, we missed -- the International Olympic Committee missed a golden opportunity today. If they had picked France, if they had picked France instead of London to hold the Olympics, it would have been the one time we could look forward to where we didn't worry about terrorism. They'd blow up Paris, and who cares?"

Where's the outrage Colleen? Anyone?

You guys are all in a tizzy over something that Nick Coleman allegedly said without having any transcript, recording or benefit of direct experience - only second hand allegations and when I deliver transcripts with links from 2 FOX News thugs stating that:

1. Paris should have been selected for the Olympics because terrorists would blow it up and no one would care and

2. The attacks in London offered a great investment opportunity.

No outrage...

I can only assume that your silence about this is a validation that you agree with Hume and Gibson.

Posted by: Dan at July 9, 2005 06:54 AM

"We were told that bin Laden planned these attacks because of the U.S. military bases in Saudi Arabia that were defiling the holy shrines of the Muslim faith. Now we're told that these bombings are the result of the Coalition's "occupation of Iraq.""

Hmmmmmm... I seem to recall we were attacked because of a military presence in that part of the world...

Remember, we supported and helped fund the "freedom fighters" who were fighting against a Soviet occupation in Afghanistan. What was the name of that guy that was building the Mujahedeen...? Bin something... Oh yeah... Bin Laden...

Get the connection there Gary?

Military occupation.

Posted by: Dan at July 9, 2005 07:18 AM

Dan, you missed the point. The left keeps moving the goalposts for what the reasons were.

And quick tell me - what units were involved in the military occupation during the eighties?

Posted by: Kevin at July 9, 2005 10:36 PM


There is no moving of anything. They hit us and they told us the reasons why. It is the US involvement and presence in that part of the world and this includes the building of military bases.

"And quick tell me - what units were involved in the military occupation during the eighties?"

Gee Kevin. I wouldn't know the answer to that considering I'm not an expert in Soviet military units from the 80's. Was that quick enough for ya?

Posted by: Dan at July 10, 2005 12:13 AM

The left keeps moving the goalposts for what the reasons were.

Umm...I think it's the Right that has been the Supreme Goalpost Mover in recent years. e.g., our reasons for invading Iraq-- WMDs anyone? No, now it's "democratization"...

Posted by: Brad at July 10, 2005 11:53 AM


Ironically, you're a perfect subject for an upcoming post.

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